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Times, they are a changin’..


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@coolrunings_99 I guess when trying to learn and improve your own game - it can always lead to a situation where you can also get more frustrated at what your team or certain players on your team are doing. 😉 Also it could also lead to thinking 'but if this is the kind of thing I am supposed to do....then why are you moving the game in this particular direction WG?!'

Honestly, I'm pretty good at putting myself in someone else's shoes nowadays. If something strange happens in game, my first notion is to think why? If I don't have an answer, then I often put the action down to someone having a bad day and making a genuine mistake (I do it often enough! 🤣).

If it is an out and out troll event, where someone is particularly nasty or troll like - I often find this is more easy to forgive - as I tend to think jeez this person must be having a real crappy day (so if the worst they're doing is venting on a computer game, maybe it's not so bad?).


On the subject of RNG....well that's a whole different subject - maybe for another thread lol


All the best to you; have a great Christmas! <O

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@WaveRider thanks mate, likewise all the best for the upcoming holidays, to You and all fellow captains, with champagne premium RNG neatly under each tree. Or anchor, maybe even keel😁😁🤟

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Randumbs are what they usually are, although theres been a notable number of no CV games, possibly due to holidays.

Numerous one sided matches, but the typical state of player skill means there are also opportunities to attempt carries, if they don't die too fast.


Ranked out of Gold league again, with only Mino. At this league you tend to start recognizing a few names, and you have more tamed expectations. Also people just tend to not play outrageously bad, at least not as frequently.

Defence has been somewhat problematic addition but fortunately rare enough, likely because it is admittedly quite squishy and dies to BBs and tankier CAs. I lowkey would've liked to see a few CV games here, of which there were none at all to put my AA to use.


PvP has its issues, Subs and CV can be oppressive at times, but so are some surface ships. Really, it's business as usual.

PvE modes improved a fair bit with Asymmetric, but bots are still dumb. Admittedly fun for when you want casual but otherwise lacking in difficulty.

Edited by Verytis
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