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What is the coolest game you have ever seen?


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Oh man, that's tough.  All of them were da bomb at the time.  For just plain cool, I have to nominate Dredge.  Relaxing and terrifying at the same time.  Black Salt really hit the sweet spot.


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For me, it's a tie.
Jumplight Odyssey, for it's concept and aesthetic.   I don't give a damn that production has been halted on it due to a string of unfortunate disasters befalling the company and it's fantastic team of absolute chads...

I'm also entirely not biased at all.

The other is Final Fantasy XIV, for which I entirely blame @LittleWhiteMouse for....

Damn you, Mouse..... damn you....

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5 hours ago, Chobittsu said:

For me, it's a tie.
Jumplight Odyssey, for it's concept and aesthetic.   I don't give a damn that production has been halted on it due to a string of unfortunate disasters befalling the company and it's fantastic team of absolute chads...

I'm also entirely not biased at all.

The other is Final Fantasy XIV, for which I entirely blame @LittleWhiteMouse for....

Damn you, Mouse..... damn you....


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As previously stated, the best games oftentimes are "best" in relation to the time frame in which they came out and your interests at the time.

I've "wasted" for too many hours playing Wizardry and Ultima. I also remember chomping at the bit to finish work so that I could spend the rest of the evening playing the original Master of Orion. When Master of Magic came out I got hooked on it too. The graphics of these games were rudimentary in comparison to today's games but the playing them was engrossing at the time.

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I loved the first and orignal Resident evil was such a good game. Some of the others in the line were good to but none were as good as the orignal. It's the only other video game I really played besides Wows. I was never much of a gamer.

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Skyrim Is my favourite non WoWS game. Up until I started playing WoWS I spent almost all of my gaming time playing Skyrim... playing is actually not quite true. I spent most of my time in Skyrim modding it and messing around with it, I have completed all of the quests and side quests but these were incidental to me. Much more satisfying messing around with mods to get the dragons to turn into Thomas the Tank Engine characters, or to have a wise cracking tart as your NPC sidekick. So many hours spent adjusting testing and messing around, enjoyed every minute of it.

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If I were to choose what was the absolute most fun, it wasn't a game at all, it was a SIM - SIMNET.  Granted, I'm probably the only on in WOWS that has played it in the 80's because you had to be an Armor Crewman or Officer.   But, despite that qualification, it was the absolute best cooperative game I have ever played, ever.

Privateer was another that captured my interest......  An earlier version of Elite Dangerous.

Most recently, Mechwarrior Online.  Gosh, I am a simple Tanker and that game simply "touched" every button there is.....


Talk about a Cooperative shooter and combined arms combat in a different time and place, MWO was it.  Gosh, there were several previous renditions of the game that came before and were single player games....  MWO simply was, for several years, a nightly adventure with all sorts of friends from all over the world....  Some tried WOWS and left at the Cruiser Line Split because MWO and WOWS are on the same Mature game trajectory.....  And, they wanted out before.........

Gosh, my favorite mech:  named "Bad Doggy" because this heavy mech was outfitted as a short and long range missile support mech that everyone hated with a passion which, made it even more fun......  Long time gone from that mech.  Once a year now.  Sigh.

PS:  I forgot the Fallout series !!!  Oh my, now they were addictive.....  BTW, in April next year, they created a TV series from the game........we'll see where that goes because the game concept of Vaults and a post apocalyptic world is really hard to make believable...  I guess, we will see......

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16 hours ago, MysticalWar said:

Found another cool game for PS5 called "Swat Simulator"


Oh... so there aren't any flies involved then...

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I already see some games mentioned I recognize from years gone by... long gone by in some cases...

I gave this a bit of a thought myself, and I don't think I can name any single coolest game. They've all been cool or I wouldn't have given them much thought. I've probably missed a ton of cool games over the years as well.

Let me see...

In a loose chronological order, perhaps, the ones that I remember being cool.

Pool of Radiance, Red Storm Rising, Silent Service, Gunship, Castle Wolfenstein, Russia: The Great War in the East 1941-1945, Theater Europe, Great Naval Battles: North Atlantic 1939-1943 (mentioning this game on the Official World of Warships Forum got your post deleted), Sierra games (mostly Leisure Suit Larry, Space Quest and Vampire Masquerade), SimCity, Full Throttle, Need for Speed, MOO & MOO2, Wolfenstein ET, Eastern Front, Call of Duty, Red Baron III, Europa Universalis, Rainbow Six, Metro, GTA Vice City & GTA III, Morrowind, Skyrim (sort of completed once, on and off since then, old rig had 600+ mods installed which kept conflicting with each other.. I need to curate the situation on the new rig), KoToR 1 & 2, SWTOR, Far Cry, Assassin's Creed, World of Tanks, World of Warships.

