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PSA. Moar "improvements" regarding battle selection........


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Wedgie in its infinite wisdom decided that THEY should decide what batle type one plays......

B8B0C9B8-AC7D-49E4-A613-349F042B68CB.gifD4250899-7637-4DB1-9393-24C11B63FACC.gif F3261B14-9CFC-4494-9383-948F2B2D5D00.gif

In essence if a battle type becomes unavailable ( like ranked, coz time limits) the game will autoselect randoms.......


And unsurprisingly it is NOT mentioned in the changelog......

Edited by Andrewbassg
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This has always been the case. Make sure to check your battletype before pressing the battle button.


When you finish a training room and go back go port it defaults to coop. The amount of types I saw myself in a coop match because of this I stopped counting.

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1 hour ago, EXEC_HYMNE_Ar_tonelico said:

This has always been the case. Make sure to check your battletype before pressing the battle button.


When you finish a training room and go back go port it defaults to coop. The amount of types I saw myself in a coop match because of this I stopped counting.

Well.....no. And yes 🙂 

No, coz absolutely never ever have been the case that instead of Ranked the game autoselects Random, during an active season.

And yes. because indeed. one can end up in coop after leaving training battles 🙂 

Now, you actually have a point, because the mechanism is, now, the same. Upon leaving the training battles selection, the server deletes the session and as far it concerns......it doesn't exists. One needs to recreate, again a/the session. That has never been the case with Ranked, the type simply becoming unavailable. Except when the season ended.

So....yeah... 😞 not good, coz undocumented......and now we have the Battle On "featurette"



Edited by Andrewbassg
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I can’t check my client right now, but can you even select an inactive battle type on the port screen? I know you used to be able to (you just couldn’t enter a battle), but has that changed? I can see the issue described in the OP being an unintended, unforeseen consequence of such a change to the UI. 🤔

Or is the complaint that the new “Battle On” feature defaults players to a different mode without ever going back to port? If that’s the case it’s a pretty egregious oversight and I completely understand the complaints.

Edited by Nevermore135
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56 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

I can’t check my client right now, but can you even select an inactive battle type on the port screen? I know you used to be able to (you just couldn’t enter a battle), but has that changed? I can see the issue described in the OP being an unintended, unforeseen consequence of such a change to the UI. 🤔


No you can't. Yes you could have, before. And well...not exactly.

59 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

Or is the complaint that the new “Battle On” feature defaults players to a different mode without ever going back to port? If that’s the case it’s a pretty egregious oversight and I completely understand the complaints.

Well yes, but also more. it is an unannounced change.

Tbh, I saw a reddit post about this , which vent by me, until experienced it first hand.......

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4 hours ago, Andrewbassg said:

In essence if a battle type becomes unavailable ( like ranked, coz time limits) the game will autoselect randoms...

I had exactly this yesterday, and got dumped unceremoniously into a Random battle (which I lost). It looks like WG have messed with the UI such that it's now annoyingly easy to end up in Randoms.

Presumably, it's deliberate - it's one way to 'encourage' us to not actively avoid submarine modes.

Regardless, as mentioned above: *always check the game mode you have selected*, only more so now.

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18 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

Care to elaborate? 🙄

This is not an UI change. The change is on the server side.

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13 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:

This is not an UI change. The change is on the server side.

There was a UI change, though - you are no longer able to select or dwell in an unavailable battle type on the port screen. This change to the UI is tied directly to the problem you describe.

18 minutes ago, Verblonde said:

Presumably, it's deliberate - it's one way to 'encourage' us to not actively avoid submarine modes.


Never attribute to malice what you can attributed to incompetence. WG changed part of the port interface and more than likely just didn’t account for all the possible consequences. An entirely foreseeable consequence that nonetheless went unforeseen.

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14 minutes ago, Verblonde said:

I had exactly this yesterday, and got dumped unceremoniously into a Random battle (which I lost)

Yeah, exactly the same here 🙂 Match ended, pressed Battle On, match loads. press W start to look around and... "wait wat? wat map is this....." Look up and  24 in the line up, "oh sh...." ..... 

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4 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

There was a UI change, though - you are no longer able to select or dwell in an unavailable battle type on the port screen. This change to the UI is tied directly to the problem you describe.

Erm...no. Regardless of the client, the battle type is handled by the server. So there was the change.

7 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

Never attribute to malice what you can attributed to incompetence. WG changed part of the port interface and more than likely just didn’t account for all the possible consequences. An entirely foreseeable consequence that nonetheless went unforeseen.

Not attributing malice to it ( insofar as we define it as "intent"). In fact, I was a bit reluctant to name the true origin ( i.e server) coz it could be interpreted in....." various ways", so to speak :)

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8 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:

Erm...no. Regardless of the client, the battle type is handled by the server. So there was the change.

Battle type selection in the sense of being able to pick a batte type in port is very much a UI/client side feature. You used to be able to do so even when the battle type was not active. Removing this ability to “dwell” in an inactive battle type is directly related to why the battle type switches automatically to another type (Randoms).

Being able to actually enter the battle is a server side issue, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

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34 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

Never attribute to malice what you can attributed to incompetence.

I did think of this, and you're probably right. That said, since becoming familiar with WG, I am tempted to forward this one to the Axioms Review Board...! Laughing.gif.b044d50fbbe2c1b33e52e3a4ae4ba046.gif

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24 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

Battle type selection in the sense of being able to pick a batte type in port is very much a UI/client side feature. You used to be able to do so even when the battle type was not active. Removing this ability to “dwell” in an inactive battle type is directly related to why the battle type switches automatically to another type (Randoms).

Being able to actually enter the battle is a server side issue, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

Well .....I see it differently 🙂

You know what happens if you have two accounts and on one account select a ship, but you don't have it on the other and switch clients? Autoselects another ship, because the OG ship DOESN'T EXISTS.

When one makes a battle type selection....  actually opens a... specific channel,  a route, towards the server. Before, that channel was simply obstructed  (i.e gated). Now it DOESN'T EXIST.

That's how I see it. 

P.S. Tbh.... I didnt thought thru any of this, until we all started discussing it  🙂

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5 hours ago, EXEC_HYMNE_Ar_tonelico said:

The amount of types I saw myself in a coop match because of this I stopped counting.


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5 hours ago, EXEC_HYMNE_Ar_tonelico said:

The amount of types I saw myself in a coop match because of this I stopped counting.

The first time this happened to me I was a relative newb in my shiny new Scharnhorst, all set to charge in and lay down a beating on some helpless bots, when suddenly I noticed that everyone else in my team was behind me. That's when I looked up and saw that there were far too many players on each side, and realized that I'd just stuck myself right out in front of EVERYBODY on the Red team in a Random battle. 

I think I lasted less than a minute after that. It was a salutary lesson in attention to detail, and I've very rarely made that mistake since. 

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