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Anyone willing to Man Up and admit to using the Trade In?


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5 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

But one thing always applies, I think, in situations like this:  It's really unlikely that WG are doing ME any favors.


History has shown us with WG that whatever they do, and no matter what they claim about it being "better/good" for the players", the one side that will reap the benefits from it will be WG.

The people running WG are not our friends, they do not care about or respect the players (frankly "most" seem to hold us in contempt), and their moves are designed SOLEY to increase profits (I am not opposed to them making money as so many are - F2P is not free to develop and run- it is a business - I just don't care for how they do it a lot of the times) and to increase player grinds (and thus profits as we spend real money to ease the grind). I get it, they need to make money and they need to keep the queues full but they don't need to do it the way they seem to do most of the time.

This event, on its face, looks good (to many apparently) but it is just another in a long line of their scummy moves (IMO) that are driven by making money at the player's expense (ie; it is not a fair value deal) and draining player resources all while presented as some magnanimous gesture on their part for our benefit. Come on folks, this is WG, they aren't doing it to help us it is for their benefit.

You lose a tremendous amount of the value of the ship you want to trade in and then on top of it you have to throw real money at it or a bunch of your Coal to get the new ship. Just not worth it IMHO. Others can disagree as is their right and I am not telling anyone NOT to do it. I am just explaining why I won't. The return value is just not there for me. And as I said it just puts that ship I don't like back in the pool where it can drop again.

This event is a smoke and mirrors event designed to get players to spend real money and to drain off Coal reserves presented as a boon for players. It isn't to help us, benefit us, or any kind of good gesture on their part. This, like most similar things, is to benefit WG! But as I said, people should do what they want with their game items and money.


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8 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Don't forget, that traded in ship is now back in the rotation to drop from crates as well…

... which in turn means ships I DO want have a higher likelihood of dropping.

And two ships I wanted, just did “drop,” by virtue of selecting them, with a likelihood of 100%.

8 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

You are losing a good sized % of the value of your ships when you trade them in and then you have to spend money/resources on top of the traded in ship to get a different ship. The winner here is WG.

1. But what value, really? It’s not like I can sell them for a better deal on Ebay.

2. Have you looked at what resources I needed to expend to make the particular trades I identified? I spent zero.

Further, Odin cost 3500 doubloons to extract from its Dockyard. The Kaga that I traded it for, is bought for 11,300.

Similar for Hizen/I-56: It cost either 6000-7000 doubloons to complete Hizen from its dockyard, and the I-56 that replaced it at zero cost sells for 10,800. (Or is it cash only? I missed seeing it in the armory.)

8 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

and no offense is intended.

And none is taken.


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7 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

And two ships I wanted, just did “drop,” by virtue of selecting them, with a likelihood of 100%.

1. But what value, really? It’s not like I can sell them for a better deal on Ebay.

2. Have you looked at what resources I needed to expend to make the particular trades I identified? I spent zero.

Further, Odin cost 3500 doubloons to extract from its Dockyard. The Kaga that I traded it for, is bought for 11,300.

Similar for Hizen/I-56: It cost either 6000-7000 doubloons to complete Hizen from its dockyard, and the I-56 that replaced it at zero cost sells for 10,800. (Or is it cash only? I missed seeing it in the armory.)

And none is taken.


We just see it very differently so let's agree to disagree. If you are happy with the trades you made, using your in game items and your money, that is what matters at the end of the day.


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Guest Capt_of_Satisfaction
12 hours ago, Andrewbassg said:

Got San Diego for ops reasons, although I have Mainz and Bayard  (for same reasons, tho Mainz i also play(ed) for T8 ranked ) so is a bit of an overkill. Since the ops rework there is no real justification for getting any other ship.

Another braindead move from WarGambling....

That's the reason I did NOT get San Diego.  The Mainz and Bayard put it to shame.  I rented SD and played OPs.  I like the ship, it's really comfortable but the dpm just isn't there.  I mean, I know it has great consumables, but I think it needs a buff.  Either a little quicker rate of fire or ATL HE instead of the lousy SAP it has.

