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Tech Tree Lines players are still waiting for .....


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WG could sell a particularly historical tier 5 ship for the cost of a tier 10 and people would buy it. WG is currently trapped by their own assessment of value and can't fathom that other thought processes exist.


i may be wrong but premium ship value is anchored to tech line ship value 

that is a tier 1 cruiser is free thus why no tier one premium exists

a tier ten tech tree ship cost the most credits and experience to unlock thus why tech ten premium cost so much more 

that is the way i feel, tech tree value is directly or indirectly related to premium value


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5 hours ago, kriegerfaust said:

i may be wrong but premium ship value is anchored to tech line ship value 

that is a tier 1 cruiser is free thus why no tier one premium exists

a tier ten tech tree ship cost the most credits and experience to unlock thus why tech ten premium cost so much more 

that is the way i feel, tech tree value is directly or indirectly related to premium value

This is only true because WG has done it this way so far...

There is no actual reason it can't change.

After all, the value of an offering to the buyer is not the same as WGs assessment of the value of the ship within the game.

What's more valuable to a student of WW2? Hakuryu or Enterprise?

Thunderer or Warspite?

Hannover or Bismarck?

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German Panzerschiffs and Dutch Cruisers would be awesome in the game


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1 hour ago, Schnitchelkid01_ said:

German Panzerschiffs and Dutch Cruisers would be awesome in the game


Dutch cruisers were added to the game in July 2021.

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On 2/14/2024 at 1:33 PM, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

Pan-American DDs would be a good one; there are real ships all the way to T10.



Pan AM DD are likely the last full line that WG can do without needed Napkin ships or the whole juvenile suppose this happened then this would have been built thing they use to loosely justify something that would have never ever been made*.


*See recent RU dev blog for a comical example of this being a straight up brand new Italian ship being russian because war reparations.... um yeah....

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3 hours ago, YouSatInGum said:


*See recent RU dev blog for a comical example of this being a straight up brand new Italian ship being russian because war reparations.... um yeah....

Could have ...but didn't

Would have ...but didn't

Should have ...but didn't


Soviets historically demanded all they could to get Littorio's, and that still was no bueno. So naturally, expect to see Glorious Russian refund refit T8 Roma that:

  • Rival Japanese cruisers in dispersion
  • Shells that don't overpenetrate
  • Improved Armor, let's make that spaced armor belt work!!!
  • AA, can't forget the AA. 12 flak puffs!!!!!
  • Drastically better utility; Radar, Smoke, and British hydro all Aboard

That'll be 30,000 Doubloons design Fee WedGie

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This here isn't so much an entire line, but specific ship of USN that would be interesting to see in game.

Ship that would have been, as design, peer of Yamato class on "only" ~71% the raw displacement.

  • Much greater range
  • Same top speed
  • Better AA
  • (IRL) Vastly better, deeper, and actually functional Torpedo Bulkheads
  • 90% the belt thickness
  • ~65% the main* deck

Would have been much better natural progression of USN slow BB line than Vermont and the other 23knotters

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I hold a personal opinion that currently there are no more things like British battlecruisers that were so warmly anticipated and people can argue that "the 'world' isn't complete without this significant type of ship from this major naval power". Commonwealth cruisers and alternative Soviet-Russian battleships (Tsarist 16-inch projects) are nice additions assuming they are properly balanced, yet they are nowhere comparable with the hype and popular favor related with, for example, British battlecruisers and Italian destroyers. Resorting largely to minor fleets (and it may be argued that Netherlands and Spain should have been part of a "natural" Pan-EU should WG not deciding to lengthen the Commander XP grind) and "Pan" factions for new contents also illustrates this point. That's some sort of a mixed blessing, there won't be very highly anticipated branches like the British battlecruisers, yet considering the ongoing troubles of WG and Lesta, fortunately we've already seen so many ships made their way into the game.

And a personal addition: Pan-Asian gunboat destroyer branch with some Soviet flavor, (hypothetically) developed by PRC naval architects with Soviet advisors in the 1950s.

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Just you wait for Pan-Asian BB line, hypotethical refit WI war trophy Japanese ones + Soviet hand me down Paper ships

You may cheer in exitement when ready.

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4 minutes ago, aleksi111 said:

Just you wait for Pan-Asian BB line, hypotethical refit WI war trophy Japanese ones + Soviet hand me down Paper ships

You may cheer in exitement when ready.

Thanks, though we've cheered (or sneered, due to different opinions) well back in mid-January.



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5 hours ago, Project45_Opytny said:

I hold a personal opinion that currently there are no more things like British battlecruisers that were so warmly anticipated and people can argue that "the 'world' isn't complete without this significant type of ship from this major naval power". Commonwealth cruisers and alternative Soviet-Russian battleships (Tsarist 16-inch projects) are nice additions assuming they are properly balanced, yet they are nowhere comparable with the hype and popular favor related with, for example, British battlecruisers and Italian destroyers. Resorting largely to minor fleets (and it may be argued that Netherlands and Spain should have been part of a "natural" Pan-EU should WG not deciding to lengthen the Commander XP grind) and "Pan" factions for new contents also illustrates this point. That's some sort of a mixed blessing, there won't be very highly anticipated branches like the British battlecruisers, yet considering the ongoing troubles of WG and Lesta, fortunately we've already seen so many ships made their way into the game.

