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No Godzilla -1 Tie In? Golden Opportunity Missed


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Seeing Takao broadside Godzilla...seeing Yukikaze, Hibiki and Yakaze in action...this movie was made for a tie in. We get so many weird crappy tie in's then a great one comes along and it's crickets chirping. 

FANTASTIC movie by the way, even if you're not a Godzilla fan.

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Glad to hear it's a good movie.  Have tickets for this weekend.  Not a Godzilla fan, but I saw the trailers months ago and decided I wanted to see it.  

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Godzilla -1.  Released about a month ago.  Japanese with English subtitles.  It's gotten really good reviews and a 97% Rotten Tomatoes score.  

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3 hours ago, Kalishnikat said:

Seeing Takao broadside Godzilla...seeing Yukikaze, Hibiki and Yakaze in action...this movie was made for a tie in. We get so many weird crappy tie in's then a great one comes along and it's crickets chirping. 

FANTASTIC movie by the way, even if you're not a Godzilla fan.

Thanks for the heads-up and review.
My Wife and I have been watching the "Monarch" series, lately.

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2 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Thanks for the heads-up and review.
My Wife and I have been watching the "Monarch" series, lately.

No offense but this is far better than the U.S. Godzilla. 

Set in immediate post war Japan, it has historically accurate weaponry. They actually keep Takao from going to the breakers and she squares off with big G in an awesome sequence. Then they take demilitarized DDs Yukikaze, Hibuki and Yakaze out against Godzilla, all perfectly modeled WW2 DDs. The movie is carried by the excellent story though, with great acting. Not in any way a typical Godzilla movie.

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On 12/14/2023 at 7:42 PM, Kalishnikat said:

No offense but this is far better than the U.S. Godzilla. 

Set in immediate post war Japan, it has historically accurate weaponry. They actually keep Takao from going to the breakers and she squares off with big G in an awesome sequence. Then they take demilitarized DDs Yukikaze, Hibuki and Yakaze out against Godzilla, all perfectly modeled WW2 DDs. The movie is carried by the excellent story though, with great acting. Not in any way a typical Godzilla movie.


On 12/16/2023 at 7:03 AM, Pirate_named_Sue said:

Saw it a couple of weeks ago. It’s a great film. Might be the best Zilla ever. 

I just tried to watch it and stopped around 40 mins or so in (basically when Takao blew up so however long that was - too long actually). That movie sucks! Sorry guys but can't agree and I am a huge Godzilla fan. Not even worth finishing and I shut it off following the Takao fight.

The acting was very bad IMO (this may be a cultural thing based on where you live but to me - OY BAD! LOL) and the animation and such average at best by modern standards (at times it looked like little model boats in a pool vs real boats on the ocean). It also took way too long to get to some real action too. 

Not my cup of tea at all. For reference Godzilla vs Kong was a million times better IMO.

YMMV but to call this the best Godzilla movie better and better than the US Godzilla movies = HUH???



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2 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:


I just tried to watch it and stopped around 40 mins or so in (basically when Takao blew up so however long that was - too long actually). That movie sucks! Sorry guys but can't agree and I am a huge Godzilla fan. Not even worth finishing and I shut it off following the Takao fight.

The acting was very bad IMO (this may be a cultural thing based on where you live but to me - OY BAD! LOL) and the animation and such average at best by modern standards (at times it looked like little model boats in a pool vs real boats on the ocean). It also took way too long to get to some real action too. 

Not my cup of tea at all. For reference Godzilla vs Kong was a million times better IMO.

YMMV but to call this the best Godzilla movie better and better than the US Godzilla movies = HUH???



Hmmm...you're wrong on this for sure. By far the best Godzila movie ever, but maybe you like Godzilla vs Megalon or the old kiddie Godzilla stuff. The acting was great, the story was great. 98% Rotten Tomatoes from both fans and critics would seem to agree with my assessment. If all you want is stupid monstyers fighting each other then yeah. maybe it's not for you, but if you want an actual movie that make sense and is done well this move is for you. As far as taking too long...Godzilla appears and attacks the garrison on Odo Island not even 10 minutes into the move. 

