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5 hours ago, Snargfargle said:

This is a Random match.


Queue-dump, eh?

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I find this funny, but it also illustrates the sad state of the game among players.  I recently started a new grind on an EU account for the purpose of putting together a new player guide/recommendations. (Now out of protected player mode)

So, in one random battle this morning, the two CVs in the match were doing a good job, and I was trying to do my part as a DD.  So in chat, I typed the following:


Stop rage?????


EU is a tough crowd 🤣.



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Well @HogHammer, the amount of "salt" that CV's receive (normally and consistently) may have colored their perception of your initial compliment.
Glad it worked out for the best with continued dialogue, though.  🙂 

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30 minutes ago, HogHammer said:



It's like, "Well done" is usually taken a compliment but three "Well done's" have now come to mean just the opposite.

I usually type "gj" for "good job," "fj" for "fine job," or "wp" for "well played." Now, the abbreviations have caught on and most everyone realizes their intended meaning. However, when I first started using them, some players thought I was saying something entirely different. You can probably guess as to what.

Speaking of CVs, I've started complimenting all of them at the start of each battle because I know that they rarely receive compliments. Even if they do a good job, in every match there's going to be someone who simply hates CVs and is going to "report" them no matter what. I found this the case when I was teaching too. Every semester I'd get 98% positive or productively-critical student evaluations for my courses but there would always be a handful of students who seemed to hate teachers on principle and thus gave me poor ratings.

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39 minutes ago, thornzero said:

Some rare humour on the EU server.

From colleagues and students I've had in the Army and in academia, I've found that people from Europe can be friendly but it takes a while for them to open up to a stranger. Conversely, most Americans will tell a stranger their life story and figure out that they actually have a common acquaintance in the first ten minutes of conversation.

Speaking of "common acquaintance," here's an example:

I was in Chicago once visiting my cousin and our former college roommate, who was originally from the area and had moved back. We were at the Field Museum looking at an exhibit of animals from Kenya and I mentioned that I had someone from Kenya spend some time at my museum when I was in grad school. Richard Leaky had called me one day and asked if he could send his assistant, who was in America going to college, down over spring break to study museum procedures. Of course, I said "No problem" and wondered how the heck did Richard Leaky even know who I was (apparently, someone he knew had seen a presentation on museum database management I did at a scientific meeting and had found it interesting). My former roommate asked me what college the lady had gone to in the Chicago area and I told him. He then asked me her name. When I told him he said "That was my wife's roommate in college."

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21 minutes ago, Snargfargle said:

From colleagues and students I've had in the Army and in academia, I've found that people from Europe can be friendly but it takes a while for them to open up to a stranger. Conversely, most Americans will tell a stranger their life story and figure out that they actually have a common acquaintance in the first ten minutes of conversation.

Speaking of "common acquaintance," here's an example:

I was in Chicago once visiting my cousin and our former college roommate, who was originally from the area and had moved back. We were at the Field Museum looking at an exhibit of animals from Kenya and I mentioned that I had someone from Kenya spend some time at my museum when I was in grad school. Richard Leaky had called me one day and asked if he could send his assistant, who was in America going to college, down over spring break to study museum procedures. Of course, I said "No problem" and wondered how the heck did Richard Leaky even know who I was (apparently, someone he knew had seen a presentation on museum database management I did at a scientific meeting and had found it interesting). My former roommate asked me what college the lady had gone to in the Chicago area and I told him. He then asked me her name. When I told him he said "That was my wife's roommate in college."


Which reminds me of this Spaceballs movie scene.

Spaceballs [1987]: I Am Your Father's Brother's Nephew's Cousin's Former Roommate

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2 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I Am Your Father's Brother's Nephew's Cousin's Former Roommate

They say that everyone knows someone who knows someone. One of my former EMS partners became a state trooper. When I was up visiting the parents of my former college girlfriend, her dad said that all the people in his jurisdiction really liked him. My old partner had stopped her dad once for speeding in his semi but didn't give him a ticket and let him get quickly back on his way because he was hauling a load of grain to the elevator and needed to get there before it closed. When we went to visit my friend I asked him if he now knew everything about being a lawman. He said that he didn't have a clue at first but that a county sheriff a couple of counties over had taken him under his wing and taught him the ropes. Years later I was telling this story to my niece's husband, who was from the sheriff's county, and he said "That's my grandpa." Not only that but my old high school principal later moved to that county and was my niece's husband's high school principal too. He came back and spoke at my Dad's funeral.

Want to hear another coincidence? I've only been stopped for speeding once in my life. I was legitimately speeding too because I was just getting off of my EMS shift and headed out to my farming job but was late because I had to come back into town to get gas and then realized that I had forgotten my water jug so I had to come back into town to get it. When I'd speeded past a trooper three times, going faster each time, he finally pulled me over.  When I saw the trooper I recognized him. We'd just been out on a run together the day before. Not only that, but I noticed his name tag and asked him if he knew someone with the same last name who been a classmate of mine in high school and a bunkmate when we were both living in the same bunkhouse while working for a farmer the summer before I started college. Turns out that he was my classmate's dad's first cousin. I didn't get a ticket but he did tell me to slow down.

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Yes! If they are going to put me in a sub, I darn well do want it to be sturdy!



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Speaking of speeding tickets - I used to get them so often [every six months or so] on my motorcycle that I called them my county taxes. [In my 2o's]

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29 minutes ago, thornzero said:

Speaking of speeding tickets - I used to get them so often [every six months or so] on my motorcycle that I called them my county taxes. [In my 2o's]

I took my CB750 up to 95 mph once just to see how fast it could go. The bike could have gone faster but I shut it down as it was scaring the hell out of me. The funny thing about motorcycles is that out on the highway you feel safe, though you know you really aren't. I still maintain my "M" rating but I don't think I'm going to be getting another motorcycle again at my age. I rode them for 45 years though, if you count riding a mini-bike when I was eight as "riding a motorcycle." My great uncle rode and professionally raced motorcycles from when he was in WWII to the 90s, when a careless teenage girl ran him off the road and paralyzed him. I still rode motorcycles after that but I then moved out to the West Coast where the traffic on the local roads was just too much for me so I sold my bike. There's nothing like riding a motorcycle on a winding mountain road though, if it weren't for the traffic, that is.

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6 hours ago, HogHammer said:

EU is a tough crowd 🤣.


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I got a complement from the other team for hunting down and spotting their subs. People don't much care for CVs but they really don't like subs, even those on their own team.



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OK, why don't we stay as far away from the key areas as we possibly can, team.


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Short comment, long story








A few cits later..




PS. both reds had under 500 random battles so not sure who was he referencing as "noob"......

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6 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:

PS. both reds had under 500 random battles so not sure who was he referencing as "noob"......

Referencing themselves?

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