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Anyone willing to Man Up and admit to using the Trade In?


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I did. Twice. And I might do it again.

Got rid of “Odious” (Odin) for Kaga. Glad to do it. When I got that pig of a ship, I was hoping it was T8’s Scharnhorst. It was - with the five years of Sharny’s power creep built right in, right off the showroom floor. I played a game in it last week, just to make sure I was giving that hag a fair shot. Ranked, so no uptiering: 60 HE shells, 36 AP shells, 17 secondary hits out of 241 fired. One fire, damage in the 30s.

Dumped Hizen for I-56 (I-156?). Never play it. Not only do I never play it, but when I go to choose a T9 battleship to play, it never even enters my mind to consider it.

Yeah, yeah I got rid of two “rare ships.” The only thing rarer than those two dogs was the number of times I played them.

I got two doubloon ships for some of the biggest dead weight in my fleet.

 I didn’t pick up a Bayard (yet) via trade-in because I’m not sure I have time to do its event thing. I’m working night shift, 12 hours a night right now as it is, and will do more of the same for most of September.

But maybe I will trade for Bayard.

Anchorage’s and Yoshino’s days may be numbered yet.


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I feel 50 dubs is worth it; I don't have any attachments despite being my first and only premium from Supercontainer.


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I considered the Bayard, Tirp, and Dalian when it was discussed on the old forum.

Bayard should be achievable during the event for me. Considering trading in a coal ship for Dalian. Still havent pulled the trigger.

I have too many secondary boats, I will live without the Tirp.

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As for me (and that's a very personnal opinion), it's another WG's swindle.
"Swapping", at least as for me, means that one exchanges something against something of the same value or so.

As soon as you must pay for a swap...well, this is no longer a swap to my eyes.
Just another way of luring players to spend money for WG's account.

Arguable opinion I reckon, but this will be without me.

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Back during the event for the Brisbane I got two T8 premium CVs out of the air supply crates. An Aquila and the Indomitable.

I went ahead and turned the Aquila in for a Sims. Basically I'm not a carrier main and that particular carrier is just too damn hard to play effectively when uptiered. Something with DFAA even sneezes in your general direction and your flight is gone even if you were avoiding the flak. Same sort of story for how bad the defenses of the carrier itself are.

The Sims for being powercrept by newer ships at least is a usable destroyer and I've definitely been a gremlin with the sea mines in a few games. Far easier to make a half million plus credits in a game with it than the Aquila. And zipping around at over 46 knots when undetected on an American DD just feels good.

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Sort of.

Sat on close to 600k coal, so traded in Forest Sherman (the cheapest coal boat) and took San Diego. And then purchased FS again. So I'm left with ~350k coal and one less lower'ish tiers boat I can get from SC and Santa/Satan crates.

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Traded the tier 10 Spanish DD (can never remember the name) for a free Tirpitz, then bought the DD back again for coal. Had always wanted the Tirpitz, just didn't want spend the 12k doubloons for it. Also had an abundance of coal and nothing I really wanted to spend it on since I have all the coal ships, except the outrageously priced ex-steel ships, and have all the unique commanders, so decided to splurge for the Tirpitz.

Don't see why people have issues with the trade in. Don't like it, then don't use it. Simple as that.

Edited by Colonel Potter
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47 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

I did. Twice. And I might do it again.

Got rid of “Odious” (Odin) for Kaga. Glad to do it. When I got that pig of a ship, I was hoping it was T8’s Scharnhorst. It was - with the five years of Sharny’s power creep built right in, right off the showroom floor. I played a game in it last week, just to make sure I was giving that hag a fair shot. Ranked, so no uptiering: 60 HE shells, 36 AP shells, 17 secondary hits out of 241 fired. One fire, damage in the 30s.

Dumped Hizen for I-56 (I-156?). Never play it. Not only do I never play it, but when I go to choose a T9 battleship to play, it never even enters my mind to consider it.

