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Awful, useless, and pointless premiums


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Got Poltava from small container. All I can say is that this might be even worse than California. What's this joke ship about? Reload not too great for the small caliber, sigma 1.7, armor not especially good other than for the icebreaker but the 26mm nose is huge and deck is 26mm too... I have a Hyuga that's got much better DPM and also a reload booster, waterline citadel and some armor on the deck. Ok?

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Monaghan. Only 2 main guns. Torpedoes have a decent range but are very slow and reload every 2 minutes. Poor concealment and slow torpedoes as well as slow reload makes it unsuitable as a torpedo boat. So you will lose every gun battle with other destroyers and your torpedoes, launched from 7 km from the target, will all miss the target.

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1 hour ago, Sambo_Cigars said:

Monaghan. Only 2 main guns. Torpedoes have a decent range but are very slow and reload every 2 minutes. Poor concealment and slow torpedoes as well as slow reload makes it unsuitable as a torpedo boat. So you will lose every gun battle with other destroyers and your torpedoes, launched from 7 km from the target, will all miss the target.

You do know she also has the A-hull with the standard 4 guns right?

The B-hull provides an interesting variation more oriented to support roles. I think Monaghan is actually a great Premium ship as it provides 2 very different ships for the price of one.

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24 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

You do know she also has the A-hull with the standard 4 guns right?

The B-hull provides an interesting variation more oriented to support roles. I think Monaghan is actually a great Premium ship as it provides 2 very different ships for the price of one.

How did I miss that? Yes, the A hull makes it a Farragut clone which is a good destroyer. 

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1 minute ago, Sambo_Cigars said:

How did I miss that? Yes, the A hull makes it a Farragut clone which is a good destroyer. 

Not exactly a clone. You lose 1 gun but get better HP and Concealment iirc. It's been a long time since I played Farragut.

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Honnestly ?  This topic is really only a matter of subjectivity : one can handle a ship that another will not be able to use properly.
We are all different, whether analysing the map, when aiming, or trying to guess what our allies are going to do. Whatever the ship we play, everyone's point of view is always different...
More than that : we also have our bad days and we sometimes play like crap...

So, to add to the list of "premium ships I earned and don"t play" :

Oklahoma: not a "bad" ship, but I don't like it. Dispersion is awful.
California : all has already been said.  🙂
Genova : good rudder, guns are good (203mm at tier 5 ans SAP)... but the reload is painful and does not help her.
Karl Schönberg : well... forum regulations force me to remain polite. 😁

I don't play CVs, nor subs (unless under torture).

PS : Monaghan is a cool ship to play with A hull. The B is useless ( personnal POV of course).
Someone also mentionned also the Weimar : try it with AP => the number of citadels is tremendous.


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4 minutes ago, Silence_CN said:

Whatever the ship we play, everyone's point of view is always different...

Even the game mode you main can dramatically change the perception of a ship, a very strong ship for PvP can be mediocre for PvE and vice versa. 

9 minutes ago, Silence_CN said:

The B is useless ( personnal POV of course).

I find it interesting to play in a support role in Divisions. You can provide effective spotting, AA & ASW screen, smoke, torpedo area denial... it packs a very strong support suite, she only needs some reliable guns to back her up. 

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12 minutes ago, Silence_CN said:

Genova : good rudder, guns are good (203mm at tier 5 ans SAP)... but the reload is painful and does not help her.

I've found Genova to be a torpedo spammer.

Sure, you can try to polish that gun reload...but that just makes a terrible ship a bad ship.

I prefer to have sub 40 second reload on the 8km torps with the right build and adrenaline rush.

Really makes kiting a flank fun, or flushing a smoke hiding DD out...because they don't expect a cruiser without hydro to be able to saturate their area with torps while charging.

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On 12/7/2023 at 5:12 PM, Type_93 said:

Any premium BB is pretty useless. But from my point of view, anything with a detection over 6.1k is pretty useless. 
only 2 types of ships in this game. DDs and targets.  

Massachusettes is training her guns in your general direction.....


I only have a few premiums, and the few I have are all excellent. Except for that recent soviet cruiser you got from combat missions. I don't play soviets so it just sits, therefor useless lol. 

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On 12/7/2023 at 6:02 PM, Itwastuesday said:

Of the premiums I have, California comes first to mind. Slow, fat, bad guns, eats all the damage that existed since dawn of time


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On 12/9/2023 at 11:56 AM, Itwastuesday said:

Got Poltava from small container. All I can say is that this might be even worse than California. What's this joke ship about? Reload not too great for the small caliber, sigma 1.7, armor not especially good other than for the icebreaker but the 26mm nose is huge and deck is 26mm too... I have a Hyuga that's got much better DPM and also a reload booster, waterline citadel and some armor on the deck. Ok?

Honestly, Poltava does have SOME things going for it over California. She's got much more speed (29 knots stock), she's got reasonable/comparable 33% torpedo protection, great concealment, and her 14.8s rudder shift is fine (but her turning radius is HUGE, so watch out for that). Her secondaries are bog-standard, her aistrike is also standard, so nothing to  write home about there.

As for her main battery, she has three less guns than California, but she fires every 28s to California's painfully slow 34.2s at Tier VII. So that's not horrendous. Add to that, Poltava's AP damage is actually more akin to 381mm guns (11250). And interestingly, Poltava does have high AP penetration. Also Poltava at least gets the Soviet DCP (she does lack a Repair Party charge though AND doesn't have access to spotter, so that does suck. ERE skill is required for this ship). California has ZERO gimmick consumables (but at least she has spotter I guess?). California definitely has better sigma (1.9 to Poltava's lackluster 1.7), so bully for her there.

