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PT quite few exp in co-operation


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24 minutes ago, alibaba40dadao said:

Only 572 exp

If that is the shape of things to come in Co-op, then Wargaming has nerfed it. 572 Base XP for that amount of performance—which includes sinking a submarine—is low, like nerfed to the ground low.

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9 hours ago, alibaba40dadao said:

I use Marceau to destory 5 X ships(1dd 1ss 1cv 1ca 1bb) and 10 planes,6 minutes,only 572 expQQ20231216130740.thumb.png.8c46a517198d0ce380a44868e61de620.pngQQ20231216130759.thumb.png.263cfc43eb8f9a00ac8d2d0e53b2b1db.pngQQ20231216130819.thumb.png.4aa63fe83ab2cd106c4a2607424482ae.png

That's a normal amount of base XP for that level of performance on coop. To get more than 500 base XP is very rare.

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XP for damage is awarded based on % of a ship’s total health, with a modifier for tier relative to one’s own. Kills are worth the same XP as 10% of a target’s HP worth of damage.

I don’t see anything unexpected.

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11 hours ago, alibaba40dadao said:

I use Marceau to destory 5 X ships(1dd 1ss 1cv 1ca 1bb) and 10 planes,6 minutes,only 572 expQQ20231216130740.thumb.png.8c46a517198d0ce380a44868e61de620.pngQQ20231216130759.thumb.png.263cfc43eb8f9a00ac8d2d0e53b2b1db.pngQQ20231216130819.thumb.png.4aa63fe83ab2cd106c4a2607424482ae.png

Co-op. You want to earn more base, put your big boy pants on and play randoms 

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11 hours ago, alibaba40dadao said:

I use Marceau to destory 5 X ships(1dd 1ss 1cv 1ca 1bb) and 10 planes,6 minutes,only 572 expQQ20231216130740.thumb.png.8c46a517198d0ce380a44868e61de620.pngQQ20231216130759.thumb.png.263cfc43eb8f9a00ac8d2d0e53b2b1db.pngQQ20231216130819.thumb.png.4aa63fe83ab2cd106c4a2607424482ae.png

Yeah that's normal, co-op should earn less than random battles because you're fighting easier opponents. I understand you're probably not wanting the earnings in Co-op and Random battles to be the same but if they were there'd be no reason to actually have a challenge against people and co-op would be the most played mode I would think. 

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27 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

Co-op. You want to earn more base, put your big boy pants on and play randoms 

This ^

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5 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

This is normal for co-op. What sort of score were you expecting?

Maybe they want same reward as random battles 🤣

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13 hours ago, alibaba40dadao said:

I use Marceau to destory 5 X ships(1dd 1ss 1cv 1ca 1bb) and 10 planes,6 minutes,only 572 exp

150K damage and 5 kills is pretty good.  But those numbers don't directly translate to Base XP. 

See here: https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:Base_Earnings


BTW, the full algorithms aren't known.

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Base XP earnings can be and probably are adjusted over time without notifying the player community...as that is something WG has never detailed how it works.

With that said, getting base XP of over 500 seems normal for that kind of excellent co-op game.

There are usually better XP rewards on offer in randoms, asymmetric, ranked, etc.

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Co-op has always rewarded less than PVP modes (and rightfully so because it is easier - and I am a Co-op main saying that not a PVP elitist). Although they have never officially acknowledged it (got a few wink...wink...nod...nod's from a WG employee while discussing it and I suggested the following figure) Co-op rewards approx. 50%-60% less than Randoms. 572 BXP is actually a good Co-op BXP. The norm, even at T10 like that, these days is around 375-450. So almost 600 is very good.

At 1st glance that is a good game but the more you look at it the more it is easy to see why it isn't higher if you know what earns and what doesn't in the game...