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Not wrong at all. This movie isn't even top 5 best Godzilla movies never mind the best (one of the worst for me). That is LOL.

I went back and forced myself to watch the rest of it. God there goes an hour + of my life I will never get back and wasted.

I like the OG Godzilla stuff and the new stuff. Big Godzilla fan. 

This movie was not good (IMO). This movie was terrible.

I couldn't care less what rotten tomatoes thinks.

A dark, brief, night attack where you see little isn't much. When I talk about action I am talking where you actually see Godzilla, clearly, and it runs for a bit. Not those little hints like you get in the beginning.

The acting was not great. Way overdone by many.

The story was boring. It spent way too much time on non Godzilla stuff. 

Also, that was a horrible rendition/version of Godzilla himself.

Just not a good movie.

But again that is IMO. If you like it good for you. I will never watch that stinker again yet I have seen most other Godzilla movies multiple times.

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This was a movie about people dealing with horrible trauma and suddenly faced with new trauma. It showed the horrible devastation of post war Japan, a country defeated and on it's knees, having to find the courage to fight again against a new threat. Shikishima, Noriko and Tachibana were great characters. I guess you were too concerned with "where's da monster" to shed a tear when Akiko asked for her mommy.  The love story of a man finding a woman, who was taking care of a child which was not her own, coming together as a family because everyone they knew was dead was a beautiful story. But I suppose if all you want is a man in a big rubber suit or endless dumb FX with zero story, them yeah, this movie wasn't for you. And yes..this wasn't the super giant unkillable and unhurtable almost supernatural Godzilla, this was a beast..a force of nature, it meant no malice, it just was. You're obviously looking for a shallower, dumber form of enterainment and I suppose the nuances of the movie were lost on you. A student of history however would pick up on all the post war references, post war equipment and the very spirit of the movie, which is why it was so wildly popular in Japan. 

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Oh my god... I can't believe this is still going on. Dude it's just a MOVIE. A movie I found boring and bad. Just get over it already. I didn't call your Mother fat, your Sister stupid, and your Wife ugly. Jesus man get some perspective. If you liked it fine. All the more power to you. I disagree 100% however with your claim it is the best Godzilla movie ever. The movie sucked ripe monkey butt.

My last words and then I am done you can continue to try and sell me on it being the greatest movie ever if you want.

19 hours ago, Kalishnikat said:

This was a movie about people dealing with horrible trauma and suddenly faced with new trauma. It showed the horrible devastation of post war Japan, a country defeated and on it's knees, having to find the courage to fight again against a new threat.

People dealing with a horrible trauma and trying to rebuild from that trauma who 100% brought it on themselves. I can muster no sympathy, compassion for (ok, little kids who had nothing to do with it sure but the adults - nope), or sense of "wow, look how courageous they are" for the Japanese people of that time (same when it comes to the Germans). I will reserve those feelings for the people of the United States who went through Pearl Harbor and the Chinese who suffered tremendously at the hands of the Japanese, the British people who faced years of bombings at the hands of the Germans, the Jewish people who survived the concentration camps, etc....  It's a Japanese movie so I can understand them wanting to make it from their perspective but good lord don't make them out as heroes or those who have somehow suffered with no fault. That was Karma my friend. And this isn't political this is just fact. Enough said.  

19 hours ago, Kalishnikat said:

Shikishima, Noriko and Tachibana were great characters.

Obviously they were Characters in the movie. "Great" characters? That is debatable. The acting was horrendously bad and over done however even if you find them great characters for the movie. Shikishima at times did ok but mostly just way over done. Trying to remember through the brain fog and headache I have after going numb watching it but was Tachibana the mechanic? If so his character was decent and might be the best acted of the whole cast. Everything emotionally in the movie was just way too much and overemphasized. Was horrid! But, as I said originally, this could simply be a cultural thing and how Japanese actors act. For my tastes the acting was bad as a whole.

