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I got some nice advice last time I posted here so here goes again. 
I really enjoyed going down the IJN Torpedo boat line and the sneaky game play is a blast! Now with around 150 games in Shimakaze I want to try another DD line. I started the RN DD line but the short range torpedoes seem like a hinderance. Do the RN DDs get better as tiers go higher? 

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The RN Line?  Do you mean Royal Navy, a.k.a. British line of Destroyers?

Well, at Tier-9 and Tier-10 in the tech-tree the Jutland and the Gearing have torpedoes with a 10 km range.
That is enough to perform "stealth torpedo" attacks, given their possible concealment/detection circles, (if one isn't detected by radar, eh?).
Not a big deal in Co-op matches or brawls.  But torpedo range may become important in random battles or other player-versus-player modes.

Some other things that I tend to compare among destroyers are their turning circle, their rudder shift, their top-speed, and their detection radius.
Well because some DD's get really large in the higher tiers and tend to behave more like cruisers than a lively & nimble white-water canoe with a powerful motor.

The wiki-pages are helpful https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/World_of_Warships and the Tech-tree pages (in-game) are helpful when making comparisons.

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I loved the jutland, but found daring to be impossible, but I know that is me not the ship, but in all seriousness if you like torps and stealth, then I recommend subs.

Yes you heard it first from me, play subs, especially if you like the ijn torp line as you are always looking for a tactical way to get into position, and subs will give you the same challenge but with more things that can go wrong and kill you.

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Brit DDs are great hybrid DDs but torps are short to mid ranged and the ships are quite slow for a DD so not really great for torping, if you prefer torps after IJN torp line you might want to try the Pan-Euro line ending in Dalarna

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1 hour ago, CriMiNaL said:

and subs will give you the same challenge but with more things that can go wrong and kill you.


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11 hours ago, pew_pew_magoo said:

Do the RN DDs get better as tiers go higher?

Short answer: yup!

Although the torps are shorter ranged than their IJN counterparts, you have rather superior dakka, and you gain the defensive hydro that - especially with a coal mod - runs forever (well, 216 secs T8+).

If you've got comfortable with sneaky play, T8 and T9 are close to class-leading (5.5 km in the case of Lightning), and although they lack a bit of speed, to do hold their speed in a turn very well so you're more nimble than you might expect.

The RN smoke is very worthwhile too; although not unique these days, you get lots of short smokes, which are perfect for making CVs' job harder.

I found the RN line perfect for helping me add more sensible use of guns into my play (I'd tended to be too torp-centric prior to that); for a still-learning player they're excellent, plus the top tiers are great for proper play (although my Jutland appears to be Cursed) - IMO Daring is one of the best T10 DDs.

Edited by Verblonde
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21 minutes ago, Verblonde said:


A reminder regarding RN destroyers:

Currently the researchable Tier 8 RN destroyer Lightning (and Tier 4 Wakeful) is affected by a significant, performance-breaking bug.

In short, Lightning originally has a superior model of HE shells (774 m/s muzzle velocity but with heavier shells and lower drag, 9% shell fire-setting chance: for reference check the parameters of ORP Orkan's HE shell) reflecting the historical new type of DP gun. Yet in sometime around 12.1 and 12.2 early this year they were changed into the older British 120-mm HE identical with Acasta, Icarus, Gallant/Jurua, Jervis, Cossack, Gadjah Mada and Muavenet. The shells' time-on-target worsened from 7.4s to 9.4s on 10-km, gutting formerly one principal advantage she has over her predecessor as well as premium Cossack.


Range in kilometers, shell flight time in seconds. Black line is Orkan HE, cyan line is current (and bugged) Lightning HE.

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French DD line is the best DD line. It’s something different from torpedo DDs and are quite powerful at T9-10.

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Guest Capt_of_Satisfaction

The RN DD line is great T8 through T10.  Lightning to Daring are crazy good.  More gunboats than torp boats but they do have individual firing torps!

The USN line is good from Clemson on up, with possible exception of Mahan.  Some like it some don't.  Also, did you try Akizuki, Kitikaze and Harugumo?  All fantastic DDs.  I like Harugumo way more than Shima :-)  it's a beast

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10 minutes ago, Capt_of_Satisfaction said:

Also, did you try Akatsuki, Kitikaze and Harugumo?

