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Monetization in WOWS


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Honestly, I don't think it's that bad. Or well, I mean it's absolute insanity for the most part in the premium shop (like $200 for four boats and anime captains on them? Times two because there are two bundles - plus another set for more captains? And is that with regional pricing? Get out of here), but I don't really care about the paid content as there's really enough to go about for free as well.

I know people hate the multiple currency systems, and for a good reason, but personally I always just check what's available and for what "price", how many tokens I can get just by playing the game and set my goals based on that. I can't get it all, but I can live with that. How many of the ships and flags and captains I have I even use anyway?

Have I bought premium time, some Santa crates and even couple of ships over the years? Yes, yes I have, but I do think that the key here is "over the years". I'm not a hardcore player, but I think my money has been well spent. Or at least it would've been worse spent elsewhere. People like to complain about the greed of for-profit corporations, without realizing that they themselves are enabling these systems to flourish. It's a game, you don't like it you can always just stop.

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On 8/26/2023 at 11:52 AM, Type_93 said:

I see your point, but it still goes back to players being financially responsible. If you have tendencies toward overspending or gambling, you have to separate yourself from those opportunities. 


On 8/26/2023 at 12:35 PM, Type_93 said:

But I never let my desire overmatch my budget. I know many think the opposite, but calling loot boxes gambling is a far stretch. Society shouldn’t be held accountable for the poor decisions of an individual. 

Apologies for the late response, was short on time.

This is always a nice thought, but nice thoughts and “what should be” in a situation are hardly relevant to what is happening. Not everyone can separate themselves like that, especially people who are socially isolated, and definitely people who are young. Personal responsibility is becoming more of a specialized skill than the norm, I agree, but that doesn’t absolve or detract from the people who try to prey upon others. And I whole heartedly agree that other people shouldn’t be held accountable for the poor decisions of the few, but I’ll be damned if that doesn’t happen all the time, and (sadly) understandably so. Not addressing it is essentially kicking the can down the road: where does it stop? Do you just hope that it gets better, or take the responsible act and decide for those people because they have proven that they can’t handle it? I believe that irresponsibility should absolutely warrant a tightening of restrictions, and there’s been a lot of irresponsibility going around, both on the player side and the developer side. So I hope that WG’s (and every game company’s) loot/gamble/RNG box crap gets categorized as a mini casino, with matching regulations: “if you lay down with dogs, you’ll get up with fleas” and all that. 

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15 hours ago, That WoT Player said:

So I hope that WG’s (and every game company’s) loot/gamble/RNG box crap gets categorized as a mini casino, with matching regulations: “if you lay down with dogs, you’ll get up with fleas” and all that. 

I just can’t correlate loot boxes into gambling. With loot boxes from any game, you will get something for your money. WG even tells you what you will get in the boxes. Gambling means you spend your money on a chance at loosing that money completely. 

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Except it totally is taking advantage of people the same way gambling is while skirting the rules because they do give the purchaser stuff. But far too often what they give in return is undesired dud prizes. And they make far more money selling people 20 or more rolls on their loot boxes at $4-5 a try than if they could just outright buy the ship desired for only $50 and be done with it. That is the entire point of the system which is absolutely rigged against the consumer.

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