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Are You a WoWs Twitch Streamer?


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We are currently in the exploration phase of some possible opportunities that may allow DevStrike! forum members a chance to expand their streaming audience.  If you currently stream World of Warships on Twitch, please message me directly and address the questions below to help us decide on this topic and possible best solutions to address it in the future.

  • What is the primary purpose of your stream?  Examples:  Entertainment, teaching, community building, etc.
  • What battle scenario does your stream focus on?  Examples: Co-op, random, ranked, operations, or "it just depends," etc.
  • When streaming, what game server are you using?  NA, EU, or Asia.
  • Do you allow viewers to join your active streams?  Examples: Team building, teaching, or analysis of replays.
  • Do you use Discord or another platform for voice communications during a stream if the player is invited to play?  
  • What is the primary stream language you use?  (Remember, our community is global)
  • Do you have a schedule of your streams?  How do you currently communicate when you are streaming online?

If you have other comments or suggestions, please include them.  The more information we have on how you stream and what you would like to accomplish, the more can formulate any future plans and ideas.

Again, this is something we are exploring and have not committed to at the present time.  Your input would be most appreciated in helping a possible way forward for this opportunity.  Please send your comments directly to me @HogHammer.  Thanks!

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Once you get some interest, I find it helpful for instance that Lord_Zath mentions on the forum when he will be on stream so we know.

I find his stream would address many of your questions as it is one of the better ones particularly in english. [NA server as you probably know.]

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The "CC/Community Contributors" offer quite a lot for viewers in terms of entertainment, learning various aspects of the game, and becoming a better player.  @Lord_Zath really does an excellent job and is extremely helpful to the community.  

Prior to us launching DevStrike! I was not big on Twitch as a viewing platform.  If I wanted information, I just searched YouTube.  I have, however, found Twitch extremely valuable in real time for learning and observing tactics and strategy as the game unfolds.  Overall, I view it as another valuable piece of instruction to improve my skills.  For example, I wanted to improve my cruiser skills and found that John_The_Ruthless was streaming.  Just watching his skill in positioning and other techniques he employs during a battle was well worth my time and helped me tremendously.  

Many here may know of CCs that are present in their own region (game server). Still, there are many very good CCs in other regions that contribute to the game's overall health and player knowledge that many have no idea about.  Hopefully, we can make members more aware of these streamers in the future.

Those that are not CCs, perhaps several currently on the forum and stream, may also benefit players, hence our interest.  It is just a way to discover all the possible tools we have available that could potentially help improve a player's skill and knowledge.

Perhaps when we get a better understanding of these streamers and what they can offer, we can come up with a better solution to help not only those who stream but provide additional help and instruction for our forum members.

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2 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I think this sounds like a good idea.

I can't imagine having too much information !  Good Lord, just starting this game is a Cold Stone B*#%& that turns off a lot of new players...!  If our streamers can solve many issues and problems, why not have a Library run by a CM on this site.  One person to interact with the "horde of CC's and amateur pundits...

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6 hours ago, thornzero said:

Once you get some interest, I find it helpful for instance that Lord_Zath mentions on the forum when he will be on stream so we know.

I find his stream would address many of your questions as it is one of the better ones particularly in english. [NA server as you probably know.]

there is simple FOLLOW option on his stream, its not that hard to click it

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12 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

there is simple FOLLOW option on his stream, its not that hard to click it

Wow, thanks for the brilliant insight of the obvious. I go on twitch for two reasons. One to see pro players and learn something and two for drops. Following doesn't necessarily state the schedule of the streamers and my comment was for insight to new streamers, which must not been as obvious as your insightfulness. Thanks for the effort nonetheless.

p.s. I would point out that Lord_Zath has no schedule on his page like the WoWs guys and further, he streams a lurk mode day and night so I look for his 'beacon' when he posts on devstrike that he is actually going to be on, and doing replays.


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Many WoWs related game play streamers don't have a set schedule, while some are on routinely during various days.  Perhaps the easiest way is just to follow, and as mentioned previously, you will get a "beacon" indicator next to their name if you are on Twitch.  As I mentioned earlier, we are exploring this streaming option to help not only members who may stream but also CCs and a possible way to integrate streaming schedules or notices for the benefit of forum members.  Currently just exploring any possible solutions as to any potential integration into the forum.  By the way, those who have responded to my questions, thank you very much - still would like some more feedback, so don't be shy.

Twitch.png.7655d8f27e833cee8904b9c2ee44a6b6.png   An example of followed streamers is with "active/red dot" feeds.

