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Who is getting this to work?  I've ground...all lines, so I am hoping this is the stinker of the line?  It is a rare occasion that I can't find the silver lining and make a ship work, but here I am.

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9 minutes ago, meatgrindr said:

Who is getting this to work?  I've ground...all lines, so I am hoping this is the stinker of the line?  It is a rare occasion that I can't find the silver lining and make a ship work, but here I am.

Yeah, best thing about that poostick of a ship is that fuji camo…

Adatara is somewhat better, Bungo I only played once so dont have a basis for an oppinion on her

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She’s essentially a battlecruiser Nagato, so it shouldn’t really be surprising that she feels underwhelming at tier VIII. She really feels like a tier VII that WG threw some gimmicks on and crammed into tier VIII because they only planned on releasing a tier VIII+ branch.

I’m hoping Adatara is more compelling to play. 457mm guns at tier IX are nice (even with subpar penetration), but 30 knots is a bit slow for a battlecruiser at high tiers.

Edited by Nevermore135
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Well, I've only played asym with it, but can't imagine taking this hunk of crap into randoms.  Just went toe to toe with a bot Emile Burtin and got my butt kicked.  I had 3 of 6 volleys at 7-8k just whiffed.  Maybe just not my day.  irritating though.

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Yumihari isn't a good ship. Lacks almost everything a BB or BC in the case of TVIII should come with. Wasn't fun at all to play her, and at the end I used all my fxp to get Adatara. I can tell you there are actually worlds between those two regarding fighting power and handling in general. Adatara is a blast to play IMO, and I'm looking forward of getting TX Bungo. 

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2 hours ago, meatgrindr said:

Just went toe to toe with a bot Emile Burtin and got my butt kicked. 

You got your butt kicked by a bot three tiers your junior? 

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2 hours ago, meatgrindr said:

Who is getting this to work?  I've ground...all lines, so I am hoping this is the stinker of the line?  It is a rare occasion that I can't find the silver lining and make a ship work, but here I am.

I have the Yumihari in my Port and am playing her occasionally.
I'm not in a particular rush to grind up this line-split of the tech-tree.

That said, my primary reason for being glad this line-split does exist is because I have more Commanders than I have ships.
So, more ships allows me to find such Commander a ship to become the Captain of.

I'm still learning the virtues, vices & quirks of the Yumihari.  So far, I don't have any strong opinions or eureka moments of discovery.

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Yumihari was a dud. I played through about half the XP to tier 9 and FXP'd the rest just to be done with it. Mostly in Operations. Just not fun at all.

I've played my Bungo (that sounds kinky) in Asymmetric Battles, but just don't find it all that amazing there either. Not a fan of the split.

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Yumihari was a disappointment when I played it. Adatara was fine, and Bungo was actually pretty decent. They all have pen and damage issues for their caliber, which felt much worse on Yumihari tier for tier than the other two. They still struggle against true battleships at range, but they were nasty against cruisers especially with the spotter gimmick.

Play them like battlecruisers, almost like you would the British BCs. Stick to mid (ideally) and longer range engagements, get on a flank, and force crossfires with the rest of your battleships. Bungo at least had some decent armor when angled, but you don’t really want to be the most interesting thing for the enemy to shoot. You’ve already got decent dispersion, and when you’re sitting ~12-15km from the enemy and pop that spotter you hit exactly what you aim at. It can be good for that bit of extra range, but it’s main benefit is the dispersion buff. 

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5 minutes ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

Bungo was actually pretty decent.

People seem to like that ship; I'm seeing it all the time in the matches I've played recently.

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Yeah it's pretty mid, another bad tier 8 BB for the list. Tier 8 BBs along with tier 9 cruisers are among the weakest in tiers imho.

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  Thanks for all the replies.  I have yet to get much from the spotter but I'll work on that.  Part of the reason for the loss streak might be that I was matched up with a DD or sub, so once spotted, I was the focus of 4-8 bots.  Difficult to manage the fires.

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Adatara will cure most of Yumihari shortcomings. Most of them, since they re a dime a dozen, its sails like a snail on a brick, shoots shells that actually somehow manage to repair reds instead of at least tiny bits of damage😉. As said above, camo is cool, so one can watch it burn, flood, take damage like there is no tomorrow, but in few asyms I ve played that sorry excuse of a ship, each and every salvo fired at reds was a - giggle😁

Adatara is very, very nice though, Bungo-dusted in one coop, havent played it further and have no use for her other that SCs and flakes🤟

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I found the whole line worthless. The hulls are made of shell catchers and wet paper. Sniper accuracy doesn't intrest me in a battleship at all. I'd take thunderer or republique over bungo 11 times out of 10.

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Played through her in Asyms. 

Camo (not certain where it came from) is probably the most attractive camo I’m aware of. 

The ship was total ugh. Eats pens like a fat kid at a buffet. Highest damage was around 160k, many being around 100k which is way lower than my usual results in that mode. 


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Playing the Yumihari and Adatara in Asymmetric Battle mode made me appreciate Nagato and Amagi. I didn't like either ship but the new IJN battleship line made me realize what a fine battleships Nagato and Amagi are.

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1 hour ago, Sambo_Cigars said:

Playing the Yumihari and Adatara in Asymmetric Battle mode made me appreciate Nagato and Amagi. I didn't like either ship but the new IJN battleship line made me realize what a fine battleships Nagato and Amagi are.

Hah! Isn't that the truth.

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I tried it. Like @BOBTHEBALL said, it's pretty mid. Not really bad enough to be outright bad, but not good at all. Totally uninspiring. The worst problem for me is the alpha - Nagato's broadside is heavier damage even, and she's T7. The other problems are manageable assuming you have hands, but the amount of damage you can actually do is very disappointing.

Yumihari's not an outright skip for me, but I also won't hard grind it. A few games here and there until it's done.

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