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Incoming Fire Alert


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25 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:


There's a lot of not really apparent info both skills provide. Lots of invisible threats you have no other practical way to be aware of. More importantly, it provide you the tools to safely maximize your DPM while preserving HP.

There are free things that give most of the same information.

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4 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

If the red shooting you is close (like 4km +/- or less) it doesn't trigger the IFA notice. The ship firing has to be beyond that minimum range for the IFA notice to trigger when they fire.

Yeah, I didn't mentioned because it is a non-issue, at that range you won't be able to do anything about and someone shooting at you at shotgun range is quite evident.

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1 minute ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

There are free things that give most of the same information.

No. The info PT provides is irreplaceable, you can make assumptions but PT provides certainty. IFA is more of a QoL thing, yet a virtual immunity against cross map shots is also very valuable.

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1 minute ago, ArIskandir said:

No. The info PT provides is irreplaceable, you can make assumptions but PT provides certainty. IFA is more of a QoL thing, yet a virtual immunity against cross map shots is also very valuable.


PT does not provide certainty...like I said, I troll it when I can. It only tells when you are targeted, not fired upon.

You can get virtual immunity from cross map shots by immunity and hull driving...

Those two skills offer players like me very little utility.

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7 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:


PT does not provide certainty...like I said, I troll it when I can. It only tells when you are targeted, not fired upon.

You can get virtual immunity from cross map shots by immunity and hull driving...

Those two skills offer players like me very little utility.

PT provides the certainty you were looking at them, when used in tandem with IFA you know when you are targeted AND fired upon. You can think you are "trolling" the PT but what PT provides is info, how each player uses info is up to them. 

Honestly don't understand what you mean by "immunity and hull driving". 

Yeah, I can see both skills not being too useful for s CV main.

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I find both very useful, tells me when to through my rudder over and change speed. I do both as frequently as possible but when PT and IFA go off it’s an instantaneous reaction.  

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17 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

Ok, so i've never taken this commander skill, at least i don't think i have.    However i was sailing around in my migrane ship.. err i mean minotaur today and was thinking about what commander abilities i might add to it.  I was looking at IFA and was wondering how it works.   If anyone with knowledge would let me know.   Does the enemy ship need to have you targeted for it to register shells coming at your ship or or does like  alert when the dispersion elipse of shells coming at you are on part of your ship?  Anyone know?

As people have said, it lets you know when shells have been fired at your ship from more then 4.5km away.

17 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

So it's more useless than mostly useless.

Well it all depends. For most ships I wouldn't carry it. For softer squishy ships......

4 minutes ago, DDG44_Vet said:

I find both very useful, tells me when to through my rudder over and change speed. I do both as frequently as possible but when PT and IFA go off it’s an instantaneous reaction.  

^^ for those ships with little or no armor, its an alert to accelerate and rapidly change course. Shells fired from long range can take several seconds to arrive, and the alert can give you enough heads up that you can evade the incoming shells, potentially turning a citadel hit to a miss.

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1 hour ago, ArIskandir said:

No. The info PT provides is irreplaceable, you can make assumptions but PT provides certainty. IFA is more of a QoL thing, yet a virtual immunity against cross map shots is also very valuable.

Indeed. A lot of people disparage PT because they view it as crutch, a replacement for situational awareness. That’s a limited and incomplete view of the utility the skill provides.

PT is a very useful supplement to situational awareness. Unlike IFA, which is an inherently reactive skill, the information from PT can be used proactively to assess risk. It tells you how many enemies are aiming at you, rather than how many could be.

Edited by Nevermore135
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20 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

If you’re playing DD, both are a waste of points.  

All ships can benefit from you having more info to base your decision making process (PT). The issue is finding room to spare the 2 points.

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6 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

All ships can benefit from you having more info to base your decision making process (PT). The issue is finding room to spare the 2 points.

I guess I could’ve said “For me it’s a waste of points”. As a DD I always assume everyone is targeting me as soon as I am detected. I think points are much better spend on damage output perks. 

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I use incoming fire on a few cruisers...those where I play the throtle game.  PT lets you kinow if they are looking, IFA lets you know they've fired.  That said, as a BB main, I can tell when players have it and are using the throtle game.  I can adjust for it so I'm also aware others can as well.  But it does come in handy on some ships.

I also use PT on a lot of ships.  I'm often amazed how often I'm in a big fight and no one is targeting me.  Make things easier.

That said, I don't use PT on all my ships.  Sometimes the points are better used elsewhere.  That doesn't mean I don't wish i had it...or I couldn't use it.  I can.  Just feel what I get out of having the points elsewhere pays off more.

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20 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

Ok, so i've never taken this commander skill, at least i don't think i have.    However i was sailing around in my migrane ship.. err i mean minotaur today and was thinking about what commander abilities i might add to it.  I was looking at IFA and was wondering how it works.   If anyone with knowledge would let me know.   Does the enemy ship need to have you targeted for it to register shells coming at your ship or or does like  alert when the dispersion elipse of shells coming at you are on part of your ship?  Anyone know?

Ok so it's quite simple here. When someone who's further than 4.5km away shoots at you. You'll be notified. If they shoot each turret off individually you'll be notified every time they fire so it can be quite annoying against CLs and some DDs.

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20 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

So it's more useless than mostly useless.

I wouldn't say so, for some of the newer and lesser skilled players I'd advise taking it. I'd advise especially taking it in DDs.

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16 hours ago, Kynami said:

I would rate it as higher priority than PT on a 155 Mogami really or various lighthouse builds. Knowing *when* to wiggle is more important than knowing how many have you locked when you are up to open water shenanigans. Plus its a pretty useful heads up when the couple ships you are staring at didn't fire and that pops up to keep your head on a swivel.

It would really depend on the ship but if you're playing something without hydro then PT is an amazing skill which allows you to figure out when someone is using torpedoes on you. Otherwise on some other ships with hydro it's still really good but not as needed.

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Also from personal experience I basically never use PT on DDs because I know EVERYONE will be aiming at me while spotted, also whenever I have an extra 1p skill I need to take aside from PE I will 99% of the time take IFA unless I'm playing something with slow turrets then I'll take GTG. 

For cruisers it's the opposite I like to know how many people are aiming at me when I make a push play, also it helps when I don't have hydro/hydro is down. I also basically never take IFA on cruisers because generally most of the time there's already two amazing 1p skills to take GTG and EL.

For BBs I don't really take any of them because there's so many better options out there for skills.

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2 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

It would really depend on the ship but if you're playing something without hydro then PT is an amazing skill which allows you to figure out when someone is using torpedoes on you. Otherwise on some other ships with hydro it's still really good but not as needed.

To a point. I've also mind gamed any number of battleships and cruisers because they have the skill and I don't even need to send the torp spread. I merely have to threaten it and half the time they turn away.

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On 12/10/2023 at 7:06 PM, Kynami said:

To a point. I've also mind gamed any number of battleships and cruisers because they have the skill and I don't even need to send the torp spread. I merely have to threaten it and half the time they turn away.

So real

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