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What book would you add commander/ships names from


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Legends of King Arthur of course, 

Captains Morgana, Lancelot, Merlin, and so forth

A ship called Camelot and Excalibur would be nice

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I'd say the Lost Fleet series by Jack Campbell / John G. Henry.  Yes, it's science fiction and the ships are starships, but plenty of naval traditions, questions of conduct, and the purpose of naval vessels and why they fight.  Yes, it's also an Arthurian tale, but one where King Arthur is a man who can't believe the legends about himself.


Definitely worth the read!





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45 minutes ago, kriegerfaust said:

A ship called Camelot and Excalibur would be nice

Camelot class DDs sound good. Excalibur, otoh, sounds like a cruiser. Emerald's considerably larger sister. 

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if we are talking fiction may I recommend Douglas Reeman. Plenty of IMO well written naval books. F.e. Battlecruiser with Reliant which I think is a Repulse class. He has plenty of books. But i think that ships should have names according to tradition in resp. navy. I bought some a few years ago paperbacks cheap from Amazon.

For me that easily read fiction in English I gladly buy pockets. They probably do not exist in Swedish anyway.

Number one ship is ofc Ulysses by MacLean. I have had the book long time and I have read it several times.

I have also some cheap pockets (real cheap pockets probably from the 60s/70,s, where in one of them the fictious IJN Yamato class ship Satuki is prime adversary.

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I would go for the Classics... Greek/Roman literature works for all Western nations and some names are time tested badass: Ajax, Agammenon, Charibdis, Scilla... Agrippa, Cassius, Nero, Victrix... can't go wrong with Classics.

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2 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

I would go for the Classics... Greek/Roman literature works for all Western nations and some names are time tested badass: Ajax, Agammenon, Charibdis, Scilla... Agrippa, Cassius, Nero, Victrix... can't go wrong with Classics.

Agree... and a few that are already in the game:

Bellerophon -- Corinthian demigod, rider of Pegasus

Romulus -- The legendary founder of Rome

Orion -- lover of Artemis, killed by her brother Apollo

Dido -- legendary queen of Carthage

Odin -- leader of the Norse gods

Neptune -- Roman sea god


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24 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

Orion -- lover of Artemis, killed by her brother Apollo

eeek... beware of the Curse of Artemis bro, the virgin Goddess doesn't take lightly slandering on her maidenhood 😉 

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1 minute ago, ArIskandir said:

eeek... beware of the Curse of Artemis bro, the virgin Godess doesn't take lightly slandering on her maidenhood 😉 

Well, she "says" that she is still a virgin. That was always a good excuse for babies that showed up in the household while the husbands were away at war or sea. Well, honey, it's like this, you know Zeus the god? Well, he turned into this beggar but I ran away so he rooted my feet in the ground and then he turned into a swan, and you know how much I like birds, and one thing led to another and...

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50 minutes ago, invicta2012 said:

Excalibur, otoh, sounds like a cruiser. 

Sounds like it had its guns removed.

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1 hour ago, Efros said:

The Aubrey/Maturin Series by Patrick O'Brian.



Actually went aboard the HMS Surprise 2 weeks ago.  She's part of the ships at the Maritime Museum of San Diego.


Along the same vein, CS Forester's Hornblower novels (Hotspur, Lydia, Sutherland.)

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2 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

Sounds like it had its guns removed.



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10 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

Well, she "says" that she is still a virgin. That was always a good excuse for babies that showed up in the household while the husbands were away at war or sea. Well, honey, it's like this, you know Zeus the god? Well, he turned into this beggar but I ran away so he rooted my feet in the ground and then he turned into a swan, and you know how much I like birds, and one thing led to another and...

Well, In case of Artemis it was non-other than daddy Zeus who granted her request of being forever Maiden and suffer no male... and she was quite violent about it, mi favorite is the guy (Actaeon) that gets eaten alive by his own dogs for accidently watching her naked... 

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43 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Well, In case of Artemis it was non-other than daddy Zeus who granted her request of being forever Maiden and suffer no male... and she was quite violent about it, mi favorite is the guy (Actaeon) that gets eaten alive by his own dogs for accidently watching her naked... 

One of the more "useless" courses I took in college but also one of the most fun was a graduate lecture and seminar series in Greek and Roman mythology that I took while studying philosophy. The professor once devoted an entire lecture to Shocking Blue's "Venus." We had to write a poem about a Greek or Roman deity and I chose Hephaestus. It's been 40 years but I might be able to remember a  line...

Bound together lovers shamed; the soldier and the whore...

Out of 500 students, mine was one of the two poems the professor read in class.


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11 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

Bound together lovers shamed; the soldier and the whore...

Rings of Ares and Aphrodite... 

Classics may be "useless" but man are they fun... I laugh just thinking how today's teachers would present Greek Mithology without offending someone, good luck with that lol!!

Back in College I had to wrote an essay cross-analysing Homer's Oddysey, Homer's (Simpson) Oddysey (that's one of the early The Simpsons episodes) and Joyce's Ulysses... I still remember Ulysses as one of the most unbearable pieces I've ever read. 


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4 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Classics may be "useless" but man are they fun... I laugh just thinking how today's teachers would present Greek Mithology without offending someone, good luck with that lol!!

Yeah, even here I'd probably get into trouble if I were to post the stanza in my poem about the origin of Erichthonius.

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In case of Artemis it was non-other than daddy Zeus who granted her request of being forever Maiden and suffer no male... and she was quite violent about it, mi favorite is the guy (Actaeon) that gets eaten alive by his own dogs for accidently watching her naked

suffer no male

According to Greek mythology, the island was the birthplace of the mythical hero Lesvos. The island features in the Trojan War story of Homer's Iliad, when Agamemnon offers Achilles seven women from Lesbos skilled in handicrafts, in order to persuade the hero to rejoin the conflict.

skilled in handicraft

is anyone else getting the idea that Artemis is into women and only boys/men count against virginity maidenhood or am i reading too much into it

the older men with boys does not make the Greeks and Romans a gay paradise, also in general the gods had a weird thing about consent see the myth of medusa

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With tongue firmly in cheek.


Captain Ahab- can use him to chase down enemy submarines.


Captain Nemo also known as Prince Dakkar ,submarine commander.


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6 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

I would go for the Classics... Greek/Roman literature works for all Western nations and some names are time tested badass: Ajax, Agammenon, Charibdis, Scilla... Agrippa, Cassius, Nero, Victrix... can't go wrong with Classics.

All have been real ships of HM ships except one which is a shore establishment.

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Plenty of good ideas mentioned already in this topic.  👍
And of course, the forum system decides that I've already reached my daily allotment of "reactions" to use.  🙂 

I'd like to add H.G. Wells "War of the Worlds" as a book and the ship named Thunderchild to the discussion.  🙂 

Also, why not have Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers franchises featured in a collaboration?  Plenty of Commanders available from the characters, I feel.

Edited to add:  Both the "vintage" 1930's and the more modern 1980's franchises offer entertainment value, in my opinion.

Flash Gordon
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0027623/    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080745/

Buck Rogers
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0032290/    https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078579/


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There are many books on Captain Edward Teach (Blackbeard).  WoWs did in the past have a "Pirate's Day" and award a flag.  Would really like to see Captain Edward Teach added along with a special flag.  Perhaps even a rough, gravelly voice to complete.


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