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Turning Data


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In an effort to make review work more manageable, I'm creating data entries that should (in theory) be easier to update.  This also creates a visible archive of ship data which people can discuss, add-to, debate, etc.  Most importantly, this also serves as a backup of stuff I have collected.  Transcribing from my notes and tables takes a while, so I'll be adding to this as I go.

Entries are sorted by tier (highest to lowest) with ships listed alphabetically.  Here's an example and how the information is broken down:

  • Yukon (British Commonwealth): 4.10º/s over 781.33m (790m) at 20.8 / 28.1 knots (74%)
  • Ship Name (Nationality):  [Sustained Rate of Turn] over [in-Game turn radius] (in-port turn radius) at [Sustained 4/4 Turn Speed] / [ Recorded 4/4 turn speed] (Sustained divided by recorded in percentage)

For the uninitiated, ships gradually lose speed as they turn but this eventually flattens out to a sustained turning speed.  It's from this value that the in-port turning radius is calculated.  This has been done with a stopwatch, timing the completion of multiple 360º rotations which are then averaged out.

Some notes and errata:

  • Each entry represents a minimum of five (5) 360º rotations, averaged out. Still, due to the nature of my terrible reflexes, some variance in results is to be expected.  You'll see this quite noticeably with cloned-ships.
  • A difference of +/- 10m between the in-Game turn radius and the in-Port turn radius seems normal.  Deviations further than this are highlighted.  I have double and triple checked these values and I consider them bugged.
  • These entries were not all collected together and represent entries spanning several years.  Some may be out of date.
  • There are patterns to the amount of speed lost based on ship type.  For destroyers, they appear to turn around 84% of their 4/4 speed.  Cruisers manage 80%.  Battleships 75%.  Aircraft Carriers turn at 67%.  Significant deviations from this are highlighted.  The most notable exception to this of this are the British Light Cruisers and Destroyers with their UFO-like energy retention, but these are by design.  Further deviations I have highlighted.
  • The odd decimals kept here help preserve more information in a shorter overall entry.

A very heartfelt thanks to @Lert for his help with this project over the years.

Tier XI (Supership) Destroyers

  • 699.26m (700m) at 7.00º/s Kunming (Pan Asia) at 31.8 / 38.1 knots (83.5%)
  • 716.79m (720m) at 6.50º/s Dalarna (Pan Europe) at 30.3 / 36.0 knots (84.2%)
  • 748.74m (750m) at 6.41º/s J. Humphries (USA) at 31.2 / 37.4 knots (83.4%)
  • 759.31m (760m) at 7.29º/s Zorkiy (USSR) at 36.0 / 43.1 knots (83.5%)
  • 799.14m (800m) at 6.41º/s Yamagiri (Japan) at 33.3 / 39.7 knots (83.9%)


  • Dalarna (Pan Europe): 6.50º/s over 716.79m (720m) at 30.3 / 36.0 knots (84.2%)
  • J. Humphries (USA): 6.41º/s over 748.74m (750m) at 31.2 / 37.4 knots (83.4%)
  • Kunming (Pan Asia): 7.00º/s over 699.26m (700m) at 31.8 / 38.1 knots (83.5%)
  • Zorkiy (USSR): 7.29º/s over 759.31m (760m) at 36.0 / 43.1 knots (83.5%)
  • Yamagiri (Japan)  6.41º/s over 799.14m (800m) at 33.3 / 39.7 knots (83.9%)