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5 hours ago, LittleWhiteMouse said:


Seriously.  My inner child is so mad I only got to play it as an adult.

I used to play that all the time building my Multi Lane Transit System it went everywhere in a infinite world. I even had stations built.

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Have to say, Kerbal Space Program 1 (KSP2 is still, lets say evolving).  Well before kickstarters, I bought in to KSP1.  Buy in at the time was a whole $7, but I was so impressed with the demo that I sent them $10.  Best $10 I ever spent.  Hoping KSP2 will eventually surpass KSP1, but since the original developers sold out to Take-Two...


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  • 2 weeks later...

I am not sure it's would be coolest game, but game is very fun to played and are worthy to add to your collections list of game to play, I spent nearly 2,000 gameplay hours of Anno 1800.

Anno 1800 setting is in 19th century dawn of the industrial age yet it's fiction, gameplay is this you settle upon island by build Trading Post, then build a village all the way to Metropolis by proved inhabitants by building and mange production, and settle up other island to get new type resource to met demand, supply and demand, and space issues as well. 

It's had navy sailing to steam warship, along trade fleets ship, build sailing shipyard to steam shipyard. Although there is no land military like anno 1404 (older game but settling in medieval and renaissance. 

It's fun game, and great take a break form world of warship, you only need to spent once, and play as much as you like without spend more money like world of warship, although it's strong single player, but there is option to play multiplayer but this game is very long time to play, but keep you active and so much to do, yet it's very restful gameplay, not stressful and grind like world of warship gameplay type pvp. 

I would suggest buy game on Ubisoft since ubisoft make game run by laucher, and one less to deal with support team, although Steam had better deal on sale, it's would be 2 support team to deal if any issues you had on the game, but I had little issues with game, although there is few bug that I do need to report so they fix and patch up. 


Current, I did play world of warship filling some goal, then stop there then play Anno 1800 for while to take stress off and rest of gameplay since it's can be stressful to play PVP in World of Warships. 

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Looking back all the way, the overall coolest games I have played are from a long time ago. The number 1 sport belongs to Wizardry 7. Imho the best RPG ever made. It had enough QoL tools to make things a lot more comfortable than in its predecessors, but it was still an old school RPG experience where you had to keep your own notes, solve some challenging riddles, and a lot of fight where you had to come back later. And so many memorable quotes and characters, even though it was all text and sprites rather than voice and photorealism. I definitely remember more from Wizardry 7 which I last played about 20 years ago than from any RPG in the last 10 years.

The only other RPG that came close was Baldurs Gate 2. Not that there were no other fun RPGs in the interim, I did greatly enjoy the Kingmaker games and of course Skyrim among others, but the story and immersion of BG2 was never reached for me.

Then there are Pirates! and Elite, which I spent tons of time hotseating with my childhood friends back when. Though I gotta say Elite got surpassed by Freelancer eventually in my list, because that one just offered so much more. A shame there was never an equal successor to it. Also, TIE-Fighter and Railroad Tycoon! And Master of Orion II! And... Well, I can't list them all here.

Among more recent titles, in Steam my most played game by far is Stellaris. Was a really fun ride, getting a new game every 1-2 years basically. Of couse you have to like that, if you want a static game that stays the same, Stellaris might not be for you. Then again it might, as they offer almost every old version of the game to play as a beta branch on steam. Also the Civilization games, most notably 4&5. I still play Civ5 and love it. Don't like 6 as I prefer playing tall rather than wide which works well in 5 but not so well in 6.

Honorable mentions go to Kingdom come:Deliverance and Days gone, both of which I really loved for the immersion they offered, they totally captivated me with their graphics, stories and voice acting. Something which oddly enough the immensely praised Red Dead Redemption 2 did not manage.

And lastly, of course as an old Battletech fan, I played all the computer games related to it. Still have the fondest memories of MPBT:Solaris. Recently replayed MW5 for all achievments on steam and still loved it. Greatly enjoyed Battletech, but was hugely disappointed that it was not further developed. They could have made so much more out of that one...

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"Coolest" is an odd term. The original Last of Us stands out as the best game I've ever played. The entire Bioshock series was very "cool" in it's art style. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Old but briliant pc game 1990s,first i ever played-not to shit fmv ,puzzle/fps game with a interesting story.

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