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9 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Referencing themselves?

Seemed more like AngryYuoTYuber, comment, coz general chat, but .....who knows... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by