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We were just talking about this.


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Ship dies.. looks for the nearest ship to blame ( me ) while I am fighting a SUB and Capping no less. 20+km away. He sees that I am about to dev-strike the red ZAO ( strangely this is the very ship that killed HIM ) and he goes into ALL chat to warn him and even tell him which way to turn to avoid the torps.. Then he promises to make sure I do not land another torp for the rest of the match. I TOLD him I was sending this in and he couldn't care less about WG . He did it AGAIN soon after when I had that Zao sitting still broadside and a full rack of torps headed for him again.

I didn't even know who he was until I saw the replay. In a YAMMY WAY across the map from me,  humping the border hitting NOTHING and got taken out with ZAO torps !!!

So,  who thinks WG actually does anything with these guys?

He's been here for years ( played like a 2nd week player that somehow got a Yamato ) 

Melted down like a toddler in the ice cream when mommy says NO and went straight to the most blatant collusion I have seen since I have been here.

BTW no one on my team reported me but him ( you see youve been reported if 2+ report you ) 

I will post a SS of the beginning of his tirade but I can't post the replay due to Name and shame rules.


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37 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

Since we aren’t affiliated with WG here, we should a Hall of Shame thread for players like this. 

Don't tempt me!😡


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2 hours ago, Type_93 said:

Since we aren’t affiliated with WG here, we should a Hall of Shame thread for players like this. 

Agreed.  I also think we should be allowed to post the factual lineups and damage reports regardless of how it may look because it is a fact.  Interpret as you will.  

Edited by Justin_Simpleton
spelling error
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2 hours ago, Col_NASTY said:

So,  who thinks WG actually does anything with these guys?

Customer Service takes 'spite actions' like giving away allied positions very seriously. If you have the replay+screenshots you can submit a ticket and that person will very likely get a ban. If they're a repeat offender it'll be chunky. 

Source: have successfully submitted such tickets myself. 

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4 minutes ago, torino2dc said:

Customer Service takes 'spite actions' like giving away allied positions very seriously. If you have the replay+screenshots you can submit a ticket and that person will very likely get a ban. If they're a repeat offender it'll be chunky. 

Source: have successfully submitted such tickets myself. 

Yeah , I sent both in. 😏

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15 hours ago, Type_93 said:

Since we aren’t affiliated with WG here, we should a Hall of Shame thread for players like this. 

That would be against our name and shame rules. 

Creating a thread like this would do nothing to stop this behavior on the server (since the overwhelming likelihood is that they don't frequent this forum); it would mainly increase the amount of negativity in circulation here. 

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1 hour ago, torino2dc said:

That would be against our name and shame rules. 

Creating a thread like this would do nothing to stop this behavior on the server (since the overwhelming likelihood is that they don't frequent this forum); it would mainly increase the amount of negativity in circulation here. 

Isn’t there a site made just for shaming players? I thought there was a thread here about it at one point. 

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11 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

Isn’t there a site made just for shaming players? I thought there was a thread here about it at one point. 

If you're thinking of https://na.wows-karma.com/ it is mostly just for people to be mean to each other.

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17 hours ago, Col_NASTY said:


Melted down like a toddler in the ice cream when mommy says NO and went straight to the most blatant collusion I have seen since I have been here.



I think this is the operative factor here.  As we see so often in the news and online today, there are plenty of people in this world, from the streets to the highest offices of the land, who never learned to grow up and remain vindictive children with overactive egoes.  As outside the game, we have to find ways to share the world with them and let them wallow in their own mudpuddles.



Edited by Jakob Knight
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19 hours ago, Col_NASTY said:

and went straight to the most blatant collusion I have seen since I have been here

What a piece of ship.


I once saw a red BB devstrike his own side's Saipan (back when this was still possible) because it wasn't playing the way he thought it should. When we eventually sank that BB, the Reds thanked us.

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20 hours ago, Col_NASTY said:

Then he promises to make sure I do not land another torp for the rest of the match.

That's a clear "colusion" case, the evidence is clear and undisputable. Make a CS ticket, attach replay+screenshots and that guy is getting at leas a couple days ban. Do it, not for yourself but to prevent that from happening to someone else, even a small sanction goes a long way in "educating" infractors.

4 hours ago, torino2dc said:

That would be against our name and shame rules. 

Since we are an unaffiliated community, I don't see why we can't "speak clearly" in evident cases like this one. I understand if both parties were members of our community (in order to prevent escalation), but even in that case I find it justified the party at fault to be publicly shamed... that kind of behaviour shouldn't be tolerated in any PvP environment.

Edited by ArIskandir
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1 minute ago, ArIskandir said:

That's a clear "colusion" case, the evidence is clear and undisputable. Make a CS ticket, attach replay+screenshots and that guy is getting at leas a couple days ban. Do it, not for yourself but to prevent that from happening to someone else, even a small sanction goes a long way in "educating" infractors.

Since we are an unaffiliated community, I don't see why we can't "speak clearly" in evident cases like this one. I understand if both parties were members of our community (in order to prevent escalation), but even in that case I find it justified the party at fault to be publicly shamed... that kind of behaviour shouldn't be tolerated in any PvP environment.

I sent in both before I made this post.

On the other point, That is not what we want DEV STRIKE to be.  Plenty of Toxic places for frustrated kiddies to hang out online and you can BET that this treasure of a toddler hangs out in them. We don't want his kind here and that would bring them running.

That is all

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12 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

On the other point, That is not what we want DEV STRIKE to be.  Plenty of Toxic places for frustrated kiddies to hang out online and you can BET that this treasure of a toddler hangs out in them. We don't want his kind here and that would bring them running.

Well, I submit to the judgment of wiser, more prudent people. It's just stuff like that grinds my gears. 

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