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Anyone willing to Man Up and admit to using the Trade In?


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Like others have said, if you trade for Bayard now you will get a completely "free" t8 premium ship from that list when the Anniversary event starts.  My guess is that you still have to spend the 6,250 tokens to claim this "free" t8 premium ship just the same as if you would need to spend it to obtain Bayard, but this will then limit your tokens available for Super Containers (DO NOT get me started on the SC nerf).  The three ships I am tempted to trade for are Tirpitz, Kaga and Bayard for the coupon.  The only downside is regrinding quite a bit of coal since I just purchased Brisbane last week (I think I'm just under 90k coal currently).

In my opinion WeeGee is actually being very generous with this little trade in event as it basically allows players to get doubloon ships for coal.  For how greedy/stingy WeeGee has been and still currently is, I'm shocked this was allowed to happen.

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21 hours ago, Silence_CN said:

As for me (and that's a very personnal opinion), it's another WG's swindle.
"Swapping", at least as for me, means that one exchanges something against something of the same value or so.

As soon as you must pay for a swap...well, this is no longer a swap to my eyes.
Just another way of luring players to spend money for WG's account.

Arguable opinion I reckon, but this will be without me.

pretty much. Unless your trading a coal ship, you pretty much can't get one to one. Also if your trading say, a tirpitz, for a Duke of york, thats trading a paid ship(expensive now too) for a free ship. I traded for Bayard with Khabarovsk, because it was a one to one(and khabarovsk is a freely earned ship so I wasn't losing anything really but time playing the game). Anyone who did spend doubs honestly did get swindled unless it was using earned Ranked doubs, but I still think that the doubs could've been saved for something better eventually.

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There is nothing in there I want, and even tho I do not play cruisers at all, well maybe ops I am not getting rid of my kuta

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12 hours ago, Kaiserliche_garde said:

Like others have said, if you trade for Bayard now you will get a completely "free" t8 premium ship from that list when the Anniversary event starts.  My guess is that you still have to spend the 6,250 tokens to claim this "free" t8 premium ship just the same as if you would need to spend it to obtain Bayard, but this will then limit your tokens available for Super Containers (DO NOT get me started on the SC nerf).  The three ships I am tempted to trade for are Tirpitz, Kaga and Bayard for the coupon.  The only downside is regrinding quite a bit of coal since I just purchased Brisbane last week (I think I'm just under 90k coal currently).

In my opinion WeeGee is actually being very generous with this little trade in event as it basically allows players to get doubloon ships for coal.  For how greedy/stingy WeeGee has been and still currently is, I'm shocked this was allowed to happen.

This is true.

This is basically the same as a one time temporarily lowered pity value of 32 super containers... with one caveat... you don't get anything else from the other 31 containers but I see that as the price for certainty.  As a Finance I'll take certainty over risk everytime as the market rewards certainty over risk at much higher multiples than the likely supercontainer risk model here (sorry not going to spend all day to make a formula nobody will care to understand).

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13 hours ago, Nevermore135 said:

Not really - you will still need to grind and spend the 6250 tokens for the 100% discount coupon in place of Bayard. What you’ve effectively done is simply trade the current list of ships for the list associated with the upcoming anniversary event.

13 hours ago, _KlRlTO_ said:

The Bayard is going to be available for free, regardless, so really what is happening is you are trading a tier 10 coal ship for a tier 8 premium ship, which you could have done straight up anyway.


Maybe I dun goofed then! But still, a coal ship for a premium ship ain't the worst trade, so it's fine ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


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19 hours ago, Sailor_Moon said:

I have! I used the trade-in to trade Salem (a Tier X coal ship) for Bayard (a tier VIII premium ship). Of course the reason for that was also this:

In case you already have Bayard, you will instead receive a 100% discount coupon for Tier VIII ship from the above-mentioned list.

So basically, it's TWO ships for the price of one that I can get back with coal 😄

I think that's a good deal.

You are getting the Bayard & a Tier 8 ship for the cost of 240k coal (or 180k with the Armoury discount coupon) plus the time it takes you to grind out the tokens in the anniversary event 👍

Like you, I got the Bayard from the Trade-in event (traded in the Forrest Sherman 4 times) and will be using the Anniversary Bayard coupon to get the Vanguard for free.


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50 minutes ago, Grantwhy said:

You are getting the Bayard & a Tier 8 ship for the cost of 240k coal (or 180k with the Armoury discount coupon) plus the time it takes you to grind out the tokens in the anniversary event 👍

Yep, that's the way I looked at it :D

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I already had all the really strong ships like Malta, but traded GK which I haven't played in 4-5 years for Bayard, which seems like a slightly nerfed Colbert and which I can imagine playing now and then.

