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Premium Ship Recommendations for Current T6~8 Operations.


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IMHO one of the best T8 premium cruisers for Operations is Bayard (I don't have Mainz). 12 fast-firing funs, speed, torps, OK AA... With J.J. Honore on the help, Bayard is a real monster. Even a mediocre player as me can sometimes achieve some good games. It was a pleasure to fight, change the position, fire torps, earn silver and XP. Voila:


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I have been having a blast as the Anhalt in Operations. The Anhalt with my GK captain is just really, really good in Operations, the secondaries are ok, the guns do well at close, medium and long ranges and the torps can get you out of sticky situations.

The Bismarck is also a fun BB to play in Operations too

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Here's my list:

Tier 7:
Scharnhorst 43

Tier 8:
Le Terrible
Graf Zeppelin
San Diego

Don't know much about CVs so besides secondary meme Graf Zeppelin I didn't include them. This is just a general tierlist of if I wanted to buy a bunch of prems for OPs. If you all are interested in my top x ships for each tier to use in OPs I could put something together.

Hope it helps!
- Boob

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14 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

@BOBTHEBALL Which premium ship would you say gets close to the awesomeness that is Myoko?

Atago or Maya

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only for the tier 8 Premium ships I have.

Buy it, buy it now for Ops!: Le Terrible, Bayard, Mainz, Brandenburg, Massachusetts.

they are good for ops but not noteworthy: Flandre, Atago, Wichita, Odin, Atlantico, Hampshire, Dimitry Pozharsky.

Not bad for Ops: Z-35, Fengyang, Pyotr Bagration.

avoid these for Ops: Champagne.



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  • 3 months later...

Well since Christmas I've gotten Brandenburg, San Diego for keeps, and Littorio (Roma) so my thoughts on these three. 

 Part one: Brandenburg

On 12/28/2023 at 1:33 PM, tfcas119 said:

Brandenburg/Tirpitz: Except Anhalt, going German is the way to easy money

That is all that needs to be said.


Brandenburg 322k Cherry Blossom (3).png

Brandenburg 302k Hermes (3).png

Brandenburg 428k UF (1).png

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Part Two: San Diego

On 12/28/2023 at 1:33 PM, tfcas119 said:

San Diego: Had her as a rental during the anniversary. Performs not as her on paper stats suggest. It just felt like a struggle to do any damage in the way many of the others I mentioned above.

I'm changing this playing it again I'd almost call it one of the better cruisers. However, due to the insane squishiness, limitations of SAP, poor AP pen (good for 127mm standards, poor for T8 cruiser standards) and the kind of bad MBRB (worse reload buff long cooldown max of three) This is not a cruiser for anyone playing ops (or T8) for the first time. But if you know ops and you have hands, you can carry well. I'm just not sure I would take this over Bayard, Mainz, or Deposit, which can also carry, but don't have the limitations of Sandy


San Diego 443k Narai (4).png

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Part Three: Roma

On 12/28/2023 at 1:33 PM, tfcas119 said:

Roma: Looks amazing, but zero secondaries and your guns miss often, and overpen when they do.

My experience actually had the guns working fairly well. I know now that next time I play this after typing this post the guns will like how everyone else's Roma behaves.

at least its beautiful, and has armor, but zero secondaries and I have no idea what the main guns will do. B tier if the guns suck, A if they are gods.

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And, I've been playing almost full time these past few weeks the Shimanto. 

I have found the "one ship" to rule them all for Operations (based on my play style...)

Yes, it is boring to play One Ship - but, being first or second almost every match in a Division sure make event or grind progressions easier.

Try her out....  My only advice is to use her as she was designed:  a heavy torpedo support ship.  BTW, I have her spec'd out as an AA and Torp ship.  Nothing that fly's in this game can survive long in her AA envelope.  And, with 15K IJN torps.......ow..>!

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On 2/4/2024 at 7:33 PM, tfcas119 said:

Anhalt:  Take everything that makes German BBs good in ops, remove them, and make it go 25knts.

For me Anhalt means right the oppsite! She deserves compliments, a lot of compliments. First class main gun accuracy, incredibly much better than Tirpitz or Brandenburg, which are nothing but short - barreled shotguns when sec. - built. Decent secondaries out to 11,5 km. Max speed of 26, ... knots with speed flag. I have no problems at all to make her work properly in both randoms, ranked, brawls and ops. In fact one of my favorite ships. 

Edited by OT2_2
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18 minutes ago, OT2_2 said:

For me Anhalt means right the oppsite! She deserves compliments, a lot of compliments. First class main gun accuracy, incredibly much better than Tirpitz or Brandenburg, which are nothing but short - barreled shotguns when sec. - built. Decent secondaries out to 11,5 km. Max speed of 26, ... knots with speed flag. I have no problems at all to make her work properly in both randoms, ranked, brawls and ops. In fact one of my favorite ships. 

I'm getting different mileage with the Anhalt in randoms.  The speed drops dramatically if you touch the rudder and is real slow to get back up to speed.  It just doesn't do much damage and the accuracy is unreliable.  The Tirpitz hits what I aim at and it does damage.  

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On 6/20/2024 at 1:36 PM, OT2_2 said:
On 2/4/2024 at 7:33 PM, tfcas119 said:

Anhalt:  Take everything that makes German BBs good in ops, remove them, and make it go 25knts.

For me Anhalt means right the oppsite! She deserves compliments, a lot of compliments. First class main gun accuracy, incredibly much better than Tirpitz or Brandenburg, which are nothing but short - barreled shotguns when sec. - built. Decent secondaries out to 11,5 km. Max speed of 26, ... knots with speed flag. I have no problems at all to make her work properly in both randoms, ranked, brawls and ops. In fact one of my favorite ships. 

That is exactly my experience. No idea about randoms, but in Ops, the Anhalt works amazingly well with her great accuracy on so many guns and decent secondaries. Her huge HP pool also helps. I like her more than Tirpitz, and almost as much as Brandenburg.

On 12/28/2023 at 7:33 PM, tfcas119 said:

Picardie: So you have 16 guns that do little damage, don't pen anything, miss what they can, and your secondaries/MBRB aren't good enough to compensate. Lyon would probably be better than this thing.

Also quite the opposite. I am getting great results from my little Jean-Luc. Sure, you will not get many citadels on BBs, but most opponents in Ops are cruisers, and those are very vulnerable to Picardie's shotguns. And BBs can be hurt decently as well if you aim above the belt. But what really makes her for me compared to Lyon (which also is great in ops) is the 360° turrets. That makes keeping 12 guns on the enemy at all times so much easier. Along with inherently faster reload, decent secondaries and the MBRB, the ship works quite well for me. Of course, it IS a glass shotgun, quite fragile, but that can be easily mitigated.

Edited by Kruzenstern
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38 minutes ago, Ghastous said:

Still waiting for a new Topic lol


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1 minute ago, Ghastous said:

Nah not been over a year yet lol


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