19 hours ago, Kalishnikat said:

I guess you were too concerned with "where's da monster" to shed a tear when Akiko asked for her mommy.  The love story of a man finding a woman, who was taking care of a child which was not her own, coming together as a family because everyone they knew was dead was a beautiful story. But I suppose if all you want is a man in a big rubber suit or endless dumb FX with zero story, them yeah, this movie wasn't for you.

LOL dude this was a MONSTER movie not a Hallmark channel chick flick where I have to get in touch with my inner feelings to appreciate it. YES, I want to see the big bad monster. In a Godzilla movie I want Godzilla front and center as the main focus start to finish. Wow what a neanderthal I am LOL. Having sub plots and such (like the women taking care of the little girl and him falling for her/taking them in) is fine. The problem is they spent WAY too much time on that part and made it too big a part of the movie. It was superfluous fluff that was not needed, took valuable screen time away from the main plot and WHY people were watching (ie; see Godzilla), and was unnecessary. And no, I did not cry at this movie. Well, not over the content anyway; maybe a tear or two over the lost time of my life wasted watching it LOL.   

This movie definitely harkened back to the days of the big dude in the rubber suit. As I said I didn't even care for this version of Godzilla. He was certainly more real than the OG Godzilla from 60's which was puppet like and clearly a guy in a suit but not by much. The modern US movies like Godzilla vs Kong (2021), Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019), Godzilla (2014), etc... were way better versions of him (and way better movies). Heck, the Mathew Broderick Godzilla movie had a better Godzilla.

19 hours ago, Kalishnikat said:

And yes..this wasn't the super giant unkillable and unhurtable almost supernatural Godzilla, this was a beast..a force of nature, it meant no malice, it just was. You're obviously looking for a shallower, dumber form of enterainment and I suppose the nuances of the movie were lost on you. A student of history however would pick up on all the post war references, post war equipment and the very spirit of the movie, which is why it was so wildly popular in Japan. 

Ah, here we go. Now we are into the personal insults (I am shallow and don't know my history). The last line for someone who has lost a debate LOL.

1st off this Godzilla was in fact the same super, giant, unkillable, unhurtable, and almost supernatural Godzilla like all the rest have been. They just presented that a bit different. But overall it was typical Godzilla. Humans find some way to hurt him, to some degree, and he heals up and comes back. In the end of the movie they appear to destroy him but as his head is sinking he starts to bubble and his flesh reappear/regrow which indicates healing. They did not actually kill him in this movie. Typical ending that leads to a sequel. So he didn't really die in this one. Although done in different ways this has been done before in Godzilla movies and he has always been able to be hurt but he heals. Same here.  

Godzilla has always been an enigma of sorts once the movies began piling up. At 1st in the OG movie he was more like this one where he was the bad guy start to finish. Something that mutated after the a-bomb testing at Bikini Atoll and eventually showed up and destroyed cities on the Japanese mainland. This movie followed the OG movie line in that regard (that was a + for it actually and one of the few it had). Note - I would call him attacking the soldiers on Odon in the beginning and eating them alive a bit malicious 🙂 (OG Godzilla never ate anyone). Mostly in Godzilla movies he is either a hero and protector of sorts from the start or turns into that by the end. Very few Godzilla movies where he is the bad guy overall. There's a nuance that seems to have escaped you.

So, let me get this straight now. Because I disliked this Godzilla MOVIE that translates somehow to me not being a student of history and that I can't pick up on the historical things in it such as the real ships and planes (Takao, Yukikaze, Kyushu J7W Shinden, et al...), the US Soviet tensions of the era that influenced how the US dealt with Japan and actions in that area, the fact Japan wouldn't have had the armed forces and ability to defend itself militarily if this was a real situation following the end of the war as they weren't allowed to as part of the surrender terms, etc... Just LOL. 