I can outscore SD in ATL easily.

I can't find any I'd like to trade for that I don't have.  Maybe Kaga but I rarely ever run CV.  I would like to try Kaga though.

If only you could stack the trade-ins, I'd like to dump Vanguard, De Grasse, Gallant.

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8 minutes ago, Capt_of_Satisfaction said:

I like the ship, it's really comfortable but the dpm just isn't there.  I mean, I know it has great consumables, but I think it needs a buff.  Either a little quicker rate of fire or ATL HE instead of the lousy SAP it has.

Agree. And San Diego can't start fires and do damage over time like Atlanta.

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20 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

We just see it very differently so let's agree to disagree. If you are happy with the trades you made, using your in game items and your money, that is what matters at the end of the day.


I don’t think we see it entirely differently. It was necessary to scour this offering and see if avenues to come out “ahead” existed, because it’s rife with bad value propositions.

Just like WG overvalues AA in ship balance, they have overvalued the “rarity” of certain ships, and priced them too high, not only the purchase price for this event, but also their “trade in price.” The ships I have now, have more doubloon “value” than the doubloons spent in obtaining the ones I gave up, and I spent neither doubloon nor dollar nor coal nugget nor steel billet in the trade.

I went to go trade Anchorage for Bayard less than 15 minute, ago, and couldn't find Anchorage. I did find Bayard as “obtained.” Apparently, I made that trade already.

That’s how memorable this event is to me.

If you have to beat the bushes and pry things apart to find the tiny crevices of value in a sea of “buyer beware”, it is no stellar event.

I come to bury WG, not praise it.

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5 hours ago, Efros said:

I traded in Immelmann to get Dalian and then rebought Immelmann for coal.

I was considering this move, but decided against it. Dalian is the only ship in trade-in that I do not have, but after buying Brisbane I don't have that much coal left, with Halford coming and 3 legendary commanders still to purchase I'll keep my coal. I'm sure Dalian will fell out from one of the crates over Xmas...  

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9 minutes ago, dommo77 said:

I was considering this move, but decided against it. Dalian is the only ship in trade-in that I do not have, but after buying Brisbane I don't have that much coal left, with Halford coming and 3 legendary commanders still to purchase I'll keep my coal. I'm sure Dalian will fell out from one of the crates over Xmas...  

I had a metric crap ton of coal (over 700k) and after buying Brisbane and Immelmann again I still have a quarter of a million, and no coal ships to spend it on.

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I traded the Groningen (she "only" cost me FXP, and I kept the Friesland) for the San Diego, which carried me through Bronze. And I like the historical aspect of it.

Later, A. de Bazan for Bayard, which means a free Vanguard next patch, I reckon.

I'm considering Boise and Dalian, but I don't really want to fall back on the coal purchases, especially since they seem to have discontinued credit auctions.

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I have a some Coal, and I'm looking trading Sherman for Tirpitz, then buying Sherman again. But I still cannot make a decision. 

Dalian is interesting, and I have a pair of 21-pointers waiting. Can be obtained cheaper than a Battle Pass, but I don't want to purchase Doubloons.

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7 hours ago, Efros said:

I traded in Immelmann to get Dalian and then rebought Immelmann for coal.

Same here, the only ships from the list that I could have traded s.th else for where Dalian and I-56. Only went for Dalian, reasons for that:

1. I like Smol, but I neither want to pay full price for Dalian nor gamble on Santa crates in the future

2. I own all coal ships (that have been released yet) and even after that move I had 250k coal in reserve

Personally as a Vet I think trading away ships that you either got for coal or FXP in the past and that are still available for a big discount is not a bad economic move, coal is plenty nowadays anyway. On the other hand I would never trade away a ships that I spend real money on...


EDIT: I don't own Halford, but give that it took WG ~6 month between the Brisbane event and her being added to the armoury for coal, I most likely have more than enough coal for two ships when she finally hits the armoury.  

Edited by Khaba_Gandalf
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I traded the Chkalov and 5k doubloons for the Bayard. The doubloon price seemed kind of high, but I should be able to get another ship for free during the anniversary event, so I'm satisfied with the exchange.