And although this isn't something special to Poltava, she DOES get access to dispersion mod, which California can only dream of having.

For the record, I'm not saying Poltava's a "good" ship, I'm just saying she at least has some redeeming features 😛

California's ONLY redeeming features are her sigma (it's reasonably decent), AA power and her decent concealment. However, those features alone do not justify all of her other stats being complete crap. Them's the breaks. Wargaming can spin it as much as they like, but the facts are, California's stats don't do her justice by any stretch of the imagination.


I know what the chart says Wargaming. Shush 😜

(Also, Hyuga is just insanely better than either ship lols)

(Final note: California 100% wins when it comes to looks. ❤️ Sorry Poltava. You may perform better, but Cali's got you beat in the looks department. At least for me 😛)

(Final final note: I never thought I'd see the day where I'd be defending Poltava's stats LOLS)

Edited by Sailor_Moon
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2 hours ago, Silence_CN said:

Oklahoma: not a "bad" ship, but I don't like it. Dispersion is awful.

For me, Oklahoma's biggest issues isn't her accuracy, per se. It's....her PAINFULLY long reload (38s!) AND horrendous AP penetration. Her secondaries are "great" but not really because they fire a bit too slow imo, but they're still pretty serviceable. However, if Wargaming gave Oklahoma just standard New York AP shells, I think that would help her out a fair bit. It's a small change honestly, but it'll make a big difference for her main battery performance.

And shaving off 2s off the main battery reload (ala Agincourt) would do wonders for her.

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Sirocco: Tries to be a T5 Le Terrible, fails miserably.

OK: tries to be a T5 Massachusetts. Works... when top tier, on a small map, with no CVs, or BBs, and then you'll just wish you have Agincourt which actually has terrifying secondaries and useable main guns. At least its free

Leone: sure the on paper DPM and alpha strike looks good, just don't look at anything else. Also RIP if you have to solo a sub.

California: see above posts.

Renown'44: This ship isn't bad (very good in fact) its just did we really need it when all we asked for was to add those secondaries to T6 Renown?

Collingwood: Replacement Nelson... but squishier, without the healing, worse guns. If a reload booster struggles to save a ship, you know it sucks.

Yudachi: whoever thought 57knt torps with 1.9km detection with worse stealth and gunnery than Shira was a good idea has never played any torpedoboat. Thankfully they recently buffed the speed to 64knts though

Scharnhorst'43: Not terrible, but do we need another Scharnhorst? That's worse than the main one in some key areas?

D7P: I've played this ship a lot in ops, I have great results in it. I can also tell you getting those results requires 50% more effort than say a Bayard, Mainz, or even P Bag and D Poz.

Belfast'43: Had it as a rental for a week. See D7P above for my thoughts.

San Diego: 5 game rental. See above two comments.

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23 minutes ago, tfcas119 said:

Yudachi: whoever thought 57knt torps with 1.9km detection with worse stealth and gunnery than Shira was a good idea has never played any torpedoboat. Thankfully they recently buffed the speed to 64knts though

Literally just a poi meme


which makes it a 100% must-obtain ship

just kidding 😛

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Yahagi, Siroco, Huron, Haida (yup: bought it, never played it), Mikoyan, Ark Royal, Anshan, Strasbourg (at least Dunkerque is decent at her tier), Oklahoma, Canarias...

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36 minutes ago, tocqueville8 said:

Huron, Haida

Both bully their peer DDs though, do give them a try on bronze ranked if you are on it. 

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26 minutes ago, GMMF said:

Both bully their peer DDs though, do give them a try on bronze ranked if you are on it. 

I have Mahan with an IFHE captain for that 🙂

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To get the best out of Siroco, you need to stay alive. That MBRB is a huge advantage against damaged opponents. But that won't happen too often, unfortunately.

Huron is a bit pointless, tbh. Much better Tech Tree ships abound. Can we have a Mahan type as a Prem, WG? That's a great ship. 

Collingwood is utter dreck. Nowhere near the OG Fat Nelse. It gives up far too much hull protection for fewer shells of an increased calibre which makes absolutely no sense at all. 

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8 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

The B-hull provides an interesting variation more oriented to support roles. I think Monaghan is actually a great Premium ship as it provides 2 very different ships for the price of one.

I used to love that ship. I completely agree it's a great idea to give a premium two possible loadouts, great fun trying them out in the various modes and scenarios. It is worth remembering that back in the day, the B Hull *improved* her AA.

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On 12/8/2023 at 7:39 PM, Type_93 said:

As long as we’re showing what “bad” ships we play well,…


KK is half a Smolensk at Tier 5

Change my mind. 

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49 minutes ago, Pugilistic said:

KK is half a Smolensk at Tier 5

Change my mind. 

KK is dope bro, that thing rocks! ... and compared to her peers she actually has some workable armor scheme. 


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1 minute ago, ArIskandir said:

KK is dope bro, that thing rocks! ... and compared to her peers she actually has some workable armor scheme. 


That was my meaning, I guess my statement isnt clear. 

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3 minutes ago, Pugilistic said:

That was my meaning, I guess my statement isnt clear. 

It was clear, I'm agreeing with you!... maybe I was the one not being clear 🤔

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4 hours ago, tocqueville8 said:

I have Mahan with an IFHE captain for that 🙂

Why would you ever need an IFHE Mahan to bully same tier DDs?

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