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What you think are the problems of the game.


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2 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

Well, WG could make event missions revert back to being doable in randoms only, but I recall that when it was like that, co-op mains were put out about being frozen out.

Some were, yes.  One in particular comes to my mind, but I'm not naming names.

Early on, when campaign and mission progress was mostly done via random battles and I played mostly Co-op battles, I figured that the "cool toys" were obtainable if I were willing to level-up my gameplay and sail into randoms.
If I wasn't willing to play in random battles, then I shouldn't get upset that I don't have the "cool toys", because the path to them was clearly marked.

Well, some players felt differently.  And they advocated for some changes and their efforts bore fruit.  It's history, now.

Do I lose sleep over it one way or another?  No.
But, for whatever reason, it's been memorable.

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19 hours ago, Asym said:

They (WG) wanted the Boomers, whom remembered what their parents and neighbors stories of WW2 in the Atlantic and Pacific.  They wanted the cash of retiring or retired Boomers that were willing to spend.  

When does 'Boomer' stop, Asym? How late do I have to be born to miss out on that label? (Wikipedia suggests the cutoff is in the sixties, too early for me.)

So where does that put me? Too young for a boomer, too old for a grandkid, but I grew up in a nation that celebrated and lauded its military achievements even if my grandfathers fought on the other side. 

What if there's a demographic in the middle, Asym? One that honours the real ships and the battles they fought, while at the same time being able to show a bit of levity and enjoy the shipgirls, spaceships, monsters and ducks that s**t mines whenever they appear? What if that demographic is willing and able to roll with the punches and adapt to anything and everything, using it how and when they see fit to wring the greatest amount of enjoyment out of the game that they can and leaving aside what doesn't suit them? What if that's the demographic they're looking for, irrespective of age or anything else? 

Whatever WG might do wrong, whatever I might chide them for, they've delivered me the best damn arcade game I've played since I started playing them at age five. 

Oddly enough, the only other real-time PC game I've sunk this much effort into was developed by Ukrainians (GSC Game World's Cossacks series). Go figure.

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

One that honours the real ships and the battles they fought, while at the same time being able to show a bit of levity and enjoy the shipgirls, spaceships, monsters and ducks that s**t mines whenever they appear? What if that demographic is willing and able to roll with the punches and adapt to anything and everything, using it how and when they see fit to wring the greatest amount of enjoyment out of the game that they can and leaving aside what doesn't suit them? What if that's the demographic they're looking for, irrespective of age or anything else? 


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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

When does 'Boomer' stop, Asym? How late do I have to be born to miss out on that label? (Wikipedia suggests the cutoff is in the sixties, too early for me.)

So where does that put me? Too young for a boomer, too old for a grandkid, but I grew up in a nation that celebrated and lauded its military achievements even if my grandfathers fought on the other side. 

What if there's a demographic in the middle, Asym? One that honours the real ships and the battles they fought, while at the same time being able to show a bit of levity and enjoy the shipgirls, spaceships, monsters and ducks that s**t mines whenever they appear? What if that demographic is willing and able to roll with the punches and adapt to anything and everything, using it how and when they see fit to wring the greatest amount of enjoyment out of the game that they can and leaving aside what doesn't suit them? What if that's the demographic they're looking for, irrespective of age or anything else? 

Whatever WG might do wrong, whatever I might chide them for, they've delivered me the best damn arcade game I've played since I started playing them at age five. 

Oddly enough, the only other real-time PC game I've sunk this much effort into was developed by Ukrainians (GSC Game World's Cossacks series). Go figure.

1946 to 1964.  I use Boomers, (and there are two categories of Boomers) because in the study of Cultures, there is a NA distinction that was pretty "visual" for those whom classify generational boundaries (so I have been taught through the decades) based on what is experienced...   Look to the changes after JFK was assassinated.  Rock-and-Roll to the Beatles and then to........  By 1964 and our beginnings in Viet Nam a few years earlier, was a Gen Change reference.  Camelot was over and.......here we are today.

In every generation, the appeal of what was is strong in some whom want to know.  As I said earlier, my Grandson is making YT videos about many of the great Empires in History. 

Why????  Because, he was exposed to my Living History antics and firearms??  I mean, we hunted Buffalo with Black Powder rifles in the clothing of the Fur Trade era.... 


