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Battlespass changes coming - cost more with more useless rewards and absolutely no RP anymore!


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6 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

So, steel was never supposed to be "sold".   Same for RB points?  In any case.  They shouldn't be sold imo, they should need to be earned as originally intended.  Therefore.   This is a good thing.

I think this is the first time I've ever agreed with you on anything.

At least they were smart enough to put all the steel on the free track. I think they need to hand out a little bit. This way, low-level casual players can still afford a steel ship every couple of years and they can add their Christmas snowflakes to that if their fleet is large. (Yes, I look at this game over the long term. I don't do Clan Battles and I only rarely do Ranked, so Battle Passes and Christmas Snowflakes are my only reliable sources of steel.)

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On 12/14/2023 at 6:19 PM, Nevermore135 said:

It’s also notable that of the two camos that are included the Cleveland camo (free line reward) is a free collection reward, while the Baltimore camo has also been handed out for free in the past.

The following could be read as implying that the camo is a placeholder in the event and will be available through some other means:


I should expect we get several million credits from having the Freedom camos already. The bonus package for Yorktown alone is worth most of the paid-track price. Not having to grind out the Yorktown may be worth most of the rest, and if both of them are to be had so easily then I no longer need to worry about what I have to grind out to research Independence.

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5 hours ago, WildWind84 said:

Wait, it is not anymore 100% return in dubs for b-days coupon?! 🤨 Or I misunderstood something? 🤨

Wrote in haste should be reduction ofc

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Seems like WG is looking for ways for me to stop spending money on the game if this makes it to the live server. The only reason why I had been buying the Battle Pass is for the steel so I don't have to play Ranked to earn steel. I'll be happy not to spend money.

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9 hours ago, Taylor3006 said:

I do not disagree, this is probably the plan. IMHO it will not go as they anticipate though. Cutting resources means players will hoard them, make fewer impulse buys and wait for those things that they truly want, to become available. Others will probably just get disgusted and leave the game. When you add in fewer people spending actual money on Battle Pass because of fewer rewards at a higher price, it is likely to be a bit of a mess. 

Well said Taylor. WG has to be the worst company I have ever seen for these type of decisions as well as how they treat their customers. I honestly believe it is because those making them are influenced by their Russian view of things AND because they know they have no competition for this niche game so they feel they can do whatever they want.

1st off it is abundantly clear they have no grasp on how the rest of the world expects to be treated as a customer. They were a communist country, run by dictators who told you what you think for so long (still kind of are really), that they have an ingrained belief, still to this day, that "if we say it is so you will like it". That may work with Russian customer's mentality, but it doesn't work well with people from other regions. The stuff they say and do at times, as an American and someone who has owned and run businesses, boggles my mind. 

They also fail miserably at simple economics and marketing. A US company that is used to capitalism and the free market would do a lot better job with customer relations for one thing. I am not saying it would be perfect, because we all know it wouldn't be (hello Bud Light), but it for darn sure would be better than what WG does on a regular basis. As far as selling stuff a US company (or some other country where they are truly Capitalist) most likely take an approach like this...

  • Item costs $100 to make
  • Sell at $500 each
  • Total Sales 10,000 units
  • Gross sales = $5,000,000
  • Production cost = -$1,000,000
  • Individual net profit = +$400
  • Total Net profit = +$4,000,000

Assuming the product is actually a good one, is worth $500, etc... just going by common sense that company ^ gets it vs what WG would do (see below). When you charge a reasonable fee for something people want, it leads to more people being able and willing to buy it. The result is a smaller individual net profit per item but an overall greatly increased total net profit due to so many sales.

WG, being Russian and all that goes with that I have already mentioned, fails at this concept and seems hell bent on going with the max $$$ price they think they can get for something and only focus on the individual net profit vs potential total net profit. WG's model seems to be...

  • Item costs $100 to make
  • Sell at $1000 each
  • Total Sales 2000 units
  • Gross sales = $2,000,000
  • Production cost = -$200,000
  • Individual net profit = +$900
  • Total Net profit = +$1,800,000

They seem to prefer only selling 1000 of something at $2000 for max individual profit vs taking less profit on each individual item but making massive profit overall on total quantity sold.  They seem incapable of, and fail to grasp, this concept that other Capitalist societies grasped long ago. Sell at a reasonable cost = more people can and will buy = you make far more overall than fewer sales at a higher price tag. Add in how horribly they treat the customers and it is even worse because that reduces the willingness of people to buy things if they are reasonably priced. They just fail all around.

They are really bad at reading the room so to speak. Probably the most popular things they sell are Black Friday crates and Santa crates. Why? Because the price is very reasonable for the content received. People want to feel the money they spend is worth it. I don't need to see WG's books to KNOW these are 2 of their highest selling items all year. They can't seem to get why that is? Reasonable price + good return on investment = happy customer who buys MORE of said item and thus the company makes more in total. Also, the pricing has stayed relatively level for years and the content has not been overly reduced and lessened; even improved at times. About the only cuckup was when they removed Doubloon compensation for duplicate ships. That 100% hurt sales of Santa crates no question (again I don't need to see the books to KNOW that - just read the forums and my own buying has gone down - I stop 100% once I have all the ships - no reason to keep buying).

Going with massive profit on an individual sale (ie; extreme asking price) reduces the number of sales and thus the potential of total profits vs a more reasonably priced item many, many, more people will buy that results in more total profit. Constantly raising prices on things, while simultaneously reducing the quality of the product received, is NOT how you increase profits over the long term. That might be a short term + for them but long term it hurts through lost quantity sales and also negative customer relations. As bad as WG is at the customer relations part (honestly the worst company for that I have ever seen) they really hurt themselves by failing so bad at the money side.

If another game company came out with a true competitor to WOWS (War Thunder isn't, that Admirals thing isn't, etc...) that offered this unique game experience, while offering reasonable pricing and treating the customer well, they would wipe WG/WOWS out in a few months. WOWS would die so fast our heads would spin. WG gets away with a lot because there is NO competition. They know this and in part it is behind their terrible attitude towards the players and their ridiculous pricing and such. That is more short sighted behavior on their part.  

Sorry for the rant. It got away from me.


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