And a personal addition: Pan-Asian gunboat destroyer branch with some Soviet flavor, (hypothetically) developed by PRC naval architects with Soviet advisors in the 1950s.

It's time for the great tier insertion expansion...

The major navies have dozens of battleship and armored cruiser real ships not in game just waiting to be added when WG decides to increase the number of tiers.

Plus, they are from an era where subs and planes aren't dominant.

Win win.

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I've forgotten to suggest a Commonwealth DD line - this one should be really easy as it would, essentially, be versions of UK DDs (& a few US DDs, perhaps).

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7 hours ago, Aethervox said:

I've forgotten to suggest a Commonwealth DD line - this one should be really easy as it would, essentially, be versions of UK DDs (& a few US DDs, perhaps).

I suggested one that was a mishmash of Canada and Australian DDs.

People were grumpy because it was versions of UK DDs with different gimmicks.

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On 2/25/2024 at 4:10 AM, Project45_Opytny said:

And a personal addition: Pan-Asian gunboat destroyer branch with some Soviet flavor, (hypothetically) developed by PRC naval architects with Soviet advisors in the 1950s.

I wouldn’t be opposed to this.

A recent comment I saw on the WoWs Reddit complaining about all the “red” (insert eye roll) LNY (and PA in general) content caused me to take a deeper look and there are actually surprisingly few ex-Soviet ships in the Pan-Asian tech tree. Each of the existing tech tree lines has only a single PRC ship of Soviet providence (tier VI DD and tier VIII cruiser). Soviet-derived Pan-Asian ships are overwhelmingly represented by premiums.

An alternative PA DD branch, possibly starting at tier VII (from Fushun) could be interesting.

Edited by Nevermore135
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The major navies have dozens of battleship and armored cruiser real ships not in game just waiting to be added when WG decides to increase the number of tiers.

do you mean adding tiers like 11 ---12---13

or adding tiers like 9.5-----8.5------7.5

so additional tiers or sub tiers because additional tiers would mean first making super ships tier 11 or twelve meaning even more insanely powerful ship

adding sub tiers would mean diluting the difference between tier 9 and tier 10, frankly as bad as paper ships are sub tiers would be better

better still would just be adding sub ships that is tech line ships that are say American cruiser tier 7 a b and maybe even c that are all flavors of the same ship but say a cruiser with great AA, a cruiser with great secondaries and a cruiser with great main gun that vary only a little in actual structure and a little in stats

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5 hours ago, kriegerfaust said:

The major navies have dozens of battleship and armored cruiser real ships not in game just waiting to be added when WG decides to increase the number of tiers.

do you mean adding tiers like 11 ---12---13

or adding tiers like 9.5-----8.5------7.5

so additional tiers or sub tiers because additional tiers would mean first making super ships tier 11 or twelve meaning even more insanely powerful ship

adding sub tiers would mean diluting the difference between tier 9 and tier 10, frankly as bad as paper ships are sub tiers would be better

better still would just be adding sub ships that is tech line ships that are say American cruiser tier 7 a b and maybe even c that are all flavors of the same ship but say a cruiser with great AA, a cruiser with great secondaries and a cruiser with great main gun that vary only a little in actual structure and a little in stats

I mean adding tiers between current tier 1 and current tier 2 or 3.

Basically inserting a block of tiers and moving a lot of very interesting historical ships into the 'qualify for missions' tiers.

The new tiers would cover the battleship pre-Dreadnought era, which has an order of magnitude more ships to sell.

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  • 1 month later...

The ship we never knew we neede, but what we deserve:

Gneisenau under new management


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On 2/14/2024 at 7:25 PM, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Plus, it would lengthen the grind to get to higher tier ships.

Good luck regrinding lines for the RB with another million or two XP added on. There are a lot of people who would openly and actively despise you if you caused this to happen. You would be hated as much as Jingles is loved.

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  • 1 month later...

Who wants Japanese 3x3 -410mm BB?

Yes, those are centerline 140mm Tripple secondaries. -Fake artist render to make this more Yamato-esque over the real proposals, but hey! it's good looking -althou could do with some alterations still for gameplay reasons.



Imagine this more of North Carolina/Massachuchetts equivalent

Edited by aleksi111
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14 minutes ago, aleksi111 said:

Who wants Japanese 3x3 -410mm BB?

Yes, those are centerline 140mm Tripple secondaries. -Fake artist render to make this more Yamato-esque over the real proposals, but hey! it's good looking -althou could do with some alterations still for gameplay reasons.



Imagine this more of North Carolina/Massachuchetts equivalent

Well, Drachinifel has the real Kongo replacement plans covered here:


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Am aware of them, there's one person in Drach's Discord who talks about them & other IJN design studies constantly.

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On 6/14/2024 at 9:17 PM, aleksi111 said:


Weird, the picture did originally load up on my end.

Here's 2nd try:


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On 2/14/2024 at 1:18 PM, Aethervox said:

Tech Tree Lines players are still waiting for .....

Japanese Submarine line.
Italian Submarine line.

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