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Small Milestone Reached


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As most former WOWS NA forum veterans here know I mainly play Co-op. Never have cared much for PVP games and WOWS is no exception. BUT I finally started playing Randoms a bit in August 2021 for a project I did on the old NA forums to raise my WR to 50% (was a horrendous 41.52% over 170 Random games played). I got it done and then went on to see if I could get all my BB's played in Randoms to at least 50%. Did that too. After that I have continued to play a few here and there (to my surprise). It will never be my preferred mode but I jump into it from time to time now.

Decided to log on for a few games while the Christmas prime rib is cooking. Figured I would do a Random match. After the game (a win hooray LOL) I took a quick look at my stat page just to see where I am at and as it turns out the game was a bit of a milestone for me. Never would have thought I would do that (may seem like nothing to most of you but shocked me).

Note - I am referring to the games played in the yellow box not the WR. I never thought I would have 1500 PVP games after only having 170 after the 1st 5 years playing.


Just as a bit of context I have 43,000+ Co-op games LOL

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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1 minute ago, oldblackdog said:

Well done, Admiral. If I ever decide to try randoms again, I hope I can do as well as you.


I have done better than I thought I would. I knew I wasn't 41% bad which was also behind the project. I am no Unicum by any stretch or metric but do ok and hold my own. 

I started working on my Cruiser WR like I did the BB's last spring but OMG low tier Cruiser play is so brutal. All the Cruisers I need to get to 50% are T4-T6 so the dreaded "blap zone" LOL.

I was on the way and doing good (had 2 solo warriors in a short span) and then I started losing over and over no matter how well I did. The game was conspiring against me (and I am serious about that - I swear the game is rigged at times to make you lose). So I have taken a break from that. Someday I hope to go back and get the few Cruisers I have all to 50% but the mood will have to hit to go back to that torture LOL.. 


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2 hours ago, HamptonRoads said:

I wouldn't call 57% win rate, a "small achievement."  That is unicum level performance.


57% is better than I thought I would get to (just BB's is actually 58.5%) but I am no unicum. That is 60%+. I won't ever get there but am happy with above average. Heck considering where I started, and where I am now, that is awesome in my book. 

A lot of the impetus behind me doing this was to shut the PVP elitists on WOWS NA up who loved to tell me I had no right to an opinion on Randoms with such a bad WR and low # of games. I will be danged if I didn't finally get to where I can say sorry cupcake I have the right now and WG went and shut the forums down. 

Thanks WG LOL


Edited by AdmiralThunder
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2 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:


57% is an excellent overall Random average. According to data on the now inactive Maple Syrup stats website, this would have put you into the top 5% of Random players a couple of years ago. I doubt that things have changed much since then. Thus, the arbitrary color groups assigned by WOWS Stats and Numbers notwithstanding, you definitely are up in the "unicum" range.

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BTW, here are the stats for the NA server. The percentile is the percent of players that are equal to or above the given win percentage. Source: http://maplesyrup.sweet.coocan.jp/wows/

94    0.0005 %
93    0.0009 %
92    0.0010 %
91    0.0012 %
90    0.0014 %
89    0.0017 %
88    0.0020 %
87    0.0024 %
86    0.0027 %
85    0.0034 %
84    0.0041 %
83    0.0048 %
82    0.0058 %
81    0.0071 %
80    0.0094 %
79    0.0114 %
78    0.0141 %
77    0.0163 %
76    0.0211 %
75    0.0259 %
74    0.0327 %
73    0.0434 %
72    0.0546 %
71    0.0701 %
70    0.0924 %
69    0.1171 %
68    0.1578 %
67    0.1964 %
66    0.2582 %
65    0.3493 %
64    0.4654 %
63    0.6285 %
62    0.8464 %
61    1.1286 %
60    1.5746 %
59    2.1583 %
58    2.9855 %
57    4.1483 %
56    5.7934 %
55    8.0760 %
54    11.1349 %
53    15.0997 %
52    20.1414 %
51    26.1733 %
50    34.0011 %
49    41.4192 %
48    49.8928 %
47    58.4487 %
46    66.7554 %
45    74.3018 %
44    80.7981 %
43    86.0189 %
42    90.1137 %
41    93.1551 %
40    95.4416 %
39    96.9061 %
38    97.9426 %
37    98.6628 %
36    99.1380 %
35    99.4411 %
34    99.6367 %
33    99.7792 %
32    99.8577 %
31    99.9067 %
30    99.9401 %
29    99.9605 %
28    99.9758 %
27    99.9840 %
26    99.9901 %
25    99.9944 %
24    99.9959 %
23    99.9971 %
22    99.9980 %
21    99.9985 %
20    99.9988 %
19    99.9988 %
18    99.9988 %
17    99.9993 %
16    99.9998 %
15    99.9998 %
14    100.0000 %

Edited by Snargfargle
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44 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

57% is an excellent overall Random average. According to data on the now inactive Maple Syrup stats website, this would have put you into the top 5% of Random players a couple of years ago. I doubt that things have changed much since then. Thus, the arbitrary color groups assigned by WOWS Stats and Numbers notwithstanding, you definitely are up in the "unicum" range.

Nah. Only 1500 games and too much low to mid tier. 

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21 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I started working on my Cruiser WR like I did the BB's last spring but OMG low tier Cruiser play is so brutal. All the Cruisers I need to get to 50% are T4-T6 so the dreaded "blap zone" LOL.

