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Soviet Empire - Warsaw/Soviet Satellites and other allied powers


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The US, UK, Italy, France, Germany, Japan, USSR, represent the only real naval powers of note of the early to middle 20th century.  The addition of factions such as the Commonwealth, Europe, Pan-American, and Pan-Asian seem an attempt to take five twos to get a ten.  The addition of Spain and the Netherlands only diluting the European faction.   These factions left few areas of the map open to investigation as future naval factions.

Africa or the Mediterranean/Middle east would be a poor chose to form a faction.  The Ottoman Empire in the late period was not a great naval power being referred to as the sick man of Europe.  If we examine the only real collective faction the commonwealth, we have a possible answer.  Supported largely by British they spanned the globe in Canada, NZ, Australia and others.



Given they are already in the game we look further in history to the cold war to NATO and WARSAW.  Nations supported respectively by the US and USSR with money and weapons.  Adding NATO would well be a waste of time as most important countries are already in the game as themselves or Europe.  On the otherhand Warsaw and other countries Allied to the UUSR could add a few Soviet and other ships that are not in the game.  Checking Egypt and Indonesia prove at least in destroyers a few more ships could be added.

A lot of this would be Soviet gear, but unless we want three lines deep for Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers for the big seven it might be worth considering.  To be honest it would be nice to see another faction that outside of Europe, and European decent and not have to add Atlantis or Lemuria.  If we could find a way to add NATO and Nato allied countries around the world adding whatever is left of the US and major European nation ships and designs i would not object.

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Indonesia has been included into Pan-Asia and the Soviet-Indonesian alliance was rather brief, that we've already seen most of the possible candidates represented: KRI Irian, KRI Siliwangi and KRI Pasopati (Whiskey-class submarine, in Mir Korabli).

And Irian seems to be the largest surface combatant ever exported by the Soviet Union. I think it's impossible to build a WoWS branch with Cold War light frigates and FACs like Petya, Mirka, Shershen or Osa that are the backbone of so many pro-Soviet countries' minor fleets.

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Skory-class destroyer - Indonesian and Egypt

Riga-class frigate - Indonesian and Other

Z-class Destroyer - Egypt

Black Swan Class - Egypt

Kotlin Class Destroyer - Poland

ORP Gryf (1936) - Poland

More to come

Yes i have eyes on other factions countries such as Turkey and Poland from Europe



Edited by kriegerfaust
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9 minutes ago, kriegerfaust said:

Skory-class destroyer - Indonesian and Egypt

Riga-class frigate - Indonesian and Other

Z-class Destroyer - Egypt

Black Swan Class - Egypt

More to come

Yes i have eyes on other factions countries such as Turkey and Poland from Europe



Poland and Turkey are both parts of Pan-Europe. Have you ever learnt about that? Have you ever played the game or read about it?

Z-class works as Tier 6~8 probably and Egypt has a very limited fleet to begin with. We already have an Indonesian Project 30-bis not to say the aforementioned fact that Indonesia is included into Pan-Asia.

You aren't serious about things like Black Swan and Riga classes?


Stop your futile efforts on the Polish Navy, that's part of the Pan-Europe already.

Edited by Project45_Opytny
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Poland and Turkey are both parts of Pan-Europe. Have you ever learnt about that? Have you ever played the game or read about it?

No really tell me more


I must be seeing things, wow a tier 1 cruiser

Yes i have eyes on other faction's countries such as Turkey and Poland from Europe (So Vague it could mean anything)

Last time i checked Italy, France, German, Spain, the Netherlands, and the UK were part of Europe as well, if i was feeling frisky i would go after the Entire Pan-American line

Truth is so far the Pan-American Line is a lot of hot air so far

Also please share with me the numerous ships from Turkey, Poland and Indonesia already in the game there must be more than zero, zilch, nada, none

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Turkey: TCG Muavenet (as Pan-Europe)

Poland: ORP Grom, ORP Blyskawica, ORP Gyrf, ORP Orkan, ORP Gdansk (hypothetical) (as Pan-Europe)

Indonesia: KRI Irian, KRI Gadjah Mada, KRI Siliwangi, KRI Pasopati (in Russian Mir Korabli) (as Pan-Asia)

Absolutely as zero, zlich, nada, none

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fair enough for Poland and Indonesia but one ship for turkey can easily be transferred to a new faction, but truthfully it was just a neat idea

But be honest the Pan-Asian Pan-American European factions are all make-believe any member can be added or subtracted


but i do give credit for defending your position, thanks for the education 

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6 minutes ago, kriegerfaust said:

fair enough for Poland and Indonesia but one ship for turkey can easily be transferred to a new faction, but truthfully it was just a neat idea

But be honest the Pan-Asian Pan-American European factions are all make-believe any member can be added or subtracted


but i do give credit for defending your position, thanks for the education 

Then Turkey will not fit in "Warsaw Pact" either, and I consider, consider points like geography and history, placing Turkey as a part of Pan-Europe is alright.

It's another problem that there is only one destroyer from Turkey.