I am sure this was popular in Japan and for the same reasons the Space Battleship Yamato movie/series were. They are a people rooted in traditions and are very proud. It would also cast them in a better light at an era in time when they wouldn't deserve to be thought of in such a way. As I said at the outset any suffering and such they went through in that era was a direct result of unprovoked actions they took. It doesn't make me see them in a new light or suddenly develop admiration for their courage. Pfft that is some 1st class revisionist history there my friend not to mention a massive bunch of BS because this was a freaking FAKE MONSTER MOVIE!.  They started something they had no chance of finishing and learned a valuable lesson; mess around and you find out.

So please just move on. This back and forth is as big a waste of my time as watching the movie was. Let me repeat, again, if you liked the movie that is fine. I am glad. I did not. I found it horrible and won't repeat why here again (just read my posts above).  I am shocked anyone would call this the best Godzilla movie ever. That is laughable to me as a huge Godzilla fan. This was probably the worst one I have ever seen when the era the movie it was made in is factored in. Just a bad movie.

And once again, yeah, I watch monster movies to see the monster. I am not watching them to get in touch with my feelings, for historical accuracy, for sub plots, and all the other fluff and falderal you mention. I want the movie focused on the monster, sub plots are ok if they are inconsequential but they should not be as important as the monster itself, I want the monster to go ROOAAARRR and I want stuff to blow up. That is the point of watching that kind of movie.

I am out.


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We were the "good" guys in WW2 therefore firebombing civilians in Toyko and Dresden was OK right? 

I watched "Letteres from Iwo JIma" and while they were the enemy. I admired the courage and honor of the characters. I don't feel the need to dehumanize the people on the opposing side. They were people too, many of them were lied to by their governments and had little choice in their lives. The move showed them taking control of their lives. DESPITE their government.

I thought maybe there could be a semi intelligent debate about the move but you answered that yourself with " And once again, yeah, I watch monster movies to see the monster. I am not watching them to get in touch with my feelings, for historical accuracy, for sub plots, and all the other fluff and falderal you mention. I want the movie focused on the monster, sub plots are ok if they are inconsequential but they should not be as important as the monster itself, I want the monster to go ROOAAARRR and I want stuff to blow up."

This move was so much more than that, sorry you couldn't see that.

"I play WOWS, gun go boom ships sinks. Me like"

Thats enough I guess....this will get shut down if we continue. 

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18 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:


I just tried to watch it and stopped around 40 mins or so in (basically when Takao blew up so however long that was - too long actually). That movie sucks! Sorry guys but can't agree and I am a huge Godzilla fan. Not even worth finishing and I shut it off following the Takao fight.

The acting was very bad IMO (this may be a cultural thing based on where you live but to me - OY BAD! LOL) and the animation and such average at best by modern standards (at times it looked like little model boats in a pool vs real boats on the ocean). It also took way too long to get to some real action too. 

Not my cup of tea at all. For reference Godzilla vs Kong was a million times better IMO.

YMMV but to call this the best Godzilla movie better and better than the US Godzilla movies = HUH???



You’re just among the few to really dislike it. No biggie. You’re placing Kong vs Zilla as a better movie? Ooof. Okay. That’s your taste, no worries. The legendary films are  reasonably entertaining but I’ve never finished watching one and continued to have any real thought about it. They’ve never transcended above big dumb action movie for me. Heck,  Pacific Rim had more depth and invoked more emotion than the legendary films.  Did you hate Shin Godzilla too? 

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Top 3 Godzilla movies

Godzilla -1

Gojira (1954)

Shin Gojira

Nostalgia rankings from my childhood put son of Godzilla and Destroy All Monsters high on the list. Saw those old moves in the theater when I was a kid, then I enjoyed watching them with my kids, these were the films of the Showa era.  The films of the Heisei era were very good (esp Destroyah), dropped off some in the millennium era, and improved greatly in the Reiwa era. The Legenday Godzilla was always very bland and soulless compared to Japanese Godzilla. 

