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Let’s talk about Bungo.


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I unlocked Bungo today, and I feel a bit unsatisfied with her performance. I liked Adatara pretty much, but Bungo often produces lowish (10k) results on broadside targets, and 2k-s on angled ones. These woukd be ok guns for a well armored battleship, but Bungo is less robust, and does not have any special advantage, like speed, usable secondaries, or torps. My average damage was 142k over 4 matches, but I only won one of them. You cannot tank for the ream, like other BBs, and pure damage is not enough to win matches. Even a mid-range Kurfurst feels dangerous to your health.

What’s your opinion on her?

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Aim for cruisers more than opposing BBs. Abuse your over-match against the majority of cruisers. When you do need to poke at the other team's battleships slap them with HE unless they are giving you a near perfect broadside. You have pretty accurate salvos while the special spotter is up and can abuse that to really punish cruisers across the map that are parked around islands if you have any reasonable firing angle on them.

And frankly, the size of your HE shells breaks tons of things and has a pretty decent fire chance. Its the default shell you should be sitting on unless you are actively picking on a cruiser you can over-match or have a perfect broadside on a BB to cash in on shortly. Its AP shells while fast are not particularly strong against heavier ships.

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I hope it's worth it.  I just started to grind the Nagato again to get it, it feels strangely like regrinding the Colorado a couple of times.

(Ships I would only play to get things, not ones I like to play for fun, but at least she's faster!)

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Last time I checked, Bungo is the best performing tier 10 BB. I have played it a couple of times and there is nothing wrong with it. They may nerf it. 

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1 hour ago, Ocsimano18 said:

I liked Adatara pretty much

Same with me and I can't see any big difference performance wise between those two either. Bungo produces sometimes tighter groups as it seems, but I haven't made so much more dmg with Bungo. Perhaps Bungo is starting to shine more after a lot more battles played and with grown experience about her characteristics

Edited by OT2_2
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37 minutes ago, S7CentNickel said:

I hope it's worth it.  I just started to grind the Nagato again to get it, it feels strangely like regrinding the Colorado a couple of times.

(Ships I would only play to get things, not ones I like to play for fun, but at least she's faster!)

I grinded Nagato in ranked. Was a surprisingly convinient grind. Yumihari is freeXP material.

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1 hour ago, Kynami said:

Aim for cruisers more than opposing BBs. Abuse your over-match against the majority of cruisers. When you do need to poke at the other team's battleships slap them with HE unless they are giving you a near perfect broadside. You have pretty accurate salvos while the special spotter is up and can abuse that to really punish cruisers across the map that are parked around islands if you have any reasonable firing angle on them.

And frankly, the size of your HE shells breaks tons of things and has a pretty decent fire chance. Its the default shell you should be sitting on unless you are actively picking on a cruiser you can over-match or have a perfect broadside on a BB to cash in on shortly. Its AP shells while fast are not particularly strong against heavier ships.

Thanks, this seems to be a sound advice. I used AP 95% of the time. Also tried a secondary captain and had only 2k secondary damage over 4 matches while my turrets were too slow to keep up with turning. I need a captain like Maltese, with grease the gears, brisk, and expert loader.

Edited by Ocsimano18
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3 hours ago, Ocsimano18 said:

What’s your opinion on her?

Fragile, between the hp pool and the overmatchable armor.

She also hits very hard when shown broadside, especially at mid-range. Usually though, I'd say HE is the way to go: the damage-per-shell is great, and it's just very reliable. There's only so much that 457 mm AP can do against angled BB, even with the spotter plane: take Gun Feeder and swap depending on the occasion.

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2 hours ago, Scrubby_McScrub said:

Last time I checked, Bungo is the best performing tier 10 BB. I have played it a couple of times and there is nothing wrong with it. They may nerf it. 

I really wouldn't check numbers like that on very new ships as the low battle count can be greatly skewed far more from one or two straight God tier games than say one or two God tier games in a Montana or Kurfurst.

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I was going to do my review of the Bungo with screen shots and and video evidence of it's failures but i'm too lazy.   So here it is, short version.


The Bungo is Dungo.

She has no effective AA, she has no effective Armor.  She has no effective pen (overmatch aside which every BB nowadays practically has) She has no speed. And she has no hps.  So for all that you get better accuracy which can lead to as many complete misses as extra shells on target and concealment.

It's like playing an Ashataka if the Ashataka was tier 8.    All BB's get to overmatch you but you don't get to overmatch any of them.   And when they are broadside their higher tier armor gets to magically shatter your gimp lower tier shells. and no matter how angled you are, they will pen you. 


I understand WeeGee needed to create the overmatch ability of 457 guns on everything to balance the continued power creep of cruiser guns.  But did they really have to go out and create a pure cruiser killer?   Is that really what cruisers, or this game needed?    BB's when given the opportunity should be shooting BB's and doing a number on them if they play like apes.   The Bungo fails hard at this, to the point where you almost always want to just shoot at cruisers.  And you better kill them quick because with the armor your ship is wrapped in, they will kill you just as quick, and they don't even need to get "lucky".