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 @HogHammer I use the Twitch app on my phone.
It can provide "notifications", including when a Twitch Streamer that I follow, such as @Ensign Cthulhu and @Lord_Zath is online.
It can also notify me when a streamer, such as @Lord_Zath gives me a "shout out" during their Twitch stream.
There are menu options I can use to select which types of notifications I receive and from which Twich streamer.
I can also turn-off all notifications, if I desire.

Edited to add:  P.S.  I already follow Bistikaze.  I didn't realize @BOBTHEBALL was a Twitch streamer, too.

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Is there a Twitch Streamer who shows how to use the combination of Twitch, Discord, etc. to include  where to look for a beacon indicator?

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3 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I didn't realize @BOBTHEBALL was a Twitch streamer, too.

I haven't streamed in a while because I'm on holiday haha but when I get back I might do some stuff who knows. 

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  • HogHammer featured this topic


Going live now 😄

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No, I'm not.  But I enjoy rabbling in chat.  I can most often be found soaking up Lord_Zath's free loot and giving un-asked-for opinions. 

WG EU CMs are incredibly tolerant of me too.


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i do stream just for the fun of it but i dont stream much 

being a small clan commander . im always active with some of the members 

but i follow a good few streamers 

image.png.97768f6f06896e9fc491597ebc188add.png image.png.95e880697ad1cf0f7e9232a02aacaf52.png

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  • HogHammer unfeatured this topic
  • 4 months later...
Posted (edited)

im a co-op main but i did a 2hr stream yesterday  in randoms because im regrinding the light usn cruiser line  8 randoms 6 wins

today i did almost a 3hrs stream continuing my cruiser line grind  played 13 battles 7 wins 

heres my last game result and replay 






not bad for a co-op main 

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2 hours ago, Gaelic_knight said:

today i did almost a 3hrs stream continuing my cruiser line grind  played 13 battles 7 wins

Anytime you want to promote your stream, you are more than welcome to do so in "General."

Just a reminder 👀.

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Posted (edited)
50 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

Anytime you want to promote your stream, you are more than welcome to do so in "General."

Just a reminder 👀.

i didnt know that @HogHammer  my friend  but i dont do exciting streams or many of  them and my setup is just  is just basic enough to get online  so i dont expect anyone viewing  although it would be nice if any actually said hello or asked a question ( no subscription as i cant use paypal ) 

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Gaelic_knight said:

i didnt know that @Wolfswetpaws TY by friend  but i dont do exciting streams or many of  themand my setup is just  is just basic enough to get online  so i dont expect anyone viewing  although it would be nice if any actually said hello or asked a question ( no subscription as i cant use paypal ) 

I've seen you here on the forums (and the old forums) and in-game and sailed with you in a division.
Also seen you on other people's Twitch streams among the viewing & chatting audience.
Didn't know you were producing your own streams, until today.
Now I'm curious to see your Twitch stream in the future.

Don't worry about your "equipment" or level of experience.  Like the Sesame Street songs says ....
"Don't worry that it's not good enough for anyone else to hear.  Just sing.  Sing a song.  La la la lala, la la la lala la laaa...."  🙂 


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i even remember that 


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Hey, I'm glad this thread popped back up.  Here is what I know about this streaming stuff (warning-dumb questions otw..):  I go to twitch, click on the WOWS one if active, otherwise I click on the ones with high viewer numbers, a couple of them in case they stop streaming and I don't notice, I then minimize the screen and play while these run in the background to collect the loot.  So, admittedly, there are a few very basic things I don't understand about it- 

1-terminology of "follow", "subscribe", etc.

2-loot progress bar, when it shows up, seems glitchy with no correlation to actually getting loot.  Have to go to the loot collected page to see what's happening.  Same for everybody?

3-I've seen mentioned about not muting or minimizing the stream or the progress bar stops.  My experience is sometimes, sometimes not.

4- ettiquette- is it bad form for me to click on a stream and minimize it for hours?  I would rather click on streamers I see here on the forum, but not if there is some annoying factor to my habit as above (ie- am I expected to interact or something?).

  Thanks for any assistance.

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38 minutes ago, meatgrindr said:

Hey, I'm glad this thread popped back up.  Here is what I know about this streaming stuff (warning-dumb questions otw..):  I go to twitch, click on the WOWS one if active, otherwise I click on the ones with high viewer numbers, a couple of them in case they stop streaming and I don't notice, I then minimize the screen and play while these run in the background to collect the loot.  So, admittedly, there are a few very basic things I don't understand about it- 

1-terminology of "follow", "subscribe", etc.