Couldn't care less about loosing one anniversary container for it since those are pretty crap these days anyway and already have 50-60+ T10s so thats enough. 

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Well I just pulled the trigger and traded for three ships.  Neustrashimy for Tirpitz, Black for Kaga, and Iwami and 1,500 doubloons for Bayard.  I know players are gonna knock me for trading Black away and yes I traded away two 296k coal ships which are the most expensive coal ships.  I don't mind regrinding the coal and I wanted to NOT spend as much doubloons as possible and this was the only way without trading away ships that are no longer available.  I was not going to trade away any of the FXP ships or any coal ships no longer for sale.  There a few ships on the list for the Bayard that I would not mind having.  Being able to choose a ship that I want rather than relying on RNG from a Super Container is also better, imo.

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33 minutes ago, Kaiserliche_garde said:

Well I just pulled the trigger and traded for three ships.  Neustrashimy for Tirpitz, Black for Kaga, and Iwami and 1,500 doubloons for Bayard.  I know players are gonna knock me for trading Black away and yes I traded away two 296k coal ships which are the most expensive coal ships.  I don't mind regrinding the coal and I wanted to NOT spend as much doubloons as possible and this was the only way without trading away ships that are no longer available.  I was not going to trade away any of the FXP ships or any coal ships no longer for sale.  There a few ships on the list for the Bayard that I would not mind having.  Being able to choose a ship that I want rather than relying on RNG from a Super Container is also better, imo.

Tirpitz is a fun ship, but why didn’t you trade in Forrest Sherman, which is easier to grind back. Personally I have not traded in anything. The only sensible option is the coal for doubloon exchange that you did. However, I don’t play CVs much, and I already have the Haku and Malta, I would not play a T8 CV. I already have the Tirpitz. I could get the Bayard and thus get something else at the anniversary. But there are only two interesting ships in the Anniversary pack, apart from Bayard. Vanguard and Kidd. Vanguard, because I’m a big fan of T8 premium BBs. I watched a couple of reviews, and she is not worth it, in my opinion. The Kidd is nice, but I’m not a DD main. I play DDs in 25% of my matches, but I already have Smaland, Cossack, Black, Marceau, Kleber, Kita, Mogador, etc, etc. I don’t need another one for my DD needs. I would enjoy much more an upcoming coal ship (or Kuznetsov/Lütjens if nothing interesting comes around) than getting another DD.


Converting coal to doubloons is nice, but you pay for coal with your time, which restricts the pool of your future coal ships. I can have more fun with a T8 doubloon ship than with a T10 coal one, but not with the ones on offer. I had an extreme amount of fun with my newly aquired Kii, but she wasn’t on the trade in or anniversary list.


Also, Bayard is a very difficult to play light cruiser. I had it for rent a few years ago and decided to not buy her, despite considering it earlier. After getting blasted in a couple of T10 matches, she will be a port queen for most players, except pro light cruiser enthousiasts.

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Had no option to exchange a ship. From the offering, all are already in port.

The accounts from my wife and my cats exchanged DoY (plus 100 Gold) for Sims. Even with approx 800k Coal in the savings , I will buy rather new T10 coal ships (or Legendary Commanders) than exchange it for a T8 premium. Tirpitz might have been interesting (for nostalgia) and I-56 (for future sub missions); on the other hand the accounts have already enough German BB (even premium) and instead of I-56 Gato would be available (for steel) - or in the future another T10 sub for coal...


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I'm probably not going to make use of this, because some ships that I might be interested are rather coal ships, not doubloon ships, and I have more coal than doubloons in relative terms.

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3 hours ago, Kaiserliche_garde said:

Well I just pulled the trigger and traded for three ships.  Neustrashimy for Tirpitz, Black for Kaga, and Iwami and 1,500 doubloons for Bayard.  I know players are gonna knock me for trading Black away and yes I traded away two 296k coal ships which are the most expensive coal ships.  I don't mind regrinding the coal and I wanted to NOT spend as much doubloons as possible and this was the only way without trading away ships that are no longer available.  I was not going to trade away any of the FXP ships or any coal ships no longer for sale.  There a few ships on the list for the Bayard that I would not mind having.  Being able to choose a ship that I want rather than relying on RNG from a Super Container is also better, imo.

I must have missed something regarding this anniversary event? When and what is that?! Couldnt find anything about it on their website?
I just traded to get Bayard, so I could have gotten in for free instead? How?! And why do I get a free T8 Premium? (Or is that Bayard you are talking about?)

