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Which Tier X Destroyer Are You Most Comfortable In?


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we talking solo randoms??

I will stick with tech tree to avoid the 'yeah, but I cant use that' problem.

Gearing - detection, torps, works at range and strongest as a flank clearer, yet still has enough guns to pick many fights.

Grozevoi - flexible consumable use, guns and torps, high speed and ability to face tank anything and probably get out alive.

Daring - best cap pusher and hybrid DD hunter while having guns able to range farm if needed.

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As Eddie Murphy once said: "Sherman ... Sherman ... Sherman .... Sherman"!

Amazing DD. Crappy enough conceal that you dont have to feel bad about not suiciding into caps at start. Devastating HE and SAP against ALL targets. American smoke for those 3 min BBQ sessions and hydro to stay safe in said smokes. Can annihilate an enemy DD in seconds. 

Dont think I ever played a DD that can make an entire enemy flank turn around and flee. No One wants the attention of a well played Sherman.

And of course I run range build for that 15+ km firespam.

Edited by HogHammer
Change of descriptive language
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6 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Amazing DD. Crappy enough conceal that you dont have to feel bad about not suiciding into caps at start. Devastating HE and SAP against ALL targets. American smoke for those 3 min BBQ sessions and hydro to stay safe in said smokes. Can annihilate an enemy DD in seconds. 

Dont think I ever played a DD that can make an entire enemy flank turn around and flee. No One wants the attention of a well played Sherman.

I absolutely cannot come to terms with her torps and the maneuvers required to use them.  Rumor has it that the original concept was that the ship have acoustic homing torps like a sub,  Perhaps the testers were so outraged at the idea that they didn't give the concept a chance.  In any case, I'd like to have seen it. 

Btw, acoustics torps on the real Sherman is why the launchers are in such a strange place.

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For ranked, my go-to is Daring  at 63% (I have a slightly higher win rate in my Forrest Sherman, but over less than half the games). I like to play the cap contesting style, and the Daring's combo of British smoke, good conceal, and good guns just clicks for me.

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Daring or Gearing are great places to start trying out DDs. Both lines are comfortable, jack of all trades type ships and you can build them for torpedoes or guns and be pretty effective. Its also nice to have the smokes as you learn because you're going to get into trouble and having a way to disengage from the fight is more forgiving. Personally, I'd say Daring is better as a cap contester gunboat overall because of the heal and hydro and Gearing should be more torpedo oriented, ideally with the legendary mod. 

That being said, Grozovoi is also underrated IMO. It has a lot of the same advantages just a bit different playstyle. Its definitely more gun oriented but last year it did get a buff to the researchable torpedoes to extend the range out to 12km. For consumables you get smoke, DFAA, engine boost, and a heal. Its pretty fast, has good guns, ok but useable torpedoes, conceal, can defend itself a little better from aircraft, and the other consumable help you disengage heal up and get back in the fight. Disadvantages are that its maneuverability (rudder shift is fine but mediocre turning circle) and size make it easier to hit compared to Daring and Gearing. Because of this and a lack of hydro or radar its not the best cap contester. Play it on the flanks ahead of your team and you can do really well. I run the legendary mod on it to buff the guns and its quickly become a favorite and one of my best DDs in terms of stats.

@iDuckman  I hadn't heard that rumor about Sherman's acoustic torpedoes but I've convinced myself that it was supposed to get better launch angles and the British Battlecruiser style funny torpedoes, but they saved them for the Battlecruiser release, and Sherman ended up being strong without it. I don't think it would be necessarily OP with that but it would certainly be much better. That's my WG conspiracy theory.  

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1 hour ago, Count_Fragington said:

hadn't heard that rumor about Sherman's acoustic torpedoes but I've convinced myself that it was supposed to get better launch angles and the British Battlecruiser style funny torpedoes, but they saved them for the Battlecruiser release, and Sherman ended up being strong without it. I don't think it would be necessarily OP with that but it would certainly be much better. That's my WG conspiracy theory.  

Man, could you imagine fire and forget homing torpedos from a DD?  Say you launch and they home in on the closest ship even if it was undetected? The salt would flow in rivers.  

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29 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

Man, could you imagine fire and forget homing torpedos from a DD?  Say you launch and they home in on the closest ship even if it was undetected? The salt would flow in rivers.  

Yeah that would be insane lol. Lets hope we don't see that any time soon

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44 minutes ago, Count_Fragington said:

Yeah that would be insane lol. Lets hope we don't see that any time soon

"Very interesting."


