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Jager players... Quick question..


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I got it in a crate of course.. I had all the others.. SO...

Have any of you really enjoyed this ship?

Used it in Asym?

Where, if anywhere, is this a fun bote?

I only ask because everytime I encounter this bote I kill it in record time , especially when I am in another DD ( which I am most of the time ) .

Thnx for any input.

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It's 100% only good at staying undetected and spamming torpedoes. It isn't very good for winning games because of how bad it deals with enemy DDs. The torps are nice and are very fast with a good reload but barely do any damage, that also means she has really bad torpedo DPM but eh. There was the halloween mode that buffed torpedoes so much, she was nice there but otherwise not the best.

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46 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

I got it in a crate of course.. I had all the others.. SO...

Have any of you really enjoyed this ship?

Used it in Asym?

Where, if anywhere, is this a fun bote?

I only ask because everytime I encounter this bote I kill it in record time , especially when I am in another DD ( which I am most of the time ) .

Thnx for any input.

Dont have it myself but seen it quite often in Randome on top of red team. Its a torp spammer! Its quite good at it considering the skill level of BB players! So what is the problem?

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53 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

I only ask because everytime I encounter this bote I kill it in record time , especially when I am in another DD ( which I am most of the time ) .


5 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

So what is the problem?


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12 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:



Well, to elaborate. You have best int class detect! You build RFP/RL skill so you control the encounters and then all skills into torps? So whats the problem?

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24 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Well, to elaborate. You have best int class detect! You build RFP/RL skill so you control the encounters and then all skills into torps? So whats the problem?

It's not that simple, maybe against the DD players you're facing that would work. However if you have anyone with a brain then you'll struggle hard to kill him.

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@OldSchoolGaming_Youtube  ( i forgot to @ in my reply)

I'm not sure why my telling you that I delete these things at WILL and have never seen one live after being spotted is not getting through. 

I guess they don't have CV's or Shima's or Radar or Subs  in the UK Server?

Long time DD main here.



Confusion is clear now.

You missed my TITLE to my OP.


I missed YOUR first sentence of your REPLY.


Thank you for your input but I need to know from people with actual experience with the Ship, because we both have been here long enough to know what they say on PAPER has ZERO to do with a Botes playability/capabilities.

That is all


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Interesting boat in asym you can spam a lot of torps and with the unique capt skill  of a 5% reduction in reload time for each 8 torp hits it can really add up in that game mode.

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2 hours ago, Col_NASTY said:

I got it in a crate of course.. I had all the others.. SO...

Have any of you really enjoyed this ship?

Used it in Asym?

Where, if anywhere, is this a fun bote?

I only ask because everytime I encounter this bote I kill it in record time , especially when I am in another DD ( which I am most of the time ) .

Thnx for any input.

I don't have one, but it easily kills Average DD Player™ even when they have a much better DD for the fight, so there's that. When it's just you in a BB at endgame vs a Jager who has some working braincells it's the most annoying way to die in the game, since it's a long drawn out death.

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19 minutes ago, MnemonScarlet said:

I don't have one, but it easily kills Average DD Player™ even when they have a much better DD for the fight, so there's that. When it's just you in a BB at endgame vs a Jager who has some working braincells it's the most annoying way to die in the game, since it's a long drawn out death.

 I guess I am better than average then , I have a 100% Kill rate when meeting one. 😁 

Yeah,  those last BB left games in a DD with NO CV or Sub or Radar etc are like Unicorns on the NA server. In those cases ANY DD will shine.

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I have one and don't play it very often.  Some people like the challenge - and it is a challenge to play.  Yes, Jager has great stealth, but also only three guns and very weak torps.  I will readily concede that other players probably are better at Jager play than me.  I find Jager too much of a chore to enjoy it much.  

