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Highest number of "hits" on a Submarine


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55 (plus a fire or woulda' been more) Hits from Akizuki's small caliber guns (100mm or 3.94" guns) is the highest number of rounds (all HE) I think I've ever poured into a sub.

I won't comment on the absolute ridiculousness of this (wait... that was a comment) but since I've seen many folks post about it I'm wondering who has the "greatest" hits trophy 🙂

This is for the fun of it, not to re-start the whole subs debate...  I think everyone knows where they come down on it and very unlikely that opinions will change.

Fair winds and following seas!


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I hit a sub with 17 Halland depth charges and didnt sink the sub. 

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I thought my 20+ secondary hits plus 12 rockets plus two depth charges as a Midway was absurd...

Seems I've been beat!


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