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On 8/27/2023 at 2:37 PM, Frostbow said:

I would like to get your thoughts and opinions about Tier X destroyers that you are most comfortable in. As of now, I have almost all Tier X DDs, but I seldom play them (or DDs in general) in PVP environments. 

I am trying to venture out of my comfort zone (battleships and cruisers), and I am looking at destroyers. Aircraft carriers and submarines are currently out of the question. Perhaps I can learn a thing or two about your preferred Tier X destroyer and how your experiences have been so far.

Many thanks in advance.

The question I have to ask you first, is do you prefer fast shooting kind of ships, or do you prefer stealth and torps, because choosing either one of these will guide you towards certain DD's and away from others.

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4 hours ago, Type_93 said:

Man, could you imagine fire and forget homing torpedos from a DD?  Say you launch and they home in on the closest ship even if it was undetected? The salt would flow in rivers.  

I don't think they were fire and forget.  More like subs.  They would home on a ping.  Ping would reveal the DD.  Heck, it might have worked.  Apparently it wasn't needed.  I wouldn't put it past WG to try again, though.


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6 hours ago, Type_93 said:

Man, could you imagine fire and forget homing torpedos from a DD?  Say you launch and they home in on the closest ship even if it was undetected? The salt would flow in rivers.  

Give me shima 20km homing torps

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On 8/27/2023 at 11:53 AM, fumtu said:

V2 and Daring. Objectively, Daring is better but I still prefer V2 for ranked.

How true that statement is depends on the mode of play.  For Clan Daring is better since staying alive (heal), vision (short smoke), and area denial are much more important.  Vampire's smoke can become a liability in CB and the loss of a torp rack hurts the area denial part too. 

But in random and ranked, I prefer V2.... better conceal, more DPM, and better hydro that is easier to trap somebody in.

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17 hours ago, iDuckman said:

I absolutely cannot come to terms with her torps and the maneuvers required to use them.  Rumor has it that the original concept was that the ship have acoustic homing torps like a sub,  Perhaps the testers were so outraged at the idea that they didn't give the concept a chance.  In any case, I'd like to have seen it. 

Btw, acoustics torps on the real Sherman is why the launchers are in such a strange place.

I feel they are more a gimmick or a afterthought, but maybe as you said they at one point thought to give it homing torps (not really surprised since its WG....). But the great thing is that they dont matter at all. Using torps on this DD as well would probably make it broken/OP. I just throw they out most for fun when sailing towards a cap and now and then you get a hit.

Also forgot to mention in my previous post. Getting Confederate with Halsey on this ship turn the guns into Miniguns from Hell with something like a 1 second reload. And getting Confederate in this is pretty easy with range build.

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Thank you all for your inputs, suggestions, and recommendations. I have noted all of them (I even saved a copy of the thread on my computer so that I can read it again without navigating to the site).


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I will add my own preference for the Gearing.  It simply adapts to the situation best of the T10 DDs I have, with the Concealment, torpedo range, gun fire rate and traverse, speed, and smoke duration to meet whatever challenge I end up facing.



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40 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

I will add my own preference for the Gearing.  It simply adapts to the situation best of the T10 DDs I have, with the Concealment, torpedo range, gun fire rate and traverse, speed, and smoke duration to meet whatever challenge I end up facing.



Welcome Jakob Knight! Glad to see you made it here!
In CB, I mostly play the Marceau although I've been giving the Gearing a little more play time in the last season with Tier X ships.
In Randoms, I play the Kidd often.

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1 hour ago, yss_turtleship said:

Welcome Jakob Knight! Glad to see you made it here!
In CB, I mostly play the Marceau although I've been giving the Gearing a little more play time in the last season with Tier X ships.
In Randoms, I play the Kidd often.


Thanks!  Good to be part of the community again!


I don't have Marceau, and all those refrigerators filled with patisseries and croissants make me want to avoid it for my health.  I do have Shimakaze, and it's always a tough call to use it or my Gearing, though I think I have more confidence in the Gearing meeting the needs of the battle (Shimakaze is better for outright torpedoes bombardment and ability to reposition, but it lags in gun fire rate and dealing with aircraft).  

I don't have Daring yet, but it's possible that might replace Gearing due to its anti-sub capabilities.



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2 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

I don't have Daring yet, but it's possible that might replace Gearing due to its anti-sub capabilities.

Now that you've mentioned the Daring, I should really play her more often.

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