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57 minutes ago, Pirate_named_Sue said:

You’re placing Kong vs Zilla as a better movie? Ooof. Okay.

Oh absolutely 100% a better movie. It isn't even close. The animation, action level, plot, etc... all of it was way better. It had a sub plot but that didn't detract from the main story of the movie. The acting was ok. Not oscar level or anything but ok. That movie delivered on what it was supposed to be.

57 minutes ago, Pirate_named_Sue said:

They’ve never transcended above big dumb action movie for me.

Ummm...ok...no offense meant at all here (seriously) but that is the entire point of monster movies. Non stop action with fantasy monsters that roar and smash stuff (many times each other). It's great fun. You aren't supposed to sit there trying to analyze what something means, have to think about the historical context, get in touch with your inner feels, etc... It is simple high action fun.

57 minutes ago, Pirate_named_Sue said:

Heck,  Pacific Rim had more depth and invoked more emotion than the legendary films.

Pacific Rim isn't really a monster movie. More a Sci-Fi movie that has some monsters in it (Kaiju). You kind of expect a bit more of a "plot" in a Sci-Fi flick. Pacific Rim was a decent movie (the sequel stunk). Not exactly an emotional invoker for me but ok. That isn't what I watch that kind of movie for. I can watch a movie on the Halmark channel if I want to get all emotional LOL. I watch monster movies (and even movies like Pacific Rim) for the action.

57 minutes ago, Pirate_named_Sue said:

Did you hate Shin Godzilla too? 

I haven't seen that one. From the trailers I am going to say it won't be a favorite but I will see if I can watch it to form a fair opinion. From what I see Godzilla is a poor rendition. Very fake looking like Minus One considering the time frame it was created in. Other animations looked ok. No clue on the acting or storyline until I watch it. 

Also, understand here, I am sort of grading these Godzilla movies on the era they were made in. I expect a lot less from a 1960's Godzilla movie as far as the monster, special effects, film quality, etc... Minus One reminded me of like a 1980's level movie as far as animation and special effects not a movie coming out in 2023. Godzilla himself was not very well done and a lot of the special effects were pretty meh although some were really good (like when he blows up Takao from beneath it - thought that was done well). The acting as I have said was awful. That was 1960's level B class horror movie acting for the most part. OMG the amount of overdone hyper excited screaming by so many of the main cast set my teeth on edge. So not sure what else to say? I don't watch monster movies for the stuff you guys are talking about. That is not their purpose. And, if it were, it failed there too frankly. 

Will try and watch Shin and get back to you.

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21 minutes ago, Kalishnikat said:

Top 3 Godzilla movies

Godzilla -1

Gojira (1954)

Shin Gojira

Nostalgia rankings from my childhood put son of Godzilla and Destroy All Monsters high on the list. Saw those old moves in the theater when I was a kid, then I enjoyed watching them with my kids, these were the films of the Showa era.  The films of the Heisei era were very good (esp Destroyah), dropped off some in the millennium era, and improved greatly in the Reiwa era. The Legenday Godzilla was always very bland and soulless compared to Japanese Godzilla. 

I’ve always had a soft spot for campy Godzilla and your standard destruction lizard. It was when I saw Shin the theatre I realized that Toho had elevated their character to something other than just a monster movie. Their newest incarnation reinvented Godzillas introduction and combined monster movie and period piece in a way I really enjoyed. I’ve only viewed it once, so I can’t really place it yet. As of now, Shin still wins out as my favorite. 

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"The acting as I have said was awful. That was 1960's level B class horror movie acting for the most part. OMG the amount of overdone hyper excited screaming by so many of the main cast set my teeth on edge." 

Understandable. but I think that's a cultural thing. He was acting in character with what Japanese people do, not what Americans do. It's common in Japanese cinema.

Another thing about Minus one was there wasn't even a hint of "woke" anywhere in the move. No extraneous minority characters, no mandatory gay character, no "strong woman" to save the day. It was a very traditional movie in many ways.