I was on the way and doing good (had 2 solo warriors in a short span) and then I started losing over and over no matter how well I did. The game was conspiring against me (and I am serious about that - I swear the game is rigged at times to make you lose). So I have taken a break from that. Someday I hope to go back and get the few Cruisers I have all to 50% but the mood will have to hit to go back to that torture LOL.

And when I said ^^^ I meant it. Seems like no matter what I do I CAN NOT win in low tier Cruisers. Hadn't tried them for like 6 months and after posting this the other day I decided to try again. Played a Kuma game and big surprise a loss (3rd place 70K - entire team died in 5 minutes - I yolo'd a BB and died to end game but at least got it for a flesh wound).

Decided to try one more so grabbed Phoenix. I had, by T4 standards, a really good Cruiser game (IMHOA) but didn't matter. Another loss. Most everyone yolo'd and died early leaving me and a BB vs 6 reds. Got it down to me vs 2 but both were BB's and any hit is a pen/citadel against Phoenix so I eventually went down.

Gets me so irritated LOL.


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Randoms can be a very frustrating mode when you can't buy, steal or beg a win in a particular ship or ship type. The frustration is actually increased if you are playing the ship well but your team keeps collapsing around you. Your PR for that ship keeps going up but the WR keeps going down.

May the gods smile down upon you, Admiral, the next time you boldly venture forth in your Kuma or Phoenix.

Edited by Bumblegoose
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32 minutes ago, Bumblegoose said:

Randoms can be a very frustrating mode

One thing I'm seeing more and more in Randoms is casual players who can't be bothered to even spec out their ships anymore. They run around Gearings with a 7 km detection radius and secondary-capable ships like the Bismark that can't even fire them to 8 km. Three-ship Clan divisions usually clean up in Randoms.

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16 hours ago, Bumblegoose said:

Randoms can be a very frustrating mode when you can't buy, steal or beg a win in a particular ship or ship type


I am 1-6 in the last 7 and have fallen below 57% WR after working so hard to get there (and I am below 50% WR in a BB I have to now get back there as well). The rigged MM has kicked in to keep me from winning. I know a lot of people don't believe in that and claim it is tin foil hat but I have seen it far too often; it is real. If you do too well for too long WG slaps you down by putting you on teams that are so bad you have no chance of winning. Losing games here and there because one side is clearly stacked with better players is "random" but it happening again and again and again because of the same trigger (ie; you have won too much), and the same way of breaking out of it being needed over and over, shows it is real. I don't care what some think. Based on what I have seen happen I firmly believe WG rigs the MM.

2 Random games this morning continued the pattern that started yesterday where wins are impossible. The 1 win I got the other team made a bone head move early that let us win but of the 6 losses, other than the Phoenix one I posted above, the other 5 have been utter steam rolls for the most part. You can tell it is there simply by the way your teammates play vs how the reds do. Again, it IS "random" when this happens here and there but when it is game after game after game, all in a row and for days, and the only way to get free from it is literally to stop playing for like a week, that is NOT random.

It is so maddening when this kicks in because you can see it and see it is so clearly. The people on your team play so badly and have such awful WR's and the reds play like a well oiled machine and everyone is close to or over 50%. You end up facing teams with multiple clan divisions too which is always a bad thing.  Also, RNG gets a lick or 2 in as well making your guns misbehave. The games are lost 90% of the time before they start.

The ONLY way to break free is to just stop playing Randoms for a week or 2 and then you can win again. That seems to counter the rigged part and make it stop. So that's it for me now in Randoms for a while. I shouldn't have even tried today as I knew based on yesterday the rigged thing was in play but with so many 6.7 Million credit tasks for the dockyard I thought a couple Random matches would help and surely I could win 1 or 2 right? Nope. Shouldn't have. I did well enough and made some credits but wasn't worth trashing all the progress I made.

Rant over 🤣

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The last few weeks I have been doing different stuff during the week and week-end [like Brawl missions or Ranked] but I make sure to do Randoms on Friday because of Naval Battles [even if the bar is a lowly 2oo xp but especially if it is higher].

So the scheme for Naval Battles in my case is to play obviously a variety of ships one at a time to get stars [I have my own clan for reasons and play equally matched clans], then try to double up on the double stars with any leftover attempts if I have that nation and class in port.

The random then becomes convoluted because I am not playing the same ship over and over and play some ships well and others not so well but my numbers actually improve a little over time.

When I returned to the game in September I was at 41% and now I am at 46% [barely] but my recent averages for 1-3 weeks are just over 5o% for Randoms.

Brawls I play for practice and there is no record except what they use to match you with. So I think they help my Random play somewhat. Ranked is not going well at all and I have work to do in that area.

But playing different ships yields a different return in the scheme of random. You're basically making it more random than it is. So if you are having a meltdown of teams, change your ship early and often.

I mostly play DD but I still play CR and BB.

In the Brawls I migrate around 5o% give or take [I keep track of it during the day]. Some people say they have no use for Brawls but my contention is the experience is ideal especially the weird ones like 1v1 or the high tiers like IX or X. I usually complete Brawl missions in 2 days, sometimes 1 but this last one, Tier X took me a third day and my average was lower than 5o%. But this forces the player into the game differently than Randoms even with bad players. I wouldn't touch Tier iX or X randoms yet at all but Brawls is a little more forgiving, so you can get experience with these ships before you log the record in Randoms. If I am able to run one of my 2 21 pt. captains, you can bank some cexp quite nicely and quickly with the Brawls modes also besides the usual rewards. I find the 1ok coal very motivating.


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