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Tis the season....for premiums?


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I've averaged a couple free premium ships per year over the 3yrs or so I've played. I've never bought any, because they charge a ridiculous amount of money for a single ship. But along the way I'd gotten up to just over 10k doubloons from crates. Saved it for this end of year event. So in the last 2 months I've gotten the:

-canarias [bought, was on super sale for some reason] 

-Massachusettes B [bought with doubloons from free crates, this and rupprecht might be the best overall BB's in game] 

-Weimar [free crate, holy crap is it strong]

-Novor something or another. Tier 6 russian BB [free crate]

-Pedzersky or whatever the russian cruiser is called [won daily missions]

-Scharnhorst [won battle pass]

-Shinonome [won after completing campaign] 

-Tirpitz [free crate]

That's more ships in a couple months then everything else ever combined. Love the mass, love and wanted the sharny, love the weimar even though I hate light cruisers lol. The amount of credits I make now is insane. Anyways, anyone else notice a ton of free ships recently? 

Edited by mashed68
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40 minutes ago, mashed68 said:

I've averaged a couple free premium ships per year over the 3yrs or so I've played. I've never bought any, because they charge a ridiculous amount of money for a single ship. But along the way I'd gotten up to just over 10k doubloons from crates. Saved it for this end of year event. So in the last 2 months I've gotten the:

-canarias [bought, was on super sale for some reason] 

-Massachusettes B [bought with doubloons from free crates, this and rupprecht might be the best overall BB's in game] 

-Weimar [free crate, holy crap is it strong]

-Novor something or another. Tier 6 russian BB [free crate]

-Pedzersky or whatever the russian cruiser is called [won daily missions]

-Scharnhorst [won battle pass]

-Shinonome [won after completing campaign] 

-Tirpitz [free crate]

That's more ships in a couple months then everything else ever combined. Love the mass, love and wanted the sharny, love the weimar even though I hate light cruisers lol. The amount of credits I make now is insane. Anyways, anyone else notice a ton of free ships recently? 

Yeah I've noticed a ton lately, even from the free crates I got for the Christmas event I got 4 tier 7 premiums and a single tier 9 which is amazing. Also all the free prems WG is giving out through BP or missions is also great. I hope they keep it up!

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Out of the free crates I pulled a Pan American Tier VI destroyer called Jurua. It is basically a Gallant with 2 less depth charges. Otherwise it is identical with british origins.

I do love DDs and I am not buying any crates. I am working on battle pass certificates for a couple more maybe and that will be it for me.

I do hope everyone got their wishes and had a merry holidays. 

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Yesterday I cashed in ten Santa certificates from the battle passes and got the Hood.

Recently got the Scharnhhorst 43 and Stord 43 from the Battle Pass.

Last week got the Chkalov from a Santa Mega gift.

Got Pommern with all the coal from the snowflakes.

Today spent 8000 doubloons to get the 19 items from Santa's Mega gift container group and won 5000 doubloons. No ships but got all that stuff for 3000 doubloons.

Gonna be sorry when the Christmas patch is done.

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I have welcomed an extraordinary number of new premiums in the last 30 days from a variety of sources.

I received the Scharnhorst '43 and Stord '43 from the Battle Pass.

I received the Elli, Ferruccio and Defense from the Salvage event.

I received the Toulon, Mysore, California, West Virginia '44 and Cheshire from Christmas gift boxes.

I even received the Novorossiysk and Orkhan from "ordinary" Super Containers.  

And just when the Christmas patch dropped, I purchased the Lauria.

My port is full of new ships. 

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16 minutes ago, PrairiePlayer said:

West Virginia '44

I sure do wish I could trade all my Russian ships in for the WV44. 