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15 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I must have missed something regarding this anniversary event? When and what is that?! Couldnt find anything about it on their website?
I just traded to get Bayard, so I could have gotten in for free instead? How?! And why do I get a free T8 Premium? (Or is that Bayard you are talking about?)

This year, the anniversary “flakes”/tokens (6250 of them), can be traded for Bayard. If you have Bayard already, you can select a T8 premium from a “short list” WG has made.

The tokens come from playing your T10 ships during the anniversary. The same tokens you would use to get anniversary supercontainers.

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28 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I must have missed something regarding this anniversary event? When and what is that?! Couldnt find anything about it on their website?
I just traded to get Bayard, so I could have gotten in for free instead? How?! And why do I get a free T8 Premium? (Or is that Bayard you are talking about?)

WoWs’ anniversary is next patch, so you won’t find any information on their web page.




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3 hours ago, Ocsimano18 said:

Tirpitz is a fun ship, but why didn’t you trade in Forrest Sherman, which is easier to grind back. Personally I have not traded in anything. The only sensible option is the coal for doubloon exchange that you did. However, I don’t play CVs much, and I already have the Haku and Malta, I would not play a T8 CV. I already have the Tirpitz. I could get the Bayard and thus get something else at the anniversary. But there are only two interesting ships in the Anniversary pack, apart from Bayard. Vanguard and Kidd. Vanguard, because I’m a big fan of T8 premium BBs. I watched a couple of reviews, and she is not worth it, in my opinion. The Kidd is nice, but I’m not a DD main. I play DDs in 25% of my matches, but I already have Smaland, Cossack, Black, Marceau, Kleber, Kita, Mogador, etc, etc. I don’t need another one for my DD needs. I would enjoy much more an upcoming coal ship (or Kuznetsov/Lütjens if nothing interesting comes around) than getting another DD.


Converting coal to doubloons is nice, but you pay for coal with your time, which restricts the pool of your future coal ships. I can have more fun with a T8 doubloon ship than with a T10 coal one, but not with the ones on offer. I had an extreme amount of fun with my newly aquired Kii, but she wasn’t on the trade in or anniversary list.


Also, Bayard is a very difficult to play light cruiser. I had it for rent a few years ago and decided to not buy her, despite considering it earlier. After getting blasted in a couple of T10 matches, she will be a port queen for most players, except pro light cruiser enthousiasts.

Forrest Sherman is a T10 ship and even thought we do not get a Super Container for each T10 ship this Anniversary we do get the equivalent of one Super Container's worth of tokens.  I guess I'm still hanging on to old behaviors regarding T10 ships and the event rewards we used to get.  I played one game in Bayard and its a fun ship, the commander didn't quite fit and I don't know if I'm going to go with an IFHE build or a fire build.  I have Lutjens, but not Kuznetsov, I do like my German Battleships.  With the 100% off coupon I am leaning Vanguard as I play Battleships more, but I am also open to Loyang, Kidd, Wichita or Rochester.  I actually prefer T8 CV's more than T10, I just play better in Lexington and Shokaku.

Yeah this trade in event is okay, but I wish WeeGee had more ships to trade for, the list was quite small relative to the ships you could trade in.

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13 minutes ago, Kaiserliche_garde said:

Yeah this trade in event is okay, but I wish WeeGee had more ships to trade for, the list was quite small relative to the ships you could trade in.

That list was carefully curated to strike the right balance to encourage players to purchase doubloons for the trade-ins while also not grossly impacting potential future sales of popular ships. Most of the ships on the list were either quite old (Boise, Sims, Tirpitz), coal ships (Yoshino, Tromp, Duke of York, and most of the tier IX options), or pretty niche in their appeal (Dalian, I-56, San Diego).

Edited by Nevermore135
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5 minutes ago, Kaiserliche_garde said:

Yeah this trade in event is okay, but I wish WeeGee had more ships to trade for, the list was quite small relative to the ships you could trade in.

The “menu” was a bit restrictive, but with the three ships I traded, I got two that I wanted, and the Bayard I “semi-wanted,” plus getting it. Now is an avenue to another wanted ship.

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1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I must have missed something regarding this anniversary event? When and what is that?! Couldnt find anything about it on their website?
I just traded to get Bayard, so I could have gotten in for free instead? How?! And why do I get a free T8 Premium? (Or is that Bayard you are talking about?)

Utt_Bugglier and Nevermore135 have already said everything that I could have.  The only thing I will add is that with this trade in event WeeGee is letting players trade coal for doubloons in the form of ships, which is a big trade off since WeeGee makes actual cash money from players buying doubloons.  With the Bayard 100% coupon players are basically getting a T8 premium ship for free, another shocking giveaway from WeeGee.  