Yeah, yeah I got rid of two “rare ships.” The only thing rarer than those two dogs was the number of times I played them.

I got two doubloon ships for some of the biggest dead weight in my fleet.

 I didn’t pick up a Bayard (yet) via trade-in because I’m not sure I have time to do its event thing. I’m working night shift, 12 hours a night right now as it is, and will do more of the same for most of September.

But maybe I will trade for Bayard.

Anchorage’s and Yoshino’s days may be numbered yet.


No need to man up here, I wrote on the old forums I prob will back when it was announced, I was one of the guys that wanted some kind of trade in option to get rid of "split and exchange" freemiums such as Kurfurst, Khaba etc I almost never played them outside of the events as they are not my cup of cake, the line ships that replaced them and inherited their permaflages where aplicable are more to my liking so these were just well baggage and port decorations most of the time so I swapped them free of charge tor some T8 stuff and I am pretty happy with the trade even if I would liked it better if we could have kept the "change" in the doubloon form but f-it they didnt cost me anthing really so no harm done... I can always get them back for coal later if they get some interesting buff or whatnot

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Got San Diego for ops reasons, although I have Mainz and Bayard  (for same reasons, tho Mainz i also play(ed) for T8 ranked ) so is a bit of an overkill. Since the ops rework there is no real justification for getting any other ship.

Another braindead move from WarGambling....

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I will man up and admit that I think the exchanges aren't worth it. I have tons of ships I don't play but just not worth exchanging them at a loss plus I will just get them again from a crate down the road. Just going to leave them as flake port queens.

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Exchanged original/regular Mainz, which has been rendered redudant by a lucky drop of Mainz B during Black Friday 2022, for Sims. How viable Sims remains in current meta is secondary to the satisfaction of getting rid of the duplicate. I have blocked all "Decorative" exterior features so they are all the same other than names for me.

I am considering the possibilities of taking the chance of the "F. Sherman scheme" and get I-56 and/or Tirpitz for coal. It will cost much though, and Tirpitz isn't a rigid demand with Odin and Bismarck with a specially assigned commander with IFHE and FPE.

I bought Bayard with the Biannual coupon before but hasn't decided how to choose between concealment, rudder shift and speed juking and properly build her yet.

Edited by Project45_Opytny
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21 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I have tons of ships I don't play but just not worth exchanging them at a loss plus I will just get them again from a crate down the road. Just going to leave them as flake port queens.

If you don’t play them, the loss is in the keeping them, not in the getting something for them.

And, I chose to get doubloon ships. Trading past grind time to not spend present or future money is not losing.

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6 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

If you don’t play them, the loss is in the keeping them, not in the getting something for them.

And, I chose to get doubloon ships. Trading past grind time to not spend present or future money is not losing.

Keeping unplayed ships means you don't risk getting them in containers in the future.

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7 minutes ago, Zaydin said:

Keeping unplayed ships means you don't risk getting them in containers in the future.

That however only matters if one aims for “get them all” or is fishing for some rare stuff and it comes back to previous as one usually needs to have nearly all ships to have the slightest chance of rolling a rare one

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56 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

If you don’t play them, the loss is in the keeping them, not in the getting something for them.

And, I chose to get doubloon ships. Trading past grind time to not spend present or future money is not losing.

This is just another in a long line of WG's used car salesman gimmicks to get people to spend money and/or drain off resources. This is not a good deal for the players. When has WG EVER done anything that truly benefits players (in the last few years anyway)?

By all means you do what you want with your game items and your money. I mean no disrespect. But this is a bad deal for players value wise and it has people spending money they wouldn't otherwise. And, yes, you are losing here. You are losing a good sized % of the value of your ships when you trade them in and then you have to spend money/resources on top of the traded in ship to get a different ship. The winner here is WG.

Don't forget, that traded in ship is now back in the rotation to drop from crates as well. 