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32 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Oh absolutely 100% a better movie. It isn't even close. The animation, action level, plot, etc... all of it was way better. It had a sub plot but that didn't detract from the main story of the movie. The acting was ok. Not oscar level or anything but ok. That movie delivered on what it was supposed to be.

Ummm...ok...no offense meant at all here (seriously) but that is the entire point of monster movies. Non stop action with fantasy monsters that roar and smash stuff (many times each other). It's great fun. You aren't supposed to sit there trying to analyze what something means, have to think about the historical context, get in touch with your inner feels, etc... It is simple high action fun.

Pacific Rim isn't really a monster movie. More a Sci-Fi movie that has some monsters in it (Kaiju). You kind of expect a bit more of a "plot" in a Sci-Fi flick. Pacific Rim was a decent movie (the sequel stunk). Not exactly an emotional invoker for me but ok. That isn't what I watch that kind of movie for. I can watch a movie on the Halmark channel if I want to get all emotional LOL. I watch monster movies (and even movies like Pacific Rim) for the action.

I haven't seen that one. From the trailers I am going to say it won't be a favorite but I will see if I can watch it to form a fair opinion. From what I see Godzilla is a poor rendition. Very fake looking like Minus One considering the time frame it was created in. Other animations looked ok. No clue on the acting or storyline until I watch it. 

Also, understand here, I am sort of grading these Godzilla movies on the era they were made in. I expect a lot less from a 1960's Godzilla movie as far as the monster, special effects, film quality, etc... Minus One reminded me of like a 1980's level movie as far as animation and special effects not a movie coming out in 2023. Godzilla himself was not very well done and a lot of the special effects were pretty meh although some were really good (like when he blows up Takao from beneath it - thought that was done well). The acting as I have said was awful. That was 1960's level B class horror movie acting for the most part. OMG the amount of overdone hyper excited screaming by so many of the main cast set my teeth on edge. So not sure what else to say? I don't watch monster movies for the stuff you guys are talking about. That is not their purpose. And, if it were, it failed there too frankly. 

Will try and watch Shin and get back to you.

This is all about your 5th paragraph. I saw Minus One at a decent theatre on a giant screen, I never thought the effects were poor. The ships and zilla had a significant weight to them on screen and I found it all to be believable and was never snapped out of the movie by a triggeringly poor effect. The attitude I went into it with, I was not expecting much. I had heard good things but I was mostly there expecting the worst so I was really pleasantly surprised when it wasn’t. Maybe my thoughts on the effects would change after a second viewing. My only negative comment on the acting has to do with a effing hate kids crying on the screen. Nothing makes me wanna go for a walk to the restroom more.

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Yeah, I can understand the gripes about the content if that's not your thing, but the FX were excellent, on par with any current U.S. movies. I saw it on big screen too, and never noticed anything that I could say was a poorly done FX. 

Yes..the baby crying was slightly annoying but it never lasted very long. But hey, she had plenty of reasons to cry after all.



Best, most comprehensive reveiw of the movie.

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Back to the topic:

This is a big difference between Godzilla vs Kong, and the current Godzilla Minus One.

G vs K was produced completely by a US company. Marketing was handled by Warner Bros.
G-1 was filmed and produced by Toho, the creators of the Original Godzilla.

Warner Bros may have been more then willing to have a video game tie in, seeing it as a means to promote the movie.

Toho may not have been as eager or willing to do so.

The other question is: what do you offer?
They already had a Godzilla camo from the past one and people complained about the lack of a Dino on their boat in battle.

Atago could potentially have been reskinned as Takao, or a new camo could have been made for the ships in game based on their movie looks.

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If you didn't grow up with the original Godzilla movies you may have missed one of the aspects of the Godzilla -1 that made it a great film.  It still had the flavor of the original Japanese films.  It wasn't just a westernized remake.  I saw it on a big screen and the special effects made it a Japanese film.  

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