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Only three ships for me so far* from the Christmas boxes (including using the certs from the paid track, compensated fully by doubloons from free-track boxes); but since one of them was a major score from the rare list, I'm appropriately grateful. Scharn 43/Stord 43 from the battle pass, Pozharsky from its event, Z-42 for steel (agonized over whether to spam Ranked for the last bit of steel needed for Mecklenburg, but Z-42 so far is everything I ever dreamed she would be, and the bots do not like me right now). 

Not bad for keeping things doubloon-neutral. 



* Leipzig, Orkan, Missouri.

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14 hours ago, mashed68 said:

I've averaged a couple free premium ships per year over the 3yrs or so I've played. I've never bought any, because they charge a ridiculous amount of money for a single ship. But along the way I'd gotten up to just over 10k doubloons from crates. Saved it for this end of year event. So in the last 2 months I've gotten the:

-canarias [bought, was on super sale for some reason] 

-Massachusettes B [bought with doubloons from free crates, this and rupprecht might be the best overall BB's in game] 

-Weimar [free crate, holy crap is it strong]

-Novor something or another. Tier 6 russian BB [free crate]

-Pedzersky or whatever the russian cruiser is called [won daily missions]

-Scharnhorst [won battle pass]

-Shinonome [won after completing campaign] 

-Tirpitz [free crate]

That's more ships in a couple months then everything else ever combined. Love the mass, love and wanted the sharny, love the weimar even though I hate light cruisers lol. The amount of credits I make now is insane. Anyways, anyone else notice a ton of free ships recently? 

Not really recently unless you won big in the loot lottery this Christmas, but since I played since 2015 I can tell you it stacks up. I think about 70-80 & of my premiums I have gotten for free, also got the OG Missouri back in the day for Free XP and 1 credit, so that keeps me flushed in credits.

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28.12.2023 New warship    Vallejo
27.12.2023 New warship    Delaware
22.12.2023 New warship    Colossus
15.12.2023 New warship    Defence
12.12.2023 New warship    Leipzig
12.12.2023 New warship    Scharnhorst '43
08.12.2023 New warship    Yumihari
08.12.2023 New warship    Austin

Ferruccio and Elli are not in the above list as I haven't played them as yet. The only one from free crates this year, was Colossus IIRC, all the others were event ships or purchased using silver/coal/steel or RP.

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Hi all,


7 hours ago, Ocsimano18 said:

My acquisitions in December:


You got Enterprise... my elusive target for so many years...


Leo "Apollo11"

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2 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

You got Enterprise... my elusive target for so many years...

I've been waiting for years to welcome the Enterprise to my Port, too.  She's been earning her "Grey Ghost" moniker.  😉 

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4 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,


You got Enterprise... my elusive target for so many years...


Leo "Apollo11"


4 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I've been waiting for years to welcome the Enterprise to my Port, too.  She's been earning her "Grey Ghost" moniker.  😉 

Guess what, I opened her from a free small Santa crate.

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I am only missing a very few premium and special ships so it has been historically hard to get ships from crates. But this last month I bought 20 mega with money and 20 more with the dubs and was able to grab another 8 premiums. So yes it does seem different than other seasonal events. Also went for the kitakami so got 3 ships there. I have not however been doing the Dockyard ship this time around. 

Edited by SgtSpud1
meant to say dockyard
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20 hours ago, Ocsimano18 said:


Guess what, I opened her from a free small Santa crate.

And I'm happy for you and wish you "Congratulations".  🙂 
Just because the Enterprise has eluded me, thus far, does not mean I begrudge others welcoming her to their ports to enjoy sailing her.  🙂 

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In the news on the game browser there is a wall paper for happy new year - for exchange your ships.

I wasn't here last holidays so can someone explain what that might entail? 


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@thornzero   For a second, I got a little excited thinking I could unload some port queens, but looked on the WoWs website, and they were just posting highlights of 2023 and a chance to download wallpapers of various events held during the year.

We're delighted to present to you a small New Year's gift from our design team—some captivating World of Warships desktop wallpapers! Download them, set your favorite as your desktop background, and stay the course with us for the coming year!