Tier X Destroyers

  • Alvaro de Bazan (Spain): 6.74º/s over 635.31m (730m) at 32.2 / 40.0 knots (80.5%)
  • Attilio Regolo (Italy): 6.88º/s over 771.17m (770m) at 34.5 / 41.0 knots (84.1%)
  • Daring (UK): 8.43º/s over 627.94m (630m) at 34.4 / 35.0 knots (98.3%)
  • Delny (USSR): 7.38º/s over 763.36m (760m) at 36.6 / 43.5 knots (84.1%)
  • Druid (UK): 7.61º/s over 695.42m (690m) at 34.4 / 35.0 knots (98.3%)
  • Elbing (Germany): 5.26º/s over 888.71m (890m) at 30.4 / 36.2 knots (84%)
  • F. Sherman (USA): 6.44º/s over 681.27m (680m) at 28.5 / 33.9 knots (84.1%)
  • Gdansk (Pan Europe): 6.62º/s over 806.78m (810m) at 34.7 / 41.2 knots (84.2%)
  • Gearing (USA): 7.26º/s over 642.58m (640m) at 30.3 /36.0 knots (84.2%)
  • Grozovoi (USSR): 7.13º/s over 714.41m (720m) at 33.1 / 39.7 knots (83.4%)
  • Halland (Pan Europe): 6.85º/s over 663.06m (660m) at 29.5 / 35.1 knots (84%)
  • Harugumo (Japan): 5.62º/s over 818.12m (830m) at 29.9 / 35.8 knots (83.5%)
  • Hayate (Japan): 6.39º/s over 746.20m (750m) at 31.0 / 37.0 knots (83.8%)
  • Khabarovsk (USSR): 7.26º/s over 763.16m (760m) at 36.0 / 43.1 knots (83.5%)
  • Kleber (France): 7.74º/s over 737.48m (740m) at 37.1 / 44.0 knots (84.3%)
  • Kleber CLR (France): 7.74º/s over 739.62m (740m) at 37.2 / 44.1 knots (84.4%)
  • Marceau (France): 7.74º/s over 737.64m (740m) at 37.1 / 44.0 knots (84.3%)
  • Paolo Emilio: 7.03º/s over 800.90m (810m) at 36.6 / 43.5 knots (84.1%)
  • Ragnar (Pan Europe): 5.93º/s over 765.57m (770m) at 29.5 / 35.0 knots (84.3%)
  • Shimakaze (Japan): 7.26º/s over 693.20m (690m) at 32.7 / 39.0 knots (83.8%)
  • Smaland (Pan Europe): 6.85º/s over 662.18m (660m) at 29.5 / 35.1 knots (84%)
  • Somers (USA): 8.04º/s over 620.37m (620m) at 32.4 / 38.7 knots (83.7%)
  • Tromp (Netherlands): 5.95º/s over 724.37m (720m) at 28.0 / 33.5 knots (83.6%)
  • Vampire II (British Commonwealth):  7.76º/s over 678.52m (680m) at 34.2 / 35.0 knots (97.7%)
  • Yueyang (Pan Asia): 7.71º/s over 695.42m (690m) at 30.8 / 36.6 knots (84.2%)
  • Z-42 (Germany): 7.09º/s over 668.06m (670m) at 30.8 / 36.6 knots (84.2%)
  • Z-52 (Germany): 6.95º/s over 695.17m (700m) at 31.4 / 37.5 knots (83.7%)

Tier IX Destroyers

  • Adriatico (Italy): 6.70º/s over 753.50m (750m) at 32.8 / 39.1 knots (83.9%)
  • Benham (USA): 8.56º/s over 550.07m (560m) at 30.6 / 36.6 knots (83.6%)
  • Black (USA): 8.41º/s over 554.65m (560m) at 30.3 / 35.1 knots (86.3%)
  • Black B (USA): 8.41º/s over 554.13m (560m) at 30.3 / 35.1 knots (86.3%)
  • Chung Mu (Pan Asia): 8.01º/s over 611.06m (620m) at 31.8 / 38.1 knots (83.5%)
  • Felix Schultz (Germany): 6.06º/s over 797.56m (800m) at 31.4 / 37.5 knots (83.7%)
  • Fletcher (USA): 8.45º/s over 557.13m (560m) at 30.6 / 36.5 knots (83.8%)
  • Friesland (Pan Europe): 7.47º/s over 628.57m (620m) at 30.5 / 36.0 knots (84.7%)
  • Groningen (Netherlands): 7.47º/s over 628.18m (620m) at 30.5 / 36.0 knots (84.7%)
  • Halford (USA): 7.83º/s over 629.13m (630m) at 32.0 / 38.1 knots (84%)
  • Jager (Pan Europe) 7.22º/s over 664.87m (670m) at 31.2 / 37.0 knots (84.3%)
  • Jutland (UK): 8.42º/s over 608.86m (610m) at 33.3 / 34.1 knots (97.7%)
  • Kitakaze (Japan): 6.42º/s over 723.97m (730m) at 30.2 / 36.0 knots (83.9%)
  • L. Katsonis (Pan Europe): 6.86º/s over 718.02m (720m) at 32.0 / 38.1 knots (84%)
  • Mogador (France): 7.73º/s over 728.17m (730m) at 36.6 / 43.5 knots (84.1%)
  • Neustrashimy (USSR): 6.66º/s over 699.56m (700m) at 30.3 / 36.0 knots (84.2%)
  • Paolo Emilio (Italy): 7.00º/s over 802.15m (810m) at 36.5 / 43.4 knots (84.1%)
  • Ostergotland (Pan Europe): 7.73º/s over 728.17m (730m) at 36.6 / 43.5 knots (84.1%)
  • Somme (UK): 8.42º/s over 608.29m (610m) at 33.3 / 34.1 knots (97.7%)
  • STAR Kitakaze (Japan): 6.41º/s over 727.15m (730m) at 30.3 / 36.0 knots (84.2%)
  • Tashkent (USSR): 7.43º/s over 732.58m (730m) at 35.4 / 42.5 knots (83.3%)
  • Udaloi (USSR): 8.38º/s over 615.09m (610m) at 33.5 / 40.1 knots (83.5%)
  • Velos (Pan Europe): 7.95º/s over 619.00m (620m) at 32.0 / 38.1 knots (84%)
  • Yugumo (Japan): 7.07º/s over 646.74m (640m) at 29.7 / 35.6 knots (83.4%)
  • Z-44 (Germany): 7.08º/s over 669.51m (670m) at 30.8 / 36.5 knots (84.4%)
  • Z-46 (Germany): 7.35º/s over 661.64m (670m) at 31.6 / 37.6 knots (84%)
  • ZF-6 (Germany): 6.67º/s over 676.10m (670m) at 29.3 / 35.0 knots (83.7%)



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