  • You have no Caps or D-caps (these really help your BXP and credit earnings). I know Marceau has a big detection range and no smoke but cap if you can. So often I see players fight at a cap to clear it and then sail off with the cap almost secured to go try and farm damage elsewhere (even in such a fast ship as Marceau it is usually a waste as you won't get there before the game ends). Don't do that. Get the cap (if there are caps to get and you can) and your BXP and credits will go up.
  • You have 10 planes down, but you only did 10,524 in plane damage, so you were getting plane kills but others were doing a lot of the damage to them. You used to get rewarded based on the # of planes downed but it is now based on the total damage done to planes. The # shot down is meaningless other than for ribbon tasks (as I understand the change). The average T10 CV has planes that range from 1500HP to like 2800 HP (FDR is the exception with 3-4K HP planes). So 10K HP in plane damage done is just not that much. If you did all the damage to those 10 planes you would be 20K +/- in plane damage. So what you got helped, and is part of why you almost got 600 BXP, but that is not a huge plane kill/damage total.
  • Approx 35% of your damage total was done to the T10 BB and 52K is only about 50-55% of a T10 BB's total HP. The damage done to the T10 DD is insignificant as far as earnings go it is so low (helps for sure but not much like the plane kills talked about ^). 55K on a T10 Cruiser is good (was it Petropavlovsk? if so that is like 90% of its HP pool) and contributed a lot to your 572 BXP. The 15K on a T10 Sub is good (around 75% or so of its HP) and helped a lot. 25K on a T10 CV is about 35% of its HP and is ok and absolutely helps but not a big deal. Kills are good as they reward the equivalent of doing 10% of the sunk ship's HP in damage. More breakdown...
    • In this game the % of damage done to an enemy ship in relation to its total HP pool determines rewards. So doing that 15K damage (approx. 75% of its HP pool) to the Sub rewarded you much better than the 52K damage you did to the BB (only 50-55% of its HP pool). 
    • In this game rewards for damage done is based on the tier of the enemy ship it is done to. You get more rewards for damaging ships of a higher tier than your own tier and less rewards for damaging ships of a lower tier than yours. All ships damaged were the same tier as your own. That isn't a bad thing, and it is better than if they were all T8 and T9's, but it isn't as good as if some or all were SuperShips. Note that this also applies to plane kills so the CV being a T10 like your DD impacted rewards. The rewards were better than if it was a T8 CV but not as good as it would have been if the CV was a SuperShip.
    • So damage counts but what you do it to counts more. All ship types, of the same tier, reward exactly the same for damage done to them. By that I mean you don't get more for damage done to T10 DD's than you get for damage done to T10 BB's when it is an equal % of their total HP pool. What matters is the tier of the target ship vs yours and what % of the target ship's HP pool you did in damage (ie; the % of its total HP). 10K damage done to a 20K HP T10 DD will reward you 100% the same as 50K damage done to a 100K HP T10 BB. But do 15K damage to that 20K HP T10 DD vs say 30K damage to that 100K HP T10 BB and the DD damage rewards a lot more as it is % of total HP based.

To learn more about earnings go to this link and read up (or go to the Asia WOWS Wiki page on base earnings if it is easier to understand in your language instead of English)


I hope this helps explain why it was 572 and not higher. Also hope the language issue won't make it too difficult to understand.





Edited by AdmiralThunder
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6 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

There are usually better XP rewards on offer in randoms, asymmetric, ranked, etc.

I think that Asymm gives co-op levels of rewards, but there are more ships to sink, and the battles go on longer, so a 15 minute battle where you are sinking 7 enemy ships (getting tons of defends and tanking a metric ton of damage) generally nets ~1200 bxp remembering that you are getting EXP for ships 2 tiers lower than your ship. POmmern can do this pretty regularly. DD's and CL's have to work pretty hard in this mode.

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10 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:


Co-op has always rewarded less than PVP modes (and rightfully so because it is easier - and I am a Co-op main saying that not a PVP elitist). Although they have never officially acknowledged it (got a few wink...wink...nod...nod's from a WG employee while discussing it and I suggested the following figure) Co-op rewards approx. 50%-60% less than Randoms. 572 BXP is actually a good Co-op BXP. The norm, even at T10 like that, these days is around 375-450. So almost 600 is very good

Thankfully we don't have any elitists around here, on another note. When I think of co-op recently I've been getting quite a lot of SS and DDs when I play. In my opinion I feel like this is good for the mode because it would give people better chances to get higher bxp don't you think? More lower hp ships gives us players better rewards when we need that juicy bxp.

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4 hours ago, SureBridge said:

I think that Asymm gives co-op levels of rewards, but there are more ships to sink, and the battles go on longer, so a 15 minute battle where you are sinking 7 enemy ships (getting tons of defends and tanking a metric ton of damage) generally nets ~1200 bxp remembering that you are getting EXP for ships 2 tiers lower than your ship. POmmern can do this pretty regularly. DD's and CL's have to work pretty hard in this mode.

It's in-between co op and operations

Doing poorly in asym still nets quite a bit more than a really good game in co op


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11 hours ago, Type_93 said:

Co-op. You want to earn more base, put your big boy pants on and play randoms 

Ya, really, 'randoms'. If we would all do this, then WG, maybe,  would notice a player rebellion.

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