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I did it three times. I changed Lenin for Kearsarge, Khabarovsk for Dalian and Champagne plus some gold for I-56. I don't regret none of them. I rarely played Lenin and Khaba (got them for free). The only ship I paid for was Champagne and I didn't like her. 

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I did it Four times.

Traded Khabarovsk for Tirpitz

Bought Khab back and traded her again for Bayard.

Traded Hayate for San Diego.

Finally traded Salem for Kaga.

Im mostly playing Ops now so those Four ships help me in farming Credits and Free Exp. Now i just need to save coal and get the ships back. Unlikely ill use the trade system again unless they offer some ships like Flandre, Champagne, Prinz Eugen, Constellation or Hornet.

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I don't care if the mechanic is in the game.  If someone has ships they don't enjoy and there are some they want instead, go for it. 

After looking at the choices available, I decided against trading in my Kronstadt. I hate the ship and only play it for snowflake type events but the offerings just didn't appeal to me so just going to ignore the whole thing.  IMHO it is just like the anime, monster, and weird stuff they offer. None of that appeals to me and as long as I can ignore it (hide it) it does not bother me. Matter of fact, I am glad it is in the game for those people who do like it. 

Do I think they are screwing over the players with they way they value that stuff?   Yup.  As long as the player understands that going in, who am I to tell people how to spend their money or resources? 

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I can see how for some this event will make sense.

For me, the ships available weren't worth the cost to do the swap. That might change with another list of ships or a change in the cost of the swap.

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I traded Hayate in for Dalian.

I realize Dalian is a pretty mediocre ship but I've wanted to try it nonetheless and Hayate hasn't impressed me too much either.

But the real point of this is a that if I want Hayate back I can just thow coal at it effectively making Dalian a coal ship which it wasn't before.


Edited by HogHammer
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5 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

scour this offering and see if avenues to come out “ahead” existed, because it’s rife with bad value propositions.

     Well put.  Knee-jerk compulsive trading is what WG is counting on.

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I have! I used the trade-in to trade Salem (a Tier X coal ship) for Bayard (a tier VIII premium ship). Of course the reason for that was also this:

In case you already have Bayard, you will instead receive a 100% discount coupon for Tier VIII ship from the above-mentioned list.

So basically, it's TWO ships for the price of one that I can get back with coal 😄

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46 minutes ago, Sailor_Moon said:

So basically, it's TWO ships for the price of one that I can get back with coal 😄

Not really - you will still need to grind and spend the 6250 tokens for the 100% discount coupon in place of Bayard. What you’ve effectively done is simply trade the current list of ships for the list associated with the upcoming anniversary event.

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50 minutes ago, Sailor_Moon said:

I have! I used the trade-in to trade Salem (a Tier X coal ship) for Bayard (a tier VIII premium ship). Of course the reason for that was also this:

In case you already have Bayard, you will instead receive a 100% discount coupon for Tier VIII ship from the above-mentioned list.

So basically, it's TWO ships for the price of one that I can get back with coal 😄

The Bayard is going to be available for free, regardless, so really what is happening is you are trading a tier 10 coal ship for a tier 8 premium ship, which you could have done straight up anyway. I need to look at the list for the anniversary event, but the way I see it is it is a good option if you are going after something that is on the anniversary list that isn't on the trade in list. I don't remember the anniversary list, so I am not sure what ships would even qualify for that.

Edit: Also in response to the original question, I have not and will not do it in my main account. While there are some ships I would be willing to trade in, what I receive back would not be worth it. However, I did trade in Siliwangi for Sims in an alt account where I also have Loyang, and really didn't need Siliwangi.

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1 minute ago, _KlRlTO_ said:

I don't remember the anniversary list, so I am not sure what ships would even qualify for that.

Siliwangi, Z-35, Fenyang, Ochakov, Loyang, Hampshire, Le Terrible, Tiger 59, Wichita, Gascogne, Irian, Saipan, Vanguard, Pyotr Bagration, Kidd, and Rochester.

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