For me personally I am trading almost 850k worth of coal ships for about 47k worth of doubloon ships all without having to spend cash (I added the price of Vanguard to the three doubloon ships I traded for, in case anyone is checking my math).  All I have to do is get enough coal and re-purchase those ships which might take a while, but thats okay with me.

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8 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

That list was carefully curated to strike the right balance to encourage players to purchase doubloons for the trade-ins while also not grossly impacting potential future sales of popular ships. Most of the ships on the list were either quite old (Boise, Sims, Tirpitz), coal ships (Yoshino, Tromp, Duke of York, and most of the tier IX options), or pretty niche in their appeal (Dalian, I-56, San Diego).

I just wish WeeGee would make more FXP ships or let us spend more of it during events.  FXP inflation is getting out of hand (maybe for some it is already).  I have 3 million FXP and I already have Alaska, Friesland, Groningen, Nelson, Hayate, Azuma and Agir and I missed out on Smaland by 500k FXP.  I do not and will never waste FXP on a full reset, I only spend 170k FXP to unlock Shiratsuyu and then play Shira, Aki and Kita to unlock Haru.

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5 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

That list was carefully curated to strike the right balance to encourage players to purchase doubloons for the trade-ins while also not grossly impacting potential future sales of popular ships. Most of the ships on the list were either quite old (Boise, Sims, Tirpitz), coal ships (Yoshino, Tromp, Duke of York, and most of the tier IX options), or pretty niche in their appeal (Dalian, I-56, San Diego).

I think part of their goal was to see what moved and what didn’t, perhaps steer the conversion of some of those ships to coal availability in the future, maybe figure out how to make monetization of any future “trade-in “events more ironclad.

I’m sure that the surprising ability to grab doubloon ships at no or low monetary cost in this event has some market research angle for WG.

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7 minutes ago, Kaiserliche_garde said:

I just wish WeeGee would make more FXP ships or let us spend more of it during events.  FXP inflation is getting out of hand (maybe for some it is already).  I have 3 million FXP and I already have Alaska, Friesland, Groningen, Nelson, Hayate, Azuma and Agir and I missed out on Smaland by 500k FXP.  I do not and will never waste FXP on a full reset, I only spend 170k FXP to unlock Shiratsuyu and then play Shira, Aki and Kita to unlock Haru.

I’m a Free XP miser, myself, but I handle it a little differently: I use the US DD line (because I like it), and grind through the T8.  (use FXP (and a little Co-op) to skip having to run ships stock.)

T8 is where my DD abilities “level off” (although I do alright in Black); when I feel I get a better handle on T8, then I’ll move into more T9 play.

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On 8/29/2023 at 8:48 AM, Utt_Bugglier said:

I’m a Free XP miser, myself, but I handle it a little differently: I use the US DD line (because I like it), and grind through the T8.  (use FXP (and a little Co-op) to skip having to run ships stock.)

T8 is where my DD abilities “level off” (although I do alright in Black); when I feel I get a better handle on T8, then I’ll move into more T9 play.

This is part of what I was trying to say in my thread about the Research Bureau, but didn't say it clearly enough, everyone plays the game and RB differently and thats okay, not everyone has the same skills or desire to play certain lines.  The Harugumo line starts slow (I think Hatsuharu is one of the worst tech tree ships in the game, expecially compared to her sister ship Fubuki), but then picks up real fast with Shiratsuyu and finishes spectacularly.  No smoke Shira is incredibly OP for T7 and then when I get to Akizuki and Kitakaze I do spend a combination of XP and FXP to unlock the ship upgrades, to really play well in Aki and Kita you need those upgrades. 

Players should play what and how they are comfortable with whatever ship class that is, I personally choose the IJN gunboat line because not only is it the least expensive, but I also can play good with those ships and I enjoy playing them.  My example of me playing the Haru line was not saying to other players "hey, you need to play the game this way", but rather showing what makes me successful with the Research Bureau.

That also goes to how players manage their resources, some might use all 750k FXP on a full reset, although I personally wouldn't, and other players do it differently as you do.

Edited by Kaiserliche_garde
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I didn't think I would use it when I saw the restrictions on what could be traded, but I did use it for one trade.  I obtained the Black from some source I don't remember, and I had hopes for the ship.  Those hopes never materialized, and I had shelved the ship for both personal reasons and because I had other T9 DDs I preferred to play.  I decided to use the trade in for a ship I had long considered getting, and exchanged the Black for Kearsarge to give me a shiptype I didn't have in my fleet, and I've not regretted that trade since.


I wouldn't have done it for any other ship being offered, though.  Not enough selection and the discounts aren't enough to justify it in most cases.

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Plenty of trash worth trading in, question is will you get it all over again at christmas? 

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