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Wishlist Warships - What nation do you want to see make their version of a cherished warship


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The truth is there is very little in the way of original idea fewer as time goes by, when you reach WW2 many of the warships share a lot in common.  Thing of the number of destroyers with 4 to 5 guns of around five inches and centerline torpedo launchers two set of three to five.  Or battleships with four twin guns 14-to-16-inch guns with four-to-six-inch secondaries in twin turrets.  There are of course other models of battleships, cruisers and destroyers each using the ideal caliber of guns a nation favors. 

My idea is simple what if we took a design from nation A and took it to Nation B how would they have built.  Or what if Nation A sold its ships unfinished to nation B how would they have finished it.  What if Germany finished a gearing Class destroyer what would they have made out of the ship.  I think the idea could be fun what ship would you like to see built or finished by what nation.  Would you like to see a Yamamoto built by Germany, would they try to build their own 18-inch guns or arm her with quad 16-inch guns.


Take the King George V


Add a little Iowa - Pow Monarch


Take a little Dunkerque


Add a little Earl Gray



The Tallin is already one in game example, built with the hull of the Lutzow a Grman heavy cruiser.  Take a German weapon add Russian guns and you get the USSR cruiser Tallin.  I am sure there are other examples, in fact many countries buy warships from other nations that do not have the industry to buy their own.  The South American Dreadnought was helped by the UK until it needed every hull for its war with Germany.  Transferring ships that are not altered seems weak.  The transfer of a certain WW1 American cruiser that got an AA armament also feels weak, but is still better by leagues then the reskinned warships, so feel free to post below you're Frankenstein ships.


Edited by kriegerfaust
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Postwar export Fletchers but with the gimmicks of the receiving nation, I.E Hydro and 1/4th HE pen for a Bundesmarine Fletcher, or a Fletcher with buffed HE alpha or torpedo damage in the JMSDF 

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How about all the early 20th century warships WoWS could have?  Oh yes, those are mostly all low tier warships & we all know how WoWS treats the low tiers.

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7 hours ago, Unlooky said:

Postwar export Fletchers but with the gimmicks of the receiving nation, I.E Hydro and 1/4th HE pen for a Bundesmarine Fletcher, or a Fletcher with buffed HE alpha or torpedo damage in the JMSDF 

Bundesmarine Fletcher seems excellent and easily feasible (basically means doing some minor tweakings on Velos and add the Bundesmarine ensign), yet JMSDF Fletchers, I recall, were all downgraded and served as dedicated ASW ships without torpedo tubes.




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Since the game has always had a love hate relationship with Carriers and their planes, I'd love to see a dedicated class of DD's and CL's whose sole purpose is Anti-Aircraft.

The Japanese had the Akizuki line of large DD's, outfitted with Radars and their entire arsenal was AA related (except for the torpedoes).   The Germans had Flak ships.  The Americans had all sorts of AA screening DD's and CL's.....

Arm them with their 'era relevant" weapons and change the game's reward system to reward dedicated AA ships in doing their jobs.  BTW, AA in those ships would be "aimed" and AA not "completely" automatic all of the time..."

Same goes for ASW ships.  

If we have dissimilar weapons, we should have weapons to balance those dissimilarities....  Why the heck not.

Edited by Asym
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HMS Malaya added as a Pan-Asian Battleship. Malaya remained very much a QE class as constructed, we don't have one of those in the game, and that means she has a surface focused secondary armament which could be tweaked into an Agincourt like state. 

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30 minutes ago, invicta2012 said:

HMS Malaya added as a Pan-Asian Battleship.

Given that the Federated Malay States actually paid for the bloody thing, I don't see why not. Keep the name, change the nation.

+1 as to how to differentiate her, too.

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Kinda busting out a the WOW WW2 mole here but since WG does this on the regular ...... I for one would love to see the Swedish Diesel submarine Gotland (Cold war era not really WW2" era), that managed to break thru all the defenses and sink the US CV Ronald Reagan in a joint allied Wargame in 2005. Which of course made the US crap their pants and then hire the Swedish submarine and its staff for several month trying to figure out how they were able to.

So im thinking a Premium Swedish submarine like the Gato with nukes on a chamber revolving torp launchers.  



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