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What Does it Take to Win Consistently??


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7 hours ago, YouSatInGum said:

You might be surprised.  If you have the right attitude.. i.e.  I want to learn how to be a better player or please teach me and tell me how to play better or make better decisions, then you can find div mate who like to teach.  I do this already on occasion. 


I can vouch for Gummy. He's a very knowledgeable and patient div leader (did lotsa Ops together).

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6 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:


All I can tell you, based on what I have observed, is WG has rigged the MM (also your shooting results - dispersion seems worse, nothing but overpens, citadels = nope, fires = nope, leaving reds alive on a few HP vs nuking them, etc...) and you WON'T win no matter what/how well you do when it triggers to slap you down. Even in those really good games you have they could have been so much better if you weren't screwed by RNG.

Play well for long enough and suddenly no matter what you do you can't buy a win because WG will say no (and no one will convince me otherwise at this point). The only thing I have found that helps when that rigged MM kicks in is to literally stop playing Randoms for at least a couple days (week+ seems to work better) and then suddenly you can win again when you start back up. This literally happens to me every time so I no longer believe it is tin foil hat theory.

So if you start losing game after game no matter what just stop for a few days. The key is to see it happening and not keep going and make the losing streak worse. I have fallen victim to it that last 2 days and pushed it too much and all the WR progress I have made over the last 2 months or so is down the drain. Time to stop Randoms for a good week at least.

20k+ games and I'm going to say you are 100% spot on with this despite what the WG apologists say. I've seen it happen far too many times for it to be "random." It becomes painfully obvious at low tiers where the BOTs are obviously rigged to favor one team over another, sometimes your team sometimes the other team. When you flip whatever trigger is in the patent you will have the sh*t BOTs every game and the red bots will consistently get 5 to 1 and 7 to 0 kill ratios over your team's bots, in randoms. Then check the lines ups. Game after game reds have experienced decent players and you have morons. Now having those games sprinkled in and mixed evenly..random...having MM be that way days or weeks in a row...not random.  Tonight again 98K damage, 4 kills 2 caps in Wickes..a loss because I was the ONLY decent player on the team and they had 3 seal clubbers. Yeah...."random". 

Edited by Kalishnikat
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38 minutes ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

Mostly I'm trying to improve on finding someone who will use audible to communicate with me.  Using chat msgs will not work for me because typing legibly is time consuming and I can't see the mini-map while using it.  Why do I always have to be the student?  When can I be a peer?


I don't use discord or audible or in-game voice-chat.  So, that is incompatible with your criteria.

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3 hours ago, YouSatInGum said:

I somewhat agree except the part about all classes....  surface ships and CV's are effectively different games.

That's why it's important to know because they play so differently. If you understand how they play then you'll have an easier time countering them.

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1 hour ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

Mostly I'm trying to improve on finding someone who will use audible to communicate with me.  Using chat msgs will not work for me because typing legibly is time consuming and I can't see the mini-map while using it.  Why do I always have to be the student?  When can I be a peer?


I mean we can find a way to try it out, how bad can it be afterall.

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1 hour ago, Pugilistic said:

So much this. 

When you get five or six teams in a row with team WR <47% and the opponents are >50, youre not going to carry often, and this MM differential happens in clusters. We tend to remember those streaks much more than a 11-0 streak with good teams full of bluenicum divs. 

I cannot remember ever having an 11-0 win streak. My win rate comes from a slow grind upward followed by numerous loosing streaks then back to the slow grind. Winning streak??? An alien concept.

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Unless you're in a clan that is very good and can division up with complementary ships, you will never "win" consistently no matter how good you are.  MM will eventually give you a bad team and you can't carry.

That said, skill does indeed factor into win rate.  The ability to pull out a win that would otherwise be a loss is how you beat MM.  Over ten games, if you can pull out one victory that would otherwise be a loss, then that's the difference between a 50% player and a 60% player.  

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I think the best thing a solo player can do is change ships from time to time if the MM is going haywire. Staying with the same ship over and over does not seem to be a good practice, even though you might have good reasons for playing the same ship. If you change it to something else, I think the MM becomes more random.

Like to-day, there is a 2oo% daily win bonus on each ship on the eu server.


p.s. I noticed when the twitch streamers are having a bad time, they change ships also.

Edited by thornzero
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58 minutes ago, thornzero said:

I think the best thing a solo player can do is change ships from time to time if the MM is going haywire. Staying with the same ship over and over does not seem to be a good practice, even though you might have good reasons for playing the same ship. If you change it to something else, I think the MM becomes more random.

Like to-day, there is a 2oo% daily win bonus on each ship on the eu server.


p.s. I noticed when the twitch streamers are having a bad time, they change ships also.

Changing ships probably helps. Changing accounts if you have an alt account or two also helps perhaps, particularly if they are on different servers.

