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Proposed: Commonwealth Destroyer Line


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1 hour ago, Asym said:

I would add a "missile" detection allowance for the ships that fire missiles because missiles, sure do say "shoot there".....  You fire a missile in WOWS maps and you should be spotted.

Basically it should trigger gun bloom, yes? CV squadrons selected as targets should get the same warning as a ship that's radared. 

Anyway, you and I are drifting off topic so I've created a thread to continue having this conversation if you want: 


Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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At tier 8 we have:


HMAS Nestor (G02) was an N-class destroyer of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Built in Scotland, Nestor was commissioned in February 1941; although manned by Australians and commissioned as an Australian warship, she remained the property of the Royal Navy.

Entering service in 1941, Nestor spent most of her career as a patrol and escort vessel in the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean, and the Far East. In December 1941, the destroyer located and sank the German submarine U-127. In June 1942, Nestor sailed as part of the Operation Vigorous escort force, protecting a supply convoy to Malta. On the evening of 15 June, the ship was heavily damaged by air attack. Despite attempts to tow the ship to base, Nestor was abandoned and scuttled off Crete the next morning. Nestor is the only ship of the RAN that never operated in Australian waters.


14915 hp

6.39km concealment

36 knot speed, 553m turning circle, 3.6 second rudder shift

Main Guns:

3x2 120mm QF 4.7-inch Mk IX

5.0 second reload, 12.40 km range, 810m/s muzzle velocity


1x5 533mm

15,733 damage, 61 knots, 8.01km range

Reload: 120 seconds


278.3 DPS out to 2.5 km

42 DPS in long range - 1+1 flak

Depth Charges

12 bombs, 5500 damage

1 thrown front, 1 thrown left front, 1 thrown right front, 1 dropped rear (Cycle repeated)

Smoke Consumable:

3 charges

40 seconds action, 160 seconds cooldown

0.6km radius, 65 seconds to disperse.


4 charges

Action: 40s, Cooldown 80s

+100% DPS /+300% flak damage


3 charges

Ship and Sub detection: 3km

Torpedo Detection: 3km

Action time: 100 seconds

Cooldown: 100 seconds

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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At tier 9 we have:


HMAS Anzac (D59) was a Battle-class destroyer of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN). Named after the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, the destroyer was commissioned in 1951. The ship served on two tours of duty during the Korean War, and attempts to distinguish herself from British ships led to the practice of red kangaroo symbols on Australian warships. During 1956, Anzac served during the Malayan Emergency. In 1960, a malfunction in the destroyer's gun direction equipment caused Anzac to fire directly on sister ship HMAS Tobruk during a gunnery exercise, with Tobruk left unrepairable. In 1961, the destroyer was reclassified as a training vessel. Anzac remained in service until 1974, and was sold for breaking a year later.


18074 hp

6.91km concealment

31 knot speed, 599m turning circle, 4.1 second rudder shift

Main Guns:

2x2 113mm/45 Mk5 on UD Mk6 mount

3.8 second reload, 12.50 km range, 746m/s muzzle velocity


2x5 533mm

15,533 damage, 62 knots, 9.99km range

Reload: 133 seconds


162.8 DPS out to 2.5 km

99.8 DPS in long range - 3+2 flak

Depth Charges

12 bombs, 5500 damage

1 thrown front, 1 thrown left front, 1 thrown right front, 1 dropped rear (Cycle repeated)

Smoke Consumable:

3 charges

40 seconds action, 160 seconds cooldown

0.6km radius, 65 seconds to disperse.


4 charges

Action: 40s, Cooldown 80s

+100% DPS /+300% flak damage


3 charges

Ship and Sub detection: 3km

Torpedo Detection: 3km

Action time: 100 seconds

Cooldown: 100 seconds


2 charges

1% hp / second

10 second action, 80 second cooldown

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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Finally, at tier 10, we propose:


HMAS Voyager was a Daring class destroyer of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), that was lost in a collision in 1964.

Constructed between 1949 and 1957, Voyager was the first ship of her class to enter Australian service, and the first all-welded ship to be built in Australia. During her career, Voyager was deployed to the Far East Strategic Reserve on six occasions, but never fired a shot in anger.

During the night of 10 February 1964, Voyager and the aircraft carrier HMAS Melbourne collided off Jervis Bay, when the destroyer passed in front of the carrier during post-refit sea trials. Voyager was cut in two by the collision, sinking with the loss of 82 of the 314 people aboard. This was the largest loss of Australian military personnel in peacetime, and the subsequent investigations resulted in the holding of two Royal Commissions — the only time in Australian history this has occurred.


20580 hp

7.29km concealment

33 knot speed, 623m turning circle, 4.6 second rudder shift

Main Guns:

3x2 113mm/45 Mk5 on UD Mk6 mount

3.8 second reload, 12.50 km range, 746m/s muzzle velocity


2x5 530mm

16,673 damage, 62 knots, 10.05km range

Reload: 124 seconds


120.8 DPS out to 2.5 km

115.5 DPS in long range - 4+2 flak

Depth Charges

16 bombs, 5500 damage

1 thrown front, 1 thrown left front, 1 thrown right front, 1 dropped rear (Cycle repeated)

Smoke Consumable:

3 charges

40 seconds action, 160 seconds cooldown

0.6km radius, 65 seconds to disperse.


4 charges

Action: 40s, Cooldown 80s

+100% DPS /+300% flak damage


3 charges

Ship and Sub detection: 3km

Torpedo Detection: 3km

Action time: 100 seconds

Cooldown: 100 seconds


2 charges

1% hp / second

10 second action, 80 second cooldown

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