2-loot progress bar, when it shows up, seems glitchy with no correlation to actually getting loot.  Have to go to the loot collected page to see what's happening.  Same for everybody?

3-I've seen mentioned about not muting or minimizing the stream or the progress bar stops.  My experience is sometimes, sometimes not.

4- ettiquette- is it bad form for me to click on a stream and minimize it for hours?  I would rather click on streamers I see here on the forum, but not if there is some annoying factor to my habit as above (ie- am I expected to interact or something?).

  Thanks for any assistance.

3. The thing about muting is to not mute the stream itself since that, from what I have heard, means you do not count as a viewer. Muting the tab is fine, just not the stream itself.

4. Yes, lurking is generally acceptable. I'll do it all the time with the tab muted and have it going in the background while I'm doing something else.

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I forgot this was here and I should probably stream some more but I don't wanna have 12 v 12 World of Wisconsin

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2 hours ago, meatgrindr said:

Hey, I'm glad this thread popped back up.  Here is what I know about this streaming stuff (warning-dumb questions otw..):  I go to twitch, click on the WOWS one if active, otherwise I click on the ones with high viewer numbers, a couple of them in case they stop streaming and I don't notice, I then minimize the screen and play while these run in the background to collect the loot.  So, admittedly, there are a few very basic things I don't understand about it- 

1-terminology of "follow", "subscribe", etc.

2-loot progress bar, when it shows up, seems glitchy with no correlation to actually getting loot.  Have to go to the loot collected page to see what's happening.  Same for everybody?

3-I've seen mentioned about not muting or minimizing the stream or the progress bar stops.  My experience is sometimes, sometimes not.

4- ettiquette- is it bad form for me to click on a stream and minimize it for hours?  I would rather click on streamers I see here on the forum, but not if there is some annoying factor to my habit as above (ie- am I expected to interact or something?).

  Thanks for any assistance.

all you have to do is follow for the drops to work  . yes sometimes i go check but there is an inbox top right hand corner of twitch and it will notify you if anything is ready to collect 

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8 hours ago, meatgrindr said:

1-terminology of "follow", "subscribe", etc.

2-loot progress bar, when it shows up, seems glitchy with no correlation to actually getting loot.  Have to go to the loot collected page to see what's happening.  Same for everybody?

3-I've seen mentioned about not muting or minimizing the stream or the progress bar stops.  My experience is sometimes, sometimes not.

4- ettiquette- is it bad form for me to click on a stream and minimize it for hours?  I would rather click on streamers I see here on the forum, but not if there is some annoying factor to my habit as above (ie- am I expected to interact or something?).

Difference between follow and subscribe:  If you follow a streamer, that is exactly what happens.  The streamer you follow will basically end up under "followed" or your favorites.  If you subscribe, you are supporting the streamer with a fee charged by Twitch.  The difference is that subscribers will no longer see ads, while followers will, at times, see ads on the stream.

Screenshot2024-06-10062927.png.67b321e15ced0c52d82e58dbb00199f8.png  Followed channels are indicated on the left side of the Twitch interface.

Screenshot2024-06-10063136.png.5cd9c16898cdfd00bf7ff01b8833dba3.png   To follow a streamer, click on the "follow" button.  

Loot progress or drops by streamer can be found by clicking on the "notifications" icon. Recently, there have been some glitches, but it is pretty reliable most of the time. You will need to "claim" any drops from that streamer.


I've seen it mentioned about not muting or minimizing the stream. If I'm lurking but still want to help out the streamer, I usually just take the volume slider and move it to 1 to 3 percent of the volume. I will also go to settings and reduce the stream quality/bandwidth if I'm in lurk mode.  No reason on my end to suck up bandwidth while lurking.

Screenshot2024-06-10064525.png.e41a77bb4a95411175ae2115483a9e8d.png  Reduced from 1080 to 720.  I've even done lower while lurking.

Is it bad form for me to click on a stream and minimize it for hours? Not at all. You are still supporting and helping out that streamer.  I believe you can have two streams open at one time, which still supports the streamers.


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17 hours ago, Gaelic_knight said:

im a co-op main but i did a 2hr stream yesterday  in randoms because im regrinding the light usn cruiser line  8 randoms 6 wins

today i did almost a 3hrs stream continuing my cruiser line grind  played 13 battles 7 wins 

heres my last game result and replay 





20240609_124447_PASC208-Cleveland_50_Gold_harbor.wowsreplay 2.43 MB · 0 downloads

not bad for a co-op main 

who stole my ribbons lol . ill have to look into that 

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