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2 hours ago, Project45_Opytny said:

Then Turkey will not fit in "Warsaw Pact" either, and I consider, consider points like geography and history, placing Turkey as a part of Pan-Europe is alright.

It's another problem that there is only one destroyer from Turkey.

Especially since Turkey is a member of NATO.

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Well, Spain and the Netherlands are old globally significant naval powers with naval traditions that go back centuries, even if they weren't top notch in the context of the 20th century. In that sense, I kind of understand them being separate from the Pan-European tree which I think focuses on the countries that at best have been powerful in a regional context.

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12 hours ago, kriegerfaust said:

To be honest it would be nice to see another faction that outside of Europe, and European decent and not have to add Atlantis or Lemuria. 

Pan-America still has plenty of options available, including an entire real world DD line, a stack of dreadnought BBs and CVs capable of carrying jets. There are plenty of DD and cruiser designs from Mediterranean naval powers not in the game, as well as the Asian navies of Thailand and (pre-PRC) China. 

A further source of ship development is regional fleets, such as the Russian fleets in the Baltic, Black Sea and Pacific - all of which resulted in different ship designs intended for use in those different operational situations. You could do the same with the British and US navies as well; a Pacific and Atlantic fleet. Ships operating in the Atlantic tended towards a lighter AA load with more emphasis on Anti-Submarine warfare, Pacific ships the other ways about. 

Making fleets/collections of ships into factional lines has a definite appeal, to be honest - I have far too many Premium boats with no particular reason to play them, but if they could becomes cogs in an RB line then that might be quite fun and a way of improving their appeal. 

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9 minutes ago, invicta2012 said:

Pan-America still has plenty of options available, including an entire real world DD line, a stack of dreadnought BBs and CVs capable of carrying jets. There are plenty of DD and cruiser designs from Mediterranean naval powers not in the game, as well as the Asian navies of Thailand and (pre-PRC) China. 

A further source of ship development is regional fleets, such as the Russian fleets in the Baltic, Black Sea and Pacific - all of which resulted in different ship designs intended for use in those different operational situations. You could do the same with the British and US navies as well; a Pacific and Atlantic fleet. Ships operating in the Atlantic tended towards a lighter AA load with more emphasis on Anti-Submarine warfare, Pacific ships the other ways about. 

Making fleets/collections of ships into factional lines has a definite appeal, to be honest - I have far too many Premium boats with no particular reason to play them, but if they could becomes cogs in an RB line then that might be quite fun and a way of improving their appeal. 

Though... if any of this is actually going to happen, WG had better revamp the entire UI port concept because it's getting to be a nightmare to operate even with the filters we got.

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40 minutes ago, kriegerfaust said:

bad research Turkey was listed as a USSR Allie, and it was briefly in the 20's and 30's

I wouldnt call a brief demarche sweetened by surrender of territory an alliance. 

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50 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

In that sense, I kind of understand them being separate from the Pan-European tree which I think focuses on the countries that at best have been powerful in a regional context.

I would agree in regards to the Dutch considering their relevance during the period covered by WoWs (especially as the Dutch nation was released during sub development, which isn’t a coincidence), but Spain should have been implemented as part of Europe, alongside similarly neutral Sweden.

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28 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

I would agree in regards to the Dutch considering their relevance during the period covered by WoWs (especially as the Dutch nation was released during sub development, which isn’t a coincidence), but Spain should have been implemented as part of Europe, alongside similarly neutral Sweden.

Neutrality really isn't a factor in terms of the Pan-European tree, though.

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20 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Neutrality really isn't a factor in terms of the Pan-European tree, though.

Yes, my point is that Spain being a neutral nation (like Sweden) during WWII shouldn’t matter. Europe is a broad category that is not just limited to the smaller members of the Allied powers and navies-in-exile during WWII, as it includes neutral nations (Sweden) and Austro-Hungarian ships from the WWI-era. Thus, there isn’t a solid reason that Spain should be excluded outside of WG wanting to make the CXP grind (which for experienced players is the real grind in WoWs) more arduous.

The Dutch Navy was a significant player in the Pacific theater of WWII (especially their submarines), so there is, IMO, a good argument to be made for them to be their own nation in WoWs. That is not the case for Spain.

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19 hours ago, kriegerfaust said:

Black Swan Class - Egypt

India also had some Black Swans, three of them.

18 hours ago, Project45_Opytny said:

You aren't serious about things like Black Swan

India only had Black Swans (a T1 ship) until the end of WW2. Anything else bigger tier-wise only came after WW2 ended.

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20 hours ago, kriegerfaust said:




India is part of the Commonwealth in WoWS (and reality).

1 hour ago, Aethervox said:

India also had some Black Swans, three of them.

India only had Black Swans (a T1 ship) until the end of WW2. Anything else bigger tier-wise only came after WW2 ended.

The Tier I Commonwealth cruiser is one of those Indian Black Swans.  In addition the Tier V is INS Delhi, formerly HMS Achilles, there is also the Tier VI premiums ship INS Mysore, also in the Commonwealth branch.

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