I lose nothing by keeping ships I don't play other than a port slot and despite having 520'ish ships at last count I had like 150 +/- empty port slots so that isn't an issue for me. By keeping those port queens I avoid having them drop from a Santa Crate, SC, event crate, etc... which in turn means ships I DO want have a higher likelihood of dropping. I also am able to collect their flake and anniversary rewards each year. And, although it doesn't happen often it does now and then, where if WG sets a task for certain ships I usually have those ships to call on.

Keeping the port queens has no downside while selling them actually does. 

But again, you do you, and no offense is intended.

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I agree, the strongest argument against not doing the trade in is because the traded in ship may drop from a future crate... but, how likely is that in terms of probabilities? Also, this consideration is less important if, like me, you are not planning to buy any more satan crates. A secondary consideration is that you cannot buy the ships back that you trade in for another ship.

I'm only considering this because I have some CV's around and I don't actually play CV's at all. I'm looking into if it makes sense to trade, say, one of those in for something more usable, should I think I can use any of the options that we are allowed to get through this trade.

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1 hour ago, Zaydin said:

Keeping unplayed ships means you don't risk getting them in containers in the future.

And it also means you never get anything for having them until RNG determines you do. And you’ll never know when that takes place. And you might get dropped a Krasny Krym when RNG rolled the ship you kept, when you could have gotten something better for it.

Keeping an unplayed premium premium instead of selling for credits is good resource management. Keeping it rather than getting another useful premium, is just living in your fears.


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I couldn't begin to get my head around the entire concept ... put it down to being crook.

But one thing always applies, I think, in situations like this:  It's really unlikely that WG are doing ME any favors. So I just rolled my eyes at the entire concept and wrote it off as too hard.

I may have missed out on something ... but I know I didn't lose anything.

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As a mostly free-to-play player, I have some doubloons to spend but not enough to (maybe) get more than one or two Premium ships a year, and never without using a discount coupon.

I am however home pretty much 24/7/365, and Warships is one of my way of filling in the hours of the day, so I get a lot of Coal.

And when this event stared I had just over 1.3M Coal, and noticed that some of the ships we could trade in were Coal ships, so ...

I used the Trade-in to buy premium ships for Coal + a small amount of doubloons.

I traded in the Forrest Sherman 4 times to get the Dalian, San Diego, Bayard & I-56 for the price of 928k Coal + 1675 Dubs (for the Dalian)

As silly a idea of trading in premium ships may be to some (myself included), I think I got a good deal out of the Trade-in event 🙂


I may never again get the opportunity to buy Doubloon Premium Ships for Coal again.

But then, this may have been part of WG's plan. To get people like me with a lot of Coal to spend some in this event.

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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

I bother I forgot all about it. Is it still on?

Asking for a friend....

on NA it goes for just under 4 more days from time of this post.


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Yes why not trade ships that you dont play for new ones, especially the ones you can only get for doublons.

I ve traded for Bayard, so I can trade him later for 100% discount and will get Kidd then for free.

Traded for Tirpitz since I didnt have it in my collection.

I am thinking also for Pommern but not sure yet.

Traded coal ships that I can get again for coal, coal ships that I dont play.

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In general, the trade-in is a rip-off, as it generally takes something people paid real money for and halves the value i.e. doubloon ships.

However, there are exceptions where it could easily be worthwhile; most of these tend to involve coal ships - if you can swap a coal ship (the bulk, if not all, of which can be earned for just playing) for a doubloon ship that's pretty good for the players. Even more so if you can then buy the coal ship back afterwards.

I haven't taken part on my main account as I already have all the trade-in options, so my view is largely academic. I did vaguely think about trading in my Salem on my NA account for some sort of T8 premium, but decided against it in the end (mainly because I can't replace Salem right away, as I'm not playing on NA much at the moment - submarines).

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1 hour ago, Wulf_Ace said:

I am thinking also for Pommern but not sure yet.

Don't trade anything in for any ship you can get for coal in the first place. 

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