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14 hours ago, SureBridge said:

Ummmm Actually playing Randoms at Christmas (when there are a bajillion "casual" players) is a recipe for bad games - in general one side or the other will get truly *terrible* players and you will have a 5-7 minute game much more often than during "regular" prime time. If you must play over Christmas (or thanksgiving or...) then it's usually best to play in the hour before clan battles, or the hour after - during clan battles most of the capable players will be playing CB's.

That said I had a few stellar games seal clubbing T10's when my clan couldn't get enough players together for CB's: a div of Storm+ level players tend to do well against ill-coordinated opposition. 

Except I am not basing my observation solely on what has happened recently during the last few days. It is a pattern that has repeated over and over regardless of the time of year.

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12 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

 Also, Lord_Zath offers "replay analysis" sessions during some of his Twitch streams.

I can also highly recommend, "he who we dont mention by name"...... Flamu´s Youtube channel for a great deal of replay analysis in different classes and ships. They might be from a while ago but really good and the way I learned a lot of tactics and how to play. Might be easier then trying to go thru some 1000 streams. Just search "replay" on his channel and you find this:







But I know ........ we shouldn't listen to him ..... because reasons ...... 


He also has a great smoke and blind fire guide that all should watch. I was just reported by a Pommern for using this blind fire skill on him because he thought I had some wallhack or other cheat. 

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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@OldSchoolGaming_Youtube, thanks for the reminder on the blind fire video by @Flamu.  I forgot about that resource, and I will add that whatever your opinion of Flamu is, this is one valuable instructional video.  I viewed it long ago and practiced his blind fire tips.  I've had shots in the game where the red team member I sunk or heavily damaged either cursed or complimented me on some really outrageous blind fire shot.  The video is well worth a view.


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1 hour ago, HogHammer said:

@OldSchoolGaming_Youtube, thanks for the reminder on the blind fire video by @Flamu.  I forgot about that resource, and I will add that whatever your opinion of Flamu is, this is one valuable instructional video.  I viewed it long ago and practiced his blind fire tips.  I've had shots in the game where the red team member I sunk or heavily damaged either cursed or complimented me on some really outrageous blind fire shot.  The video is well worth a view.


I miss these. Flamu in full instructional mode was the best teacher in the game. 

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1 hour ago, Pugilistic said:

I miss these. Flamu in full instructional mode was the best teacher in the game. 

Apparently teaching is less profitable. I guess there are more people looking for reasons to be outraged than people looking to learn and improve their game. Sad.

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1 hour ago, ArIskandir said:

Apparently teaching is less redituable. I guess there are more people looking for reasons to be outraged than people looking to learn and improve their game. Sad.

I really never gave this much thought, but you may have nailed it.  $$$$ speaks.

(FYI forum members): redituable = profitable)

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7 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

(FYI: redituable = profitable)

Lol. Brain spasm... 

404 error. Translation link lost.

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4 hours ago, HogHammer said:

@OldSchoolGaming_Youtube, thanks for the reminder on the blind fire video by @Flamu.  I forgot about that resource, and I will add that whatever your opinion of Flamu is, this is one valuable instructional video.  I viewed it long ago and practiced his blind fire tips.  I've had shots in the game where the red team member I sunk or heavily damaged either cursed or complimented me on some really outrageous blind fire shot.  The video is well worth a view.


Yes, this is a gem for sure. Dont know how many game winning clutch kills ive gotten bu mastering blindfire, especially in all those boring A-F, whats it called? Hurricane/Weaterfront games where you can see 8 km but you get minimap spotting all over the place.

If you practice it during all those games its actually easy to constantly hit an unspotted enemy just by using the aim circle on the minimap and updating the last known position on the minimap. But usually it results in reports for "hacking" because they cant phantom what magic you are using.

Also his "BB blapping a smoked up cruiser at huge distance using spotterplane angle guide" is equally awesome. Ever so important know with the cruiser dispersion mega accurate Spotter plane Bungo edition!

2 hours ago, Pugilistic said:

I miss these. Flamu in full instructional mode was the best teacher in the game. 

This! Wonder how good the playerbase would be if people stopped actually looked at more of his early videos. But its way cooler to hate on him I guess.

1 hour ago, ArIskandir said:

Apparently teaching is less profitable. I guess there are more people looking for reasons to be outraged than people looking to learn and improve their game. Sad.

I dont think thats the case, I just think he gave up, especially after the treatment he got from WG. Most OG CC´s and streamers are pretty fed up of the game all new BS mechanics and classes and WG, most of them walking out during the big CC walkout. But now he can express how he really feals about the game just like Flambass and many more and still have same fan base as before and they appreciate their content.

I never been one to watch his stream but I do watch most of the YT videos he puts up because filtering out the salt/discust he usually brings up important things in the game, new game breaking bugs, how to interpret new ships (strong/meeh), which to grind for, best Coal/Steel ships, best ships for ranked at different iters/league´s, captain builds when they rework captain skills etc etc etc etc etc etc.

Videos are still there tho for anyone wanting to improve.

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8 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I dont think thats the case, I just think he gave up, especially after the treatment he got from WG.

