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Awful, useless, and pointless premiums


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50 minutes ago, Sidelock said:

Texas. Yes, i know.  But only because her original purpose of being an absolute no fly zone was butchered as a consequence of the Carrier Rework. As of now, there's simply no reason to sail her even if she has slightly better gun angles than her sister-ship New York.

It still can do its job if the party on the other side has an absolute desire to keep trying to sink you. And yes that is an AA Expert against a T6 Ark Royal that was pestering me over 80% of the match.

As for a premium I see now and then that keeps being hot garbage? Leone. I'd even say that I'd consider it the absolute worst of the T6 destroyers.



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1 hour ago, Sidelock said:

Indomitable. One reason, can someone give me one reason as to why this thing exists at all?.

Very fast planes (de Havilland Hornet) + Slingshot mechanics

1 hour ago, Sidelock said:

FR25. My god this thing is horrible, for the life of me i couldn't make her work

Perhaps you don't like open water gunboat? FR25 can also do yolo like Paolo Emilio if you need it to. I do agree the rudder isn't as nimble, but the French engine boost helps a lot. Oh and it gets high tier exhaust smoke, not the mid tier one that lasts for some 20s, you can SAP farm some poor soul for quite a lot of damage in a short amount of time if played right.

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42 minutes ago, TimurGlazkov said:

Perhaps you don't like open water gunboat? FR25 can also do yolo like Paolo Emilio if you need it to. I do agree the rudder isn't as nimble, but the French engine boost helps a lot. Oh and it gets high tier exhaust smoke, not the mid tier one that lasts for some 20s, you can SAP farm some poor soul for quite a lot of damage in a short amount of time if played right.

I tried. But couldn't make her work. Maybe i simply suck. Ill give her a second chance tomorrow.

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14 hours ago, Darlith said:

what are your worst, most pointless premiums.

As already pointed out, this is an enormously subjective area, and will be dramatically impacted by how good a player you are (not very, in my case), and which modes you play.

Things have changed with time too; I used to judge premiums almost entirely through the lens of Randoms, and competitive modes. Since submarines drove me out of Randoms (and with the addition of the excellent Asym, plus the changes to Ops) my perspective has changed somewhat.

These days, while I can easily think of a bunch of premiums that strike me as somewhat pointless, there are very few that are entirely devoid of merit in the right mode. For example, Cheshire used to be viewed as all manner of dreadful; with the move to PvE, I now find her great fun (to the extent that I even picked up the weeb clone too!).

As to the worst, my nomination would probably be most of the premium Standard BBs - just slow and dull, almost whatever mode you play - or maybe Saipans (of which I have three, because the devil vomits on my eiderdown)...?

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16 hours ago, ArIskandir said:

Starsbourg without a doubt. 

I agree to disagree! My Strasbourg was/is a potent fighter on Narai (back when the Ops was restricted to T7) and with a bit of care, you're not totally helpless up-tiered in Randoms. I have one of my better stat values in her.

Back to the opening question "Awful, useless, and pointless premiums". If I have to name ships for these denominations among my fleet, I'd say Oklahoma (only historical value), Toulon (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to slow in loading) and Dupleix (also waaaaay to slow in loading, no point in using her when you have a De Grasse). Well, basically, everything where you can brew yourself a cup of tea between main battery salvoes feels mostly useless.

Ah, Weimar is somewhat awful, no serviceable gun range outside of coop. S-189 because submarine. Constellation as it lacks a certain something: foremost, survivability and sturdiness. Instead, for coping with the sub-par sturdiness, I'd like to have guns on par with Champagne or Monarch accuracy-wise, but you do not have those.

13 hours ago, Sidelock said:

Texas. Yes, i know.  But only because her original purpose of being an absolute no fly zone was butchered as a consequence of the Carrier Rework. As of now, there's simply no reason to sail her even if she has slightly better gun angles than her sister-ship New York.


Hmm, she has the perk of being able to get commanded by every US commander you happen to have and she was really serviceable in the last T5 Ranked. You can hold your own against a Giulio Cesare even close-in (at least, I was not afraid fighting these in my Texas); the robustness feels a tad higher than the 49k HP may tell.


Regards, Nightowl

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Leone seems underwhelming compared to Aviere. That withering 2 torp spread is a sight to behold.

Siroco. Oh great: a slow, smokeless T5 DD. So glad I spent 3 months saving up the 15,000 community tokens to get it.

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18 hours ago, Wulf_Ace said:

I found Aquila pretty bad and ussless, got it from some container.

Wrong again


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So going through my port:


I don't own much but that's my list.

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12 minutes ago, palestreamer said:

Siroco. Oh great: a slow, smokeless T5 DD. So glad I spent 3 months saving up the 15,000 community tokens to get it.

Well, they did tell you what was in the box before you bought it....

There are very few (IMHO) really bad ships in WoWs. Most of them - even Genova - have a talent which is situationally strong or will shine in a particular game mode. Siroco is a decent enough DD, tbh: her main problem is that Jaguar is a lot better at the same tier. All of the carriers mentioned - Bearn, Aquila, Indomitable - will do well in Ops. Indomitable is hilarious in Cherry Blossom, Bearn murders destroyers, and Aquila's rocket planes can be devastating on all those cruisers. Nom nom nom. 

My personal hit list involves Yahagi, whose talent is not its heavy torps but consistently getting citadelled, Hyuga, which I just can't get to work, California, which is just too slow, Florida, whose gunnery is worse than Dunkerque's and Roma's erratic weirdness, Siliwangi, which is just meh on all levels, and the ultimate horror of DZP. Everything else I have can be fun to play, given the right mode. But not those. 

