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Anyone willing to Man Up and admit to using the Trade In?


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5 hours ago, Subtle_Octavian said:

Plenty of trash worth trading in, question is will you get it all over again at christmas? 

Trivial point.

Some regard the whole trade-in event as a swindle and loss for the player, and bring up the “Beware!!! You’ll get it back in a box!!” argument. And I’m not denying their position, I just differ with it in this instance.

Well, if I get traded away ships “back in a box,” are not those losses then made whole? So I would then be out nothing, and still have free premium ships I actually selected. It’s equivalent to the ships that I selected via trade-in, having been the ones that dropped in boxes.

Another reason that the “you’ll get it back” argument is not to be feared, is that the three ships you selected to obtain via trade, have become three other ships that now won’t drop to you in a box.

And whether you kept a ship or traded it in RNG is much more likely to drop you something mundane on a ship re-roll than it is to drop you something great (unless you’ve stacked the odds by buying up everything, reducing RNG’s options.).

It’s not like the traded ships were sold for credits.


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Despite what I am currently thinking about WG and what I incline them to shove up their bottom, I traded in Indomitable for Bayard with spare dubs.
The former is utterly boring to play despite its broken slingshot mechanic, while the latter will be given fo free in the upcoming anniversary, allowing me to get a 100% coupon for another ship. I'll probably grab Bagration or Le Terrible, can't imagine myself getting a Hampshire, Irian, Ochakov or Fenyang.

Still wondering if I should trade Khaba for something else, seen how far it fell from grace.

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I did think about getting rid of the Saipan(-got her in a supercontainer years ago) for the Boise but changed my mind-as i have the Atlanta,Flint,Helena,Cleveland and San Diego.

I had nearly all the other ships for trade -in.

Saipan is pretty much defenceless if the team dies, one of those run but cannot hide ships.

When i use her it always put me in a t10 match, not ideal.

Good planes but damn awful against high tier AA,sneaky approaches are not always enough.

Against t6/t7 -most ships you can inflict a lot of damage.At t8,pick targets with care -,,t9,t10---big ouch if you get it wrong.

I suppose i could sell her for 10 million credits.

Now the Kaga on the other hand---😍.


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