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My rules your rules, make your own mode


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Pretend you own the game what kind of mode would you make, me an elimination, double or triple elimination tournament tier one has 10,000 competitors in 1,000 ten matches one on one, then a hundred matches to ten then the final match.   Maybe i am overthinking it but what kind of game more would you make, maybe an all-gun match restricted by class to say only all BB's C's or DD'S.  Maybe a match restricted by nation or faction like one side or restricted to allies or axis, you choose.  Assassination with one ship having an admiral, capture the flag were you the ship that sinks the flag ship takes the flag and must return to base.  So below tell me what kind of game mode you would want to play.


Edited by kriegerfaust
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  • kriegerfaust changed the title to My rules your rules, make your own mode
8 hours ago, kriegerfaust said:

Assassination with one ship having an admiral, capture the flag were you the ship that sinks the flag ship takes the flag and must return to base. 

A "Capture the Flag" mode might be ineresting.
But we already have a standard battle mode wherein capturing a base wins the game.

Exploring further, though.  If a "Flag Ship" is sunk, does the flag automatically travel to the ship that sunk the "Flag Ship" or does the flag float on the water and must be picked-up by sailing to within 1 km of the flag?

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Fleet display mode.

You load up a "team" of ships from your port, pick a map, select a formation, and set a few parameters such as:

- Formation speed and maneuvering.

- Turret/ torpedo launcher train.

- Weapons firing/safe.

- Damage state.

- Weather.

That's it. That's the whole mode. Just a way to pose your ships for cool screenshots more than one at a time.

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i really miss key battle buff system where we gained exp and when the bar was full one would choose between 3 random buffs


only difference is that instead of getting xp from killing other ships we get exp from performance

exp every "x" damage
exp every "x" spoting damage
exp every "x" potential damage
exp every "x" capture or defend point


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6 hours ago, Wrath_of_Deadguy said:

Fleet display mode.

You load up a "team" of ships from your port, pick a map, select a formation, and set a few parameters such as:

- Formation speed and maneuvering.

- Turret/ torpedo launcher train.

- Weapons firing/safe.

- Damage state.

- Weather.

That's it. That's the whole mode. Just a way to pose your ships for cool screenshots more than one at a time.

When I used to play Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator, online, we could create a battle-space or "room" and name it.
Sometimes we would create an "Airshow" room, with the rule that everyone was there to chill-out and just chat or perhaps practice our landings or perform "follow the leader" games.
In order to be there, we had to all join the same "team", otherwise someone playing a bomber would find that their gunners would automatically fire upon anyone who accidentally joined the "other" team.
Good times.  🙂 

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A "Capture the Flag" mode might be ineresting.
But we already have a standard battle mode wherein capturing a base wins the game.

Exploring further, though.  If a "Flag Ship" is sunk, does the flag automatically travel to the ship that sunk the "Flag Ship" or does the flag float on the water and must be picked-up by sailing to within 1 km of the flag?


The idea starts with both teams in the goal the first, last or random member of the team leaves the goal and is given the flag or ball

A ship sinking the flagship would automatically get the flag and then have to bring the flag to your team goal or the enemies

of course if a ship belonging to the original team of the first flag holder they could return the flag to their own goal or carry it themselves

as you can see there are lots of small ways to alter the game, an a moving point is very different from capturing a point

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1 minute ago, kriegerfaust said:

A "Capture the Flag" mode might be ineresting.
But we already have a standard battle mode wherein capturing a base wins the game.

Exploring further, though.  If a "Flag Ship" is sunk, does the flag automatically travel to the ship that sunk the "Flag Ship" or does the flag float on the water and must be picked-up by sailing to within 1 km of the flag?


The idea starts with both teams in the goal the first, last or random member of the team leaves the goal and is given the flag or ball

A ship sinking the flagship would automatically get the flag and then have to bring the flag to your team goal or the enemies

of course if a ship belonging to the original team of the first flag holder they could return the flag to their own goal or carry it themselves

as you can see there are lots of small ways to alter the game, an a moving point is very different from capturing a point

As you may be aware, some battleships can sink another ship from 26+ km away.  Which is why I was asking for clarification.

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A VIP/Flagship mode centered around a single Tier X BB for both teams, and everyone else Tier 7 or 8. The Flagship would also get 30 seconds fires and maybe some extra defensive stats (Torp protection and a smidge of HP.) Losing your flagship instantly loses you the game. Perhaps the cap should be in the center similarly to Arms Race late game. 


I can already see two major issues with this, being the queue time to become a flagship would take too long, and it would be very easy for matches to be ruined by some moron W keying in his Schlieffen. These issues aside I think it would be a really interesting scenario and I kind of want to try it now in a Training battle. 

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25 minutes ago, pepe_trueno said:

i am the only one who wants key battle buffs to make a comeback? 😅


I wouldn't mind Big Hunt and Key Battles making a return.

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