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Amazing thing happened while I was doing some "Clubbing" Therapy.


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SO we all know Randoms are pure delight during flake time.

Asym can be better when you take a great carry ship in with you.

Well after 5 straight losses with 3 to 4 kills each , one with 6 in Asym ( we got capped , they NEVER listen ) 

I went to cheer myself up.

When I got there I saw I wasn't the ONLY one with experience BY FAR!

In the end it was 3 against me alone , CL, BB, Full HP , and a Full HP DD Gunship.

Then I saw it.  In ALL CHAT both my team and the red team were talking about the odds of us winning. We were down 2 caps and huge points and I was alone. But I had TIME!

Never seen it before, but both teams stayed in all chat .  My team cheering me on and the reds wondering WTH was going on , Devstrike!  

Has anyone spotted him yet? Devstrike!

They got together and were tracking me down and almost had me cornered.. well DevStrike!

When it was just me and the DD left the Reds were giving High Praise! NOT CALLING NAMES!!

Still, they thought he had me. I had Notsered and deployed smoke because I couldn't outrun him.

Did the ole quick reverse out of the smoke and Fed him torps point blank.

I felt better now.

Even BETTER when 2 of  the reds said +1

Came to port and saw 3!!!

Rare Great game with not only NO toxic chat but great competitors showing mad respect.

Unicorn of a game for sure.



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Some parts of this community are awesome.

Well done, and may you meet these guys in more matches.

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