One of these things is not like the others…

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Guest Capt_of_Satisfaction
47 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

One of these things is not like the others…

lol, sorry, i meant Akizuki.  duuuuuh

face palm 2.gif

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If you enjoyed the Shima line the British DDs are different duck to learn, but Darring is a really fun ship once you learn her playstyle. 
Another good line would be the Japanese gun boats. Akizuki is a top contender for best t8 DD. Kitakaze is a beast as well.  Haragumo is good boat at t10. 
The French DDs are a bit harder to learn but can be amazing open water gun boats. Plus they are a sure bet for CB. 
The Soviet Grozovoi line is a very capable and jack of trades line. 
If you’d like to get some games in together add me in game. I’m always down to Div and share what I’ve learned as a DD main. 

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8 hours ago, Capt_of_Satisfaction said:

The RN DD line is great T8 through T10.  Lightning to Daring are crazy good.  More gunboats than torp boats but they do have individual firing torps!
RN DD 系列是很棒的 T8 到 T10。 闪电到大胆是疯狂的好。 炮艇比鱼雷艇多,但他们确实有单独的发射鱼雷!

The USN line is good from Clemson on up, with possible exception of Mahan.  Some like it some don't.  Also, did you try Akizuki, Kitikaze and Harugumo?  All fantastic DDs.  I like Harugumo way more than Shima 🙂 it's a beast
从克莱姆森开始,美国海军的防线很好,可能除了马汉。 有些人喜欢它,有些人不喜欢。 另外,你试过秋月、喜风和春云吗? 所有梦幻般的DD。 我比志摩更喜欢春宫:-) 这是一头野兽


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1 hour ago, Kawaii_shirasu_azusa said:


You know, for just about as long as I have played, I've heard rumors of Kitakaze that in terms of doom level parallel the eruption of Fuji-san. Haven't actually seen any signs of either yet.

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10 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

You know, for just about as long as I have played, I've heard rumors of Kitakaze that in terms of doom level parallel the eruption of Fuji-san. Haven't actually seen any signs of either yet.

Kitakaze is considered to be one of the strongest DDs in the game for good reasons.

Great concealment, massive firepower, very strong torpedo power, great AA, good speed.

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6 minutes ago, EXEC_HYMNE_Ar_tonelico said:

Kitakaze is considered to be one of the strongest DDs in the game for good reasons.

Great concealment, massive firepower, very strong torpedo power, great AA, good speed.

If it had hydrophones, it would be a tier X ship (I'm not kidding) tier_x_dd kitakaze, well.............. In fact, being killed by a torpedo can only mean one thing, the driver of the kitakaze is either unlucky or has a lower level of driving than the person who fired the torpedo

Edited by Kawaii_shirasu_azusa
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14 minutes ago, EXEC_HYMNE_Ar_tonelico said:

Kitakaze is considered to be one of the strongest DDs in the game for good reasons.

Great concealment, massive firepower, very strong torpedo power, great AA, good speed.


8 minutes ago, Kawaii_shirasu_azusa said:

If it had hydrophones, it would be a tier X ship (I'm not kidding) tier_x_dd kitakaze, well..............

Uhm... okay maybe more like an earthquake then. TBH, I've focus more on the torp builds. Obviously I have Kitakaze because I've taken both DD's to tier X... but... I always ended up picking the torp boat over the gun boat.

(For clarification. My ships usually seem to be lacking the component that makes other people rave about them.)

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3 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:


Uhm... okay maybe more like an earthquake then. TBH, I've focus more on the torp builds. Obviously I have Kitakaze because I've taken both DD's to tier X... but... I always ended up picking the torp boat over the gun boat.
嗯......好吧,也许更像地震。TBH,我更关注 torp 构建。显然我有北风,因为我已经把两个DD都带到了X级......但。。。我总是在炮艇上挑选鱼雷船。

try hayate.It's a gunboat version of the Shimakaze, but with nerfed torpedoes

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Just now, Kawaii_shirasu_azusa said:

try hayate.It's a gunboat version of the Shimakaze, but with nerfed torpedoes

Thanks... but I don't really enjoy that ship much. I don't even really play high tiers any more since the subs 'surfaced' in randoms.

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1 minute ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Thanks... but I don't really enjoy that ship much. I don't even really play high tiers any more since the subs 'surfaced' in randoms.

Maybe one day we'll be able to drive the Shinano until she gets sunk by a sub again. Yes, again

Edited by Kawaii_shirasu_azusa
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2 hours ago, Kawaii_shirasu_azusa said:

If it had hydrophones, it would be a tier X ship (I'm not kidding) tier_

I d go for her as she stands with maybe 10% better reload on guns and thats it...

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2 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

I don't really enjoy that ship much.

Me neither, at least not against real people. IMO she's not quite sneaky enough to make up for the loss of firepower compared to either of the silver IJN T10 DDs (whether you're talking torps or dakka).

Mind you, she's a giggle in Coop with TRB...

Edited by Verblonde
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