That is a 62 caliber Dimmick on the left and I have a 70 Caliber Hawken.  We are making sure that Buffalo on the ground was expired.  If you want to know about the Great Plains, this is a great picture.  That's 135 yards and that Buff crossed my "T" - one shot.

And, later, with the weapons and clothing of the Buffalo Hunter era.....which, several of us get asked to "consult" with Outfitters, Ranchers and movie types about what was used and how it was done.   Ever shoot a 50-140 Sharps>?  Or, the 45-110 Sharps with a Paper Patched bullet?  I prefer my 40-65 Highwall or my 1884 Trapdoor.  I suspect, that is what caught his attention early.

Since you are "invested" in History, something caught your attention and now, it is "fun" to explore !  Some of us "explore" beyond games and enjoy trying to figure out:  how in the heck they actually did what history says they did???


Edited by Asym
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The only problem I have with this game is there is no way to set ship speed between way points.

Other than that, this game has exceeded the vision I've been carrying for decades for this type of game.

Had I been involved in the creation of this game from the start I would understand the whys for the way things are.  Now, it's none of my business because I don't know how wows got here and I do not have the relevant information to contribute in a meaningful way. However, since this game and community is just a virtual world compared to what I see out my window and can disappear in an instant, I can think of it any way I want.  

So, I pretend to be the player wows wants.  They have been training me for 4 years and the money I've spent was the cost of tuition.  Along the way I've learned to handle my anger issues by understanding why something that exists only in my head could make me loss control of myself.  I'm also better able to handle disappointments; the captain rework was the first for me and the forum closer was a new one. While this game still exists, I'll probably discover other things in my virtual world that rock my emotions. 

btw I have added subs along with DDs as my priority targets


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@Justin_Simpleton, when you say, "no way to set ship speed between waypoints," could you give an example?  I think I know what you mean, however just need to have an example in your case to really address.  Right now, I'm thinking CVs.


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22 minutes ago, Asym said:

1946 to 1964. 

Hilariously, both my parents missed the cutoff as well (born 1944 and 1945).

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1 minute ago, HogHammer said:

@Justin_Simpleton, when you say, "no way to set ship speed between waypoints," could you give an example?  I think I know what you mean, however just need to have an example in your case to really address.  Right now, I'm thinking CVs.


When setting the waypoints for any ship, my program let you select the speed which your ship travels towards that waypoint.  In this game it would be good to go max. speed to one waypoint, move slow to the next, etc.  Then again it might be useless and just serve as another example of why I shouldn't be telling anyone how to run their business.

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Oh, I see.  You'd like to set multiple/different speeds during each leg of your waypoints.  Don't think that is possible in WoWs.  I usually set a desired speed to one location on the map.  If I reach that point and decide on another waypoint, set the desired speed again.  I hope someone else can chime in here with better knowledge.  The only time I use waypoints is with CVs, which is a rare event for me.

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5 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

BTW, there's one PvE mode in which you cannot do all the missions, just some, and there's been complaints about not being able to complete missions in Operations.

They were worried about how easy it is to farm torpedo hits, gun hits, damage, potential damage, etc. etc. in operations, especially in a voice-comms division, so Operations mission eligibility was restricted to economic tasks only (earning any type of XP or credits).

More recently (the last patch or so), they have allowed the combat tasks to count for 50% as a concession to the Operations mains. I guess they'll be keeping an eye on the numbers to see if that percentage requires adjustment - and in which direction. 

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21 hours ago, SureBridge said:

You can expect a "Training" area to appear on this forum in the coming weeks, and it would be GREAT if folks could contribute clarifications, commentary, feedback and even some in-game time in the training room (or in div) with new players to try and help new players "git gud" and explain to them what they can do to be competitive. 

I would be happy to help provide basic guidance for aircraft carrier players on topics like hull positioning, using the autopilot to stay alive, flak dodging, fighter consumable useage for spotting, etc.

I'd also be happy to talk battleship positioning and role...

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32 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

Oh, I see.  You'd like to set multiple/different speeds during each leg of your waypoints.  Don't think that is possible in WoWs.  I usually set a desired speed to one location on the map.  If I reach that point and decide on another waypoint, set the desired speed again.  I hope someone else can chime in here with better knowledge.  The only time I use waypoints is with CVs, which is a rare event for me.

Yeah, I think it would be very difficult to back-fit that feature.  I use it sometimes with BBs when I know in advance where I want to be because it allows me think about the map, team lineup, and where my DD victims will be without fat-fingering something.