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1 hour ago, invicta2012 said:

and the ultimate horror of DZP.


How dare you...

  1. D7P packs one of the most if not the most effective AA tier for tier. 
  2. D7P packs heal which is a very big deal for a T8 Cruiser, add up a really thin hull with "No Armor Best Armor" scheme and a phantom citadel making her one of the most durable T8 cruisers in the game. 
  3. D7P packs airstrike = invisifire troll mechanic. 

If that's not enough, she's an effing gorgeous ship. 

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2 hours ago, Northern Nightowl said:

I agree to disagree! My Strasbourg was/is a potent fighter on Narai (back when the Ops was restricted to T7) and with a bit of care, you're not totally helpless up-tiered in Randoms.

Good for you, I just can't stand that wet baggete dispenser... it makes the Italian BBs look reliable in comparison. I ran it on Narai and always came back dissapointed, almost every other BB is more effective. 

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15 hours ago, Kynami said:

Leone. I'd even say that I'd consider it the absolute worst of the T6 destroyers.

Nah.. there are far worse. Leone can make for a decent gunboat, she has a very nice gun range for her tier.


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Brandenburg because it's a worse Odin which is not the greatest ship to begin with, Great secondaries but weak main guns a pathetic reload that you have to show full sides to get more than half your guns into action

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Awful, Useless, and pointless premiums in my port are the ones I don't play until I need to burn snowflakes off.

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2 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

So going through my port:


I don't own much but that's my list.

Scharnhorst? What?!? Ok, when I first got this BB, I had some issues with it. Seemed a bit soft, main guns a bit weak. So I did not use it very often–at first. Then–because I really like the design of this ship and wanted to see it in the battlespace more–I started using it in more settings. I started taking the Scharnhorst into Tier VII brawls. This turned out to be quite fun. Then I ousted her original 8-pt commander and added a 17-pt Lütjens. With this, I went all-in on secondary enhancement. This turned her into a brawling monster. Had some awesome battles–but also some horrible defeats at times, for sure.

Now, I have found that she can hold her own in Asymmetric Battles. For the three that I am showing in the accompanying graphic, I ended up at the top of the team roster. There are others.

I have grown to love this ship. I even have a nickname for her: Sharnybartfast.



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1 hour ago, ArIskandir said:

If that's not enough, she's an effing gorgeous ship. 

I hope you enjoy the ship. I can't *bear* it. Really. It's a disaster in PVE and Ops. The bots dodge the Airstrikes, the ship has Tier VI guns and a weak hull, and although it's a nice modern ship it's devoid of hydro and radar and all those things it really *should* have. Compared to the alternatives, at that Tier, I really don't want to play it. 

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Now, out of all the premium ships in my port–it is not a big list at 17–the one I use the least tends to be the Marblehead. I would not even have this ship, as in deliberately purchasing it, without receiving it from a supercontainer. I probably should play the ship more to get more familiar with her capabilities–maybe I will turn out to like her at some point. The Dupleix is number two for least-used, though I have had some compelling battles with this ship.


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3 hours ago, palestreamer said:

Leone seems underwhelming compared to Aviere. That withering 2 torp spread is a sight to behold.



On dat one I think we all can safely agree as being horrid. Tbh... completely forget about her.


Edit: Lolz....... or not?

1 hour ago, ArIskandir said:

Nah.. there are far worse. Leone can make for a decent gunboat, she has a very nice gun range for her tier.



Oh man......this is fun..... just wait for Soshi to start posting screens if somebody brings up her favourite big cat 53EB5C0D-3B99-4A7E-8E10-0AD06C0F515D.gif

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12 minutes ago, invicta2012 said:

I hope you enjoy the ship. I can't *bear* it. Really. It's a disaster in PVE and Ops. The bots dodge the Airstrikes, the ship has Tier VI guns and a weak hull, and although it's a nice modern ship it's devoid of hydro and radar and all those things it really *should* have. Compared to the alternatives, at that Tier, I really don't want to play it. 

I agree She's not particularly good for PvE. DZP advantages only come in full swing on PvP. 

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2 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

So going through my port:


I don't own much but that's my list.

Siegfried is not useless/pointless 😭😭😭😭


Other than that I'd agree, Heinrich existing pretty much completely invalidates Scharnhorst.


For me, if we exclude irrelevant tiers, I would say Numancia  

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3 hours ago, palestreamer said:

Leone seems underwhelming compared to Aviere. That withering 2 torp spread is a sight to behold.

Her shells come with parachutes as well, IIRC. And worse of all, she has absolutely no ASW. She was stuck in development hell for so long she was thrown in as a free collection reward with the release of the Italian BB line, and it shows.

3 hours ago, palestreamer said:

Siroco. Oh great: a slow, smokeless T5 DD. So glad I spent 3 months saving up the 15,000 community tokens to get it.

She’s essentially the tier IV tech tree DD with MBRB. I agree she’s pretty underwhelming, but she was also a free reward at one time (see a pattern here?).

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4 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

So going through my port:


I don't own much but that's my list.

What are your issues with Alabama and Novorossiysk, especially the 'Bama? I'm asking as I cannot fathom your opinion and I would like to (try to) understand it (it's a great vessel in my hands, she carried me through Silver Ranked, I do have 57,59% WR Ranked out of 158 battle in her. Sturdy, heavy puncher, maybe a lack in gunnery provess, but nice overall).

regards, Nightowl

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4 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

Wrong again


and God made you right in everything what you say?

Its MY personal opinion so its NOT wrong, you can have YOUR opinion

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