To download the wallpapers, first click the image with the left mouse button, then on the "Download" button below it. Select a suitable image size for your screen."

Happy New Year 2024! | World of Warships


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Crappy Santa boxes aside, 2023 has been excellent for me in terms of free premiums: Jager and Somme from events, three CVs (Saipan, Bear, Aquila) from Air Supply tokens (Brisbane event), three ships (GZ, Pommern and Kaga) from free Black Friday crates, two (Yudachi, Picardie) from bundle chains where I lucked out on the first drop, one (Maya) from a cheap doubloon crate. Add Dupleix and Stord '43 from the premium battle pass, without buying doubloons yet.

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19 hours ago, thornzero said:

In the news on the game browser there is a wall paper for happy new year - for exchange your ships.

I wasn't here last holidays so can someone explain what that might entail? 


If you are asking about the Trade-In event itself, it was an event in which you can turn ships that you own into doubloon discounts, and when exchanging some other ships in the event, you can use the discount to greatly cut the prices or even get lower tier ships for free.

However... the ships available for exchange are largely mediocre and many can be exhanged for coal. The discount was largely half of the ship's price in doubloons for non-rare ones, and rather large amounts of doubloons still have to be paid for, say, a T10 ship when you discard one of your own. So it largely ended up as getting rid of original duplicates for ships with Black Friday counterparts (I exchanged my original Mainz for Sims, at least another new ship, for free) and something that may be called "the Forrest Sherman scheme": purchase F. Sherman (the cheapest Tier 10 coal ship) and use her to exchange Tier 8 premiums for free and rinse and repeat. The T8 prize pool was pretty though, with San Diego, I-56, Tirpitz and Bayard (it was already known then that Bayard will be offered for Anniversary event and if one owns Bayard already, a chance of getting another T8 premium for free will be offered).

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Thanks for the explanation, I figured there would be a catch. Cheers.

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This has been a surprisingly fruitful Holiday event this year without spending a single dime on the game (free is always best)!

From Santa Gifts

  • Dupleix
  • Maya
  • FR25
  • Leipzig
  • Florida
  • Iwami
  • Weimar
  • Bearn
  • W. Virginia '44

From Battle Pass and Santa City

  • Scharnhorst '43
  • Stord '43

From the Salvage event

  • Elli
  • F. Ferruccio
  • Defense
  • (Kitakami will enter my port when I get the double set of Research Bureau points in about 28 days.)

I also acquired enough free dubs through this year to get another year of premium time.

All in all a good ending to 2023.

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Happy New Year!

For me it is more than a season—it is like a year of new and freemium (purchased using Steel or Coal) ships joining my bath tub fleet.

  • Mecklenburg
  • Brisbane
  • Jäger
  • Somme
  • Illinois
  • Chkalov (from the nerfed Anniversary Supercontainers)
  • Immelman
  • Álvaro de Bazán
  • Neustrashimy
  • Scharnhorst '43
  • Leipzig
  • West Virginia '44 (from the New Year's Certificates)
  • Elli
  • Ferrucio
  • Defense
  • Colossus (from the 4 Santa Gift containers of the Salvage event)
  • R. Lauria
  • Dalian (from the New Year's Certificate)

I'm still contemplating of adding a few more to milk this event to the very last drop. While I have the resources for Kitakami, I am still not convinced that I should get her. For Research Bureau ships, I am looking at getting both Gibraltar and Sevastopol before the snow flakes expire. I still have enough Steel (even after using the latest coupon) to get the Ragnar, but I'll defer it to middle of 2024, as I am waiting for the announcement on Rhode Island and Komissar.

For ships received from the Premium Battle Pass, I got the Dupleix and the Stord '43. For new ships delivered by Santa Claus and his reindeers, these were:

All in all 2023 has been a very fruitful year. And may 2024 be an even better year for all of us!


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