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Hilariously, both my parents missed the cutoff as well (born 1944 and 1945).

No boomers of any kind in my family. I'm part of the lost generation myself.

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On 8/27/2023 at 1:37 AM, AdmiralThunder said:

But, in the end, it always comes back to the same thing and that is the people who are running this game and making the decisions are the biggest single thing that is tearing it apart and going to kill it. 

The biggest problem with WOWS = WG!

I take the opposite track, and this is why I left Tanks years ago.

The single biggest problem with wows is the players.

players who dont want to learn, to adapt, to change, dont want any new additions to the game, and will complain endlessly about anything and everything, often in a very toxic manner, and seemingly the only thing they hate more than the company is anyone who doesnt hate it as much as they do. toxic us vs them isms.

people suck. If I leave it will be due to being finally fed up with players hating on everything and not to do anything with the game.

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57 minutes ago, Dareios said:

I take the opposite track, and this is why I left Tanks years ago.

The single biggest problem with wows is the players.

players who dont want to learn, to adapt, to change, dont want any new additions to the game, and will complain endlessly about anything and everything, often in a very toxic manner, and seemingly the only thing they hate more than the company is anyone who doesnt hate it as much as they do. toxic us vs them isms.

people suck. If I leave it will be due to being finally fed up with players hating on everything and not to do anything with the game.

You are entitled to your opinion.

I agree with some of what you say being a problem (not all) but can't agree that is the game's biggest issue. I don't think that even makes the top 5 or even top 10.

That honor belongs to WG and directly leads to, and is the cause of, the issues you talk of with the players.

If WG didn't make such horrible decisions, lie and be deceitful all the time, and basically be their own worst enemy all the time players wouldn't complain so much.

YMMV however and you can feel how you wish.

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Oh dear......I forgot the most persistent, most prevalent and most annoying problem ( well  actually I should use plural) of all!! Everybody encounters them, talk about them,  see them and there is NOTHING contentious about them. Yet, somehow, mysteriously, Weegee is the only one who seems wholly unaware of their existence. E1697780-F379-440B-AF20-681214941872.gif

Yes I'm talking about



HOW it is possible that in a shooter game there are soo many aiming related bugs?? Shooter, as we point (aka aim) ,then click (aka shoot) and then the shells go.........either over the target or land too short.

Yo.....Wedgie.......dis ain't rocket science, this is the very basis of this game, even if you try (very hard) to cozplay Wowp with us (just remember in what state THAT game is). And not only that, but with every patch is getting worse and worse. Howz dis possible?? You made a video not long ago about your QA depart. and your testing depart. and being proud of it.( yeah than some pretty funny stuff happened right after it0D35311A-99B5-474C-A05B-6D0A963C0398.gif)


Then there is the collision bug. You (supposedly) made some improvements and also tested some "funny" stuff with ze ducklings.. Yet I STILL get stuck regularly and then the  only way to unstuck is to set a waypoint behind me.          Yooo...... I play cruisers and to those getting stuck is a death sentence, especially now when U try to get (very hard) into the babbies a......hkhmm......"good grace" and  engage into various ...."affairs with them", coz dollars reasons and because you shoehorned subs into the game.

Yooo.... how is possible that these pesky creatures ALWAYS evade your depts. watchfull combined eyes?


I have to say it....


....I hate to say it, but....




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10 hours ago, Dareios said:

I take the opposite track, and this is why I left Tanks years ago.

The single biggest problem with wows is the players.

players who dont want to learn, to adapt, to change, dont want any new additions to the game, and will complain endlessly about anything and everything, often in a very toxic manner, and seemingly the only thing they hate more than the company is anyone who doesnt hate it as much as they do. toxic us vs them isms.

people suck. If I leave it will be due to being finally fed up with players hating on everything and not to do anything with the game.

I'm not sure this is a problem with the game, exactly...

...unless your problem is with how and whom the game is advertised / targeted towards...

Because the playerbase that WG has is the playerbase they want...or more specifically, the playerbase that WGs marketing plan has succeeded in gaining.

I guess I'm trying to say your comment is describing the results of issues that have deeper root causes. The playerbase being so negative is a symptom of deeper causes.

It's very silly for any company to blame their customers. It comes across as willingly denying the company's responsibility for their own marketing outcomes.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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Just seem strange that we have so many events going at the same time. Its like lets hurry up and get this money before we dip out.