I don't deny there's a big emotional baggage at work there, but if "outrage" weren't profitable and would impact his bottom line, he wouldn't do it. The evident fact is "selling outrage" pays, and probably pays better than most other content forms. It says a lot about the player base of the game and that's what I find sad. 

15 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Most OG CC´s and streamers are pretty fed up of the game all new BS mechanics and classes and WG, most of them walking out during the big CC walkout.

Something a lot of the public don't really understand (and even some streamers when they get into the "business") is the unavoidable burnt out of your job being playing a game... at some point they find out they no longer enjoy the game for whatever reason, but are "chained" to play it for hour, days, months... honestly it is a sort of torture they force upon themselves, with the predictable reaction and psychological impact. I've seen very very few content creators able to take a really professional approach to their job (I mean taking it as seriously as you would take a conventional job), most are just players that at some point "upgraded" their level of engagement with the game, something that started as a fun "dream job" but in time turned to a nightmare.

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19 hours ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

I don't know that I'm reading this as intended. Starting from a point of neutrality, I have no problem trusting a player who has earned the trust, irrespective of his win rate. Divving is an option in the game, theoretically open to anyone, and to me the communication in divs is what gives the game return value, for randoms at least. I don't believe most such players do it to ensure they don't lose. Perhaps they just enjoy the option as much as I do.

What I appreciate most of all is the folks that have the skill and who take the time to teach. Who are patient with those who are less skilled and remain pleasant to learn from.


Let me clarify a bit.


It isn't divisioning that causes me to distrust a player, but when I see a player with a high win rate.  Divisioning is just one way players who have an over-emphasis on winning strive to ensure they maintain a high win rate, and there are those who refuse to play the game unless they are divisioned with players they feel will give them a win.  To me, those players I do not trust because winning is more important to them than improving or facing challenges, and they very likely are incapable of playing to what might be called acceptable levels without their division, or will give up when the game seems like it is going badly.


A win rate in the 50s is not a sign of a bad player, but rather that the player has met opposing players who can give them a good fight.




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24 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:


Let me clarify a bit.


It isn't divisioning that causes me to distrust a player, but when I see a player with a high win rate.  Divisioning is just one way players who have an over-emphasis on winning strive to ensure they maintain a high win rate, and there are those who refuse to play the game unless they are divisioned with players they feel will give them a win.  To me, those players I do not trust because winning is more important to them than improving or facing challenges, and they very likely are incapable of playing to what might be called acceptable levels without their division, or will give up when the game seems like it is going badly.


A win rate in the 50s is not a sign of a bad player, but rather that the player has met opposing players who can give them a good fight.




Just filtering for Solo Randoms solves the vast majority of these obfuscations. I have messaged in the past and suggested to stewie (who runs the site) that the default view should be Solo Randoms. Beyond that, unicums with thousands of battles in Kamikaze, GC, or who dont play above Tier IV arent fooling anyone, including themselves. 

Ive also agreed with others that people should be blocked from using WoWS Monitor while blocking their own stats since they tend to be some of the most voluble statshamers in the game, having plenty of time to chat since they die early. stewie's position is that 95% plus of hiddens are self-declaring plain bads, and will just use another app if blocked. 

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7 hours ago, Pugilistic said:

I miss these. Flamu in full instructional mode was the best teacher in the game. 

When Flamu did his guides he was legit awesome, learnt so much.

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3 hours ago, Pugilistic said:

.Beyond that, unicums with thousands of battles in Kamikaze, GC, or who dont play above Tier IV arent fooling anyone, including themselves. 

Those aren't unicums, they're just clubbers with little to no actual skill

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On 12/27/2023 at 6:25 PM, Wolfswetpaws said:

To have fun.  🙂 

During many of @Lord_Zath's Twitch streams, players are given the opportunity to join his division for the purposes of "grind assist" and to learn how to become better players.  Also, Lord_Zath offers "replay analysis" sessions during some of his Twitch streams.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the number of people willing to form a division with you @Justin_Simpleton.
Which specific improvement goals are on your agenda?

Yep happy to play with players or analyze their replays... both are a way to grow!

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On 12/27/2023 at 6:23 AM, Kalishnikat said:

It seems you do all you can to play well but it doesn't translate into "winning." Good play cannot overcome terrible MM. I've lost count the number of times I've been #1 on the losing team. The lack of agency in this game gets very tiresome.

I can only speak for myself.

I focus on what I can control: my performance in the battle. Everything else is beyond my control.

Now if one would want to increase their chance of winning a Random Battle, a well-coordinated Division is probably the best thing that anyone can do.

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14 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

I can only speak for myself.

I focus on what I can control: my performance in the battle. Everything else is beyond my control.

Now if one would want to increase their chance of winning a Random Battle, a well-coordinated Division is probably the best thing that anyone can do.

A well coordinated division and ships suited for carrying games. Radar cruisers, overmatching BBs and DD hunter destroyers.

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