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Van Speijk?


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So I ve been thinking getting this cruiser.

I must say I havent seen not one of then anywhere in the game, is he bad?

If anybody has it what is your opinion of it and what is your build?

I see he has only 1 airstrike, so no airstrike build for him or?

Also would he be good for ranked battles? Or just an average cruiser.

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18 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Van Spejk? Never even heard of it. What is it?

Latest addition to RB fleet. 

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51 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Van Spejk? Never even heard of it. What is it?

Haarlem that has proper heavy cruiser parameters (RoF, DoT duration and dispersion), improved upper belt and icebreaker (from 40 to 50-mm), bumped to Tier 9 (access to range module but facing much harsher environment) with a modified Airstrike with longer range but only one charge.

From what I read from Tieba, mediocre.

Not good enough as a Dutch Forward Air Controller, yet also not good enough as a traditional surface combatant.

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31 minutes ago, Project45_Opytny said:

Haarlem that has proper heavy cruiser parameters (RoF, DoT duration and dispersion), improved upper belt and icebreaker (from 40 to 50-mm), bumped to Tier 9 (access to range module but facing much harsher environment) with a modified Airstrike with longer range but only one charge.

From what I read from Tieba, mediocre.

Not good enough as a Dutch Forward Air Controller, yet also not good enough as a traditional surface combatant.

but has crusier fire duration, 30 sec. that helps

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1 hour ago, Project45_Opytny said:

Haarlem that has proper heavy cruiser parameters (RoF, DoT duration and dispersion), improved upper belt and icebreaker (from 40 to 50-mm), bumped to Tier 9 (access to range module but facing much harsher environment) with a modified Airstrike with longer range but only one charge.

From what I read from Tieba, mediocre.

Not good enough as a Dutch Forward Air Controller, yet also not good enough as a traditional surface combatant.


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Well, it's a T9 and that makes it unusable for operations which is the primary criteria for me these days.

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Van Speijk is my next planned RB acquisition. I currently have two active regrinds (German cruisers and BBs) that have stalled at tier VI/VII while I take advantage of Concealed Maneuvers to finish a few tier IX grinds ahead of next patch. The ship appeals to me because she seems to correct what I view as the major flaws of the tech tree tier VIII and IX ships, especially the former.

IMO JtW is a much more comfortable experience compared to Haarlem because of the latter’s short range and lack of the slot 6 range mod. It doesn’t help that both of the ships suffer the main drawbacks of CBs (dispersion and fire duration) without the main benefit (BB caliber/283mm+ guns), although it’s worse with Haarlem because she has only 203mm guns. I also feel that the line in general gives up too much for the airstrike gimmick, so I don’t consider VS having a less potent version to be that big of a deal (and there have been a few times playing the aforementioned ships where I would have preferrred to have just a bit more range).

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Effectively, it's a cruiser-ified Haarlem at Tier IX. It's not a bad ship, but it's also not that unique either IMO.

It has better guns and survivability than the tech tree (30 vs 60 second fires, and cruiser dispersion), and longer airstrike range, but you only get one charge and a much longer reload. In general I think the tech tree sacrifices a lot for that airstrike, so more focus on the main battery is nice. Most of the time, I wouldn't have really cared if the airstrike was there or not.

If you're really good at landing the airstrikes (and have some cooperative targets), they'll farm some extra pen and fire damage for you. But otherwise it's just a typical mid/long range DPS cruiser, with a sometimes unreliable and only occasionally useful gimmick. It's not a bad ship, but it's also not particularly unique. Between the tier and its competition in the RB, it would be lower on my list to get, but still above something like Gibraltar. Probably around Hector's level, I guess.

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One of the clan members has one and enjoys it immensely. They've rocked an over 60% win rate and average over 85,000 damage per game with it. They came up only 10k short of having four million potential damage in it for one game. It is quite durable in the right hands.

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