I play BB's a lot.  The Amagi is probably by favorite BB and i was really looking forward to this new ship so much so that i grinded the missions like a mad man to get the bonus package for the Bungo. But sadly the Bungo is no Amagi.  The Amagi can actually tank and bounce shells when played to it's strength.  I haven't heard a single bounce off the Bungo.   The Amagi gets to wack cruisers and and BB's alike.  In the Bungo, you better just run from enemy BB's because even when their broadside, all their shells are gonna wreak you while your impotence will be on full display. There is nothing more disappointing then having a great shot, great dispersion salvo on a broadside target end up with half the damage you would expect or less. Then the return fire while your perfectly angled doing 50% or more damage to you than you did to them.


Trash boat, needs buffs.  Two to be exact.

1. Cheek Armor similar to Sov. Soyuz.

2. And about 50mm more pen at 15k to bring it more in line with other low end 457 penetration.

Edited by WES_HoundDog
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12 hours ago, Ocsimano18 said:

I unlocked Bungo today, and I feel a bit unsatisfied with her performance. I liked Adatara pretty much, but Bungo often produces lowish (10k) results on broadside targets, and 2k-s on angled ones. These woukd be ok guns for a well armored battleship, but Bungo is less robust, and does not have any special advantage, like speed, usable secondaries, or torps. My average damage was 142k over 4 matches, but I only won one of them. You cannot tank for the ream, like other BBs, and pure damage is not enough to win matches. Even a mid-range Kurfurst feels dangerous to your health.

What’s your opinion on her?

What I can see is that it's a cruiser slapper. AP on medium range BB broadsides and cruisers at all ranges. Otherwise against angled or long range BBs you use the insane HE it has and go for perma fires.

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It's a garbage scowl. No reason to play it. Not as all-round terrible as cololbo, but actively harmful to the allied team. Pick Conqueror or Republique or smth. Sell bunghole.

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Accuracy only matters if the target can't dodge.

If you successfully snipe a cruiser for big dmg from 20km, they're either sitting there trying to bow-tank, lacking awareness, or otherwise locked in a specific direction.

It does get that cruiser level of concealment, which is dangerous late game tho.

Edited by Verytis
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So, reasons to play Bungo when ypu have Thunderer in your port? 

From everything said, looks like a similar playstyle but gimped by worse everything...

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1 hour ago, ArIskandir said:

So, reasons to play Bungo when ypu have Thunderer in your port? 

From everything said, looks like a similar playstyle but gimped by worse everything...

Bungo is far more accurate than Thunderer when its spotter is active.  You'd definitely want to build the captain and ship to maximize spotter up time.

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22 hours ago, Scrubby_McScrub said:

Last time I checked, Bungo is the best performing tier 10 BB. I have played it a couple of times and there is nothing wrong with it. They may nerf it. 


1 hour ago, Helstrem said:

Bungo is far more accurate than Thunderer when its spotter is active.  You'd definitely want to build the captain and ship to maximize spotter up time.


I have it and have gotten very good numbers with it. It's simply a matter of choosing your targets and where to aim.

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4 minutes ago, Lord_Slayer said:

I have it and have gotten very good numbers with it. It's simply a matter of choosing your targets and where to aim.

Dishing out damage is not the problem with T9 and T10 its TAKING damage thats the problem, same as with other "battlecruiser battleship" lines in the game - less HP then the BB eqivalent with thinner plate and usually forced to give lots of side to use all guns is not a good combination of traits in todays wows, ofc good players will make her work but overall why play her when one can take out ie Yamato?

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15 minutes ago, Yedwy said:

Dishing out damage is not the problem with T9 and T10 its TAKING damage thats the problem, same as with other "battlecruiser battleship" lines in the game - less HP then the BB eqivalent with thinner plate and usually forced to give lots of side to use all guns is not a good combination of traits in todays wows, ofc good players will make her work but overall why play her when one can take out ie Yamato?

Because you don't feel like playing Yamato at the moment?

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HI all,

I am grinding Adatar in Brawl... I will let you know when I unlock the Bungo and try her for myself (albeit all reports indicate taht she is meh)...


Leo "Apollo11"

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5 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

HI all,

I am grinding Adatar in Brawl... I will let you know when I unlock the Bungo and try her for myself (albeit all reports indicate taht she is meh)...


Leo "Apollo11"

Had you in the team today in brawls and I guessed that you would grind her 😉

At least the Neptune did not find your guns amusing, the Iowa neither.

Edited by BlueMax1916
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Hi all,

10 hours ago, BlueMax1916 said:

Had you in the team today in brawls and I guessed that you would grind her 😉

At least the Neptune did not find your guns amusing, the Iowa neither.

With Blue Boosters (literally have several hundreds of them - almost thousand)... grind done in just 10+ games...

BTW, I did play just 1 quick battle in Bungo for Snowflake (CoOp)... it seemed weird... will test her further (I did bring her captain to 21 points though via Elite Captain XP after grind was done)...


Leo "Apollo11"

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On 12/30/2023 at 5:53 PM, Ocsimano18 said:

What’s your opinion on her?

I too have unlocked Bungo recently, and I'm not yet sure what to make of her and the rest of her line.  The guns seem to be accurate, but on the whole, it doesn't feel like the guns are that much better than the Yamato line of BBs.  I probably need to play the line more to properly appreciate it...

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