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32 minutes ago, wade_gaskins said:

Just seem strange that we have so many events going at the same time. Its like lets hurry up and get this money before we dip out.


I see it as diversifying the sources of revenue.

The reality is most players don't participate in all of the events. More events equals more choice...at least to me.

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1 hour ago, wade_gaskins said:

Just seem strange that we have so many events going at the same time. Its like lets hurry up and get this money before we dip out.

Or maybe 'they' are throwing something against the wall to see if it sticks. All the experts say this will work.

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46 minutes ago, wade_gaskins said:

Its like lets hurry up and get this money before we dip out.


IIRC, one of the NA team said on a stream not that long ago that WG's plans for line releases etc. are pretty well mapped out to the end of 2024, although for obvious reasons he couldn't tell us exactly what they were. So they're hardly planning on dipping out tomorrow.

Overheads have doubled since the split with Lesta, so I sort of can't blame them for wanting to pull in a lot quickly. 

52 minutes ago, wade_gaskins said:

so many events going at the same time

On the one hand, it's nice to be busy. On the other, I agree that it's possible to be a little TOO busy.

I like the challenge of juggling multiple events to see how I can minimize the effort and get as much done in all of them as possible with the right choice of ship, but sometimes individual tasks can make that difficult - e.g. a stage that was over 40,000 base XP exclusively in two specific Euro destroyers. That was clearly put there for people who'd got the Grom in early release, had the Split unlocked on Day 1, and were hardcore into finishing the line as soon as possible. It was an excellent choice for that purpose but utterly inflexible with regard to anything else that was going on at the time. The other big problem was that the reward just wasn't worth the grind if you were trying to get other things done, so I let that one go in order to maximize my flexibility. 

The other decision I made in order to save my sanity, and that was made some time ago, is that I'm no longer going to automatically get every dockyard ship. I passed on Schroeder and I'm passing on Lushun. I would have passed on Daisen and Puerto Rico Redux too, but other things I wanted to get done at the time fortuitously left me close enough to the finish line to get them without spending all that much more, and I had a feeling I would regret it if I didn't get them.

11 hours ago, Dareios said:

The single biggest problem with wows is the players.

players who dont want to learn, to adapt, to change, dont want any new additions to the game, and will complain endlessly about anything and everything, often in a very toxic manner, and seemingly the only thing they hate more than the company is anyone who doesnt hate it as much as they do.

Why, I do believe you're talking about me! 🤣

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1 hour ago, wade_gaskins said:

Just seem strange that we have so many events going at the same time. Its like lets hurry up and get this money before we dip out.


So true and well said.  We talked about this topic the other night and agreed that the more there is to do, the less we actually do and spend???   Kind of like "just stop already...."  So, we simply aren't spending on BP or any of the long list of "progressive buy mechanic driven Armory events"... 

We've simply stopped being compelled it seems.  So, why push so hard is the question.........greed?

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I assume that there are other people for whom these events are interesting / appreciated. 

I'll note that the folks on this (and the "old") forum are predominately "old guard" players that have multiple tech tree lines and may or may not have hundreds of ships. If you hit the WG Discord, it has a lot more "new" players - I read a "this game is awesome, I'm at T7 in a week!" post.

Perhaps this large pile of events is targeted at a different audience? 

I would think that the biggest potential problem for the game would be having the player base stagnate. If that is the case, then having a huge pile of shiny new content would tend to counteract that. I liked the addition of the Spanish cruiser line (although that didn't really "add" much to the game other than a new flag as the ships are similar to others). Other areas I am not so happy with, but I know that some folks LOVE them (I know a player who mainly plays submarines for example). 

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2 hours ago, wade_gaskins said:

Just seem strange that we have so many events going at the same time. Its like lets hurry up and get this money before we dip out.


It truly feels like this is the case Wade.  I think you may be onto something. 

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After both playing as a Sub and as DD/CLs rolling over them with ship-based depth charges, I've reached a conclusion regarding how sub shotguns were playing out. Its the depth setting on the charges.

A sub trying to shotgun you will be at periscope or surface level, but ship-based ASW are set for lower depths meaning they always cause splash dmg rather than direct hit. Aircraft-based ASW are set for much more shallow depth.

So while one would expect the sub to dive to maximum depth to avoid a surface ship, It can also work in the sub's favour if they go for shotgun instead. That said surfacing in front of multiple enemies will certainly send you back to port, which makes a fair argument for ship-based ASW being set for lower depth.

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