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jagger doesn't stand a chance vs enemy dds so its lives and dies by your team's ability to kill enemy dds.

early on you spot for the team and launch torpedoes into smoke screens in the hopes of snagging some DD sitting in there, if you feel brave you can use the superior concealment to find enemy DD and keep them spoted for your cruisers to kill them but then again you need some cooperation from your team which is not very common.

if the flank is falling or you have one of those teams full of edge snipers dont even bother with the cap, stay close to the team and spam torpedos from 12km  

jagger terrible AA means it cant even kill fighters  so stay close to anything that can provide AA cover if cv is going after you


once enemy dd is gone  you do what any torpedo DD does, torment the big boys with a never ending stream of torpedoes until they ask for a mercy 😄


to sum it up:

spot for your team and don't stay too far away from them if enemy DD or cv are around.

those torpedoes have a very fast reload so dont be afraid of blind firing into caps, smokes, chokepoints, etc..


and somehow that is how i ended with a 57% solo winrate




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I play mostly destroyers. 

I hate it. It has weak torpedoes, so when you land a strike, it just chunks people for 40-50k. 

Death by 1000 cuts I suppose.

Slow, bad guns, no aa. It's like the wash water left over after making Benham and Asashio.

You can land every single torpedo in a strike, and battleships will just shrug you off.

You're always in fear of encountering gunboat destroyers too.

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56 minutes ago, Subtle_Octavian said:

I play mostly destroyers. 

I hate it. It has weak torpedoes, so when you land a strike, it just chunks people for 40-50k. 

Death by 1000 cuts I suppose.

Slow, bad guns, no aa. It's like the wash water left over after making Benham and Asashio.

You can land every single torpedo in a strike, and battleships will just shrug you off.

You're always in fear of encountering gunboat destroyers too.

WG has a really bad habit of overnerfing ships with a strong gimmick.

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Well i have one and let me put it this way, i hope WG brings back the Trade-In event and allows me to get rid of her, the only time i had fun with her, was in the Halloween Operation, but then they nerfed the Torp reload time and the fun was over.

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It is weak for the tier it’s in. Unlike most DDs  you need to stay around your team.  You are more of a support ship than anything.  Be selfish and use your stealth to hide amongst your team and unleash hell (kinda).

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13 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

It's not that simple, maybe against the DD players you're facing that would work. However if you have anyone with a brain then you'll struggle hard to kill him.

You usually dont have to kill him. Since you outspot him at every encounter you can just play defensive and spam torps and youre team will take potshots at him every time he gets spotted.

And with the amount of fast torps Jaeger spews out he will probably eat some of those as well.

I would play Jeager just like I play Shimakaze, Asashio or every other torp based DD (IJN) in this game. You use youre best in class conceal against the enemy and with RPF/RL skill you will always know where their DDs are and approximatly at what range since you see other spotted ships.

So dont push and never try to be the aggro gunboat, be the spotter, screener who dumps torps at the reds on cooldown. Jeager is "balanced" with its low HP.

I also see a lot of Jeagers and other DDs dying really quick each game, some dont even have built for concealment and survivability at T10, some dont even use Last stand skill, but this is faulty players, not faulty ships.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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19 hours ago, Col_NASTY said:

I got it in a crate of course.. I had all the others.. SO...

Have any of you really enjoyed this ship?

Used it in Asym?

Where, if anywhere, is this a fun bote?

I only ask because everytime I encounter this bote I kill it in record time , especially when I am in another DD ( which I am most of the time ) .

Thnx for any input.

Yes, I like the ship quite much - as I'm fond of torpedo boats in general, even though I did not use her in assymmetric battles.

As others already pointed out, you have to assume spotting duty with your concealment of 5,4km.

You do have plenty of fast torpedoes that are not liable to provide devastating strikes, but their range allows for harassing island hugging radar cruisers. The guns are no slouch either. While few in numbers but quite large in calibre and partly on 360° mounts - 2 of 3 can be kept on target in most turns -, you can try to get 3-3,5 HP away from an opposing DD without being liable to his counter fire (killing e.g. a Kitakaze means around 2-3 torpedo hits and 2 gun salvoes IIRC. The small spread and speed of your fishes allow for those hits).

Think of it as something like a T9 child Shima, play to its forte (concealment, lots of fishes, heal, engine boost to bug out when needed) and use it to train your torpedo warfare skills (like getting better than the torpedo lead calculator in-game at predicting your targeted opponent's path).

Regards, Nightowl

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Significantly worse than Ostergotland imho.

She gets better, but not stupendously better, concealment and torpedo power, in exchange for half the Oster's gun DPM and almost all her AA.

Concealment doesn't matter all that much when the game is so saturated with planes, subs (homing on you with hydrophone, surfacing to bait you to shoot them and ruin your concealment, then diving again), radar and other DDs, many of them hunter-killers. The torps are very oppressive to have to push into, especially for large ships (with or without hydro), and one can stagger the launches to maximize flooding...but it's all a bit situational.

But again, no AA, guns aren't competitive (even a low-hp DD can mess you up before you're able to finish him) and the heal won't save you if you screw up.

On the upside, it's pretty addictive to play a ship with such a peculiar style. On the downside, it's not very effective, at least in my experience.

Edited by tocqueville8
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It's all a matter of what you like.  I really like her.  Spot, torp and don't get spotted.  She has a heal and engine boost which helps get her out of a bad scrape.  Never go head to head with another dd.  I play here like she doesn't even have guns.  Each to their own.  She cannot carry a game.

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On 12/20/2023 at 9:16 PM, Col_NASTY said:

@OldSchoolGaming_Youtube  ( i forgot to @ in my reply)


Hey, just thought you might want input from a guy who survived quite well in stealthy IJN torp boats for 8 years instead of some random BB/CV/CL main that just happen to get this ship in a Christmas box, but God Speed to you!

Btw, I used to run TRB Yugumo for quite a while back in the day. TRB Yugumo has way worse stats then Jeager has. 15 500 HP Vs Jeagers 19 050 HP. Jeager of course enjoying that nice HEAL as well, which of course yugomo never got. And 5.5 km conceal with no smoke Vs Jeagers 5.4 km.+

Wonder how I survived all those games?

5 Kills, Kraken 150 K damage. 2 Dev strikes, First blood

6 Kills, Kraken, 136 K Damage, 2 Dev strikes

4 Kills, 135 K damage, 3 Dev strikes

5 Kills, Kraken, 236 K Damage, Confederate, High Caliber

2 Kills, 142 K Damage, 2 Dev strikes, First blood


But Jeager is probably just a crappy ship...


If you absolutely dont wanna take my word for anything then why not just look at Jeager games on Youtube? Sure Unicum players and cherry picked games/"payed actors" and all that. But what do they do? How did they play to get a great game? Hers Trenlass for example:


I dont know youre experience playing DDs but I do know that streamers do the same as I do every game I play in a DD. They ask the questions:

  1. How many DDs in red team?
  2. Which DDs? (do you know all characteristics of DDs? Like which has radar and what range? which has long range hydro and what range?)
  3. Is any of the DDs in a Hunt/Kill DDs Wolfpack Div? Do they spawn on my side
  4. Did friendly Sub spawn on my flank?
  5. Is there any other Divs on red team? Which?! Any CV/Radar cruiser/DD Combos?
  6. How many radar is on red team? WHat range radar? What flank?
  7. What else can I see on the reds team rooster? Known names? Streamers? Super Unicums?
  8. Super DDs? Gimmicks? Zorkiy for example has DPM and Funny button to delete a enemy DD just as easy as an Annapolis.

If you dont do a quick analysis of these questions every time you play a DD then you already shot yourself in the foot and will probably die, hence why DDs are the hardest class to play in this game, EVERYTHING even game modes are designed to kill you.

After this there is still other things to consider like ALWAYS having Last stand on EVERY DD! And also have RPF/RL on all DDs that you either wanna hunt with or you wanna stay alive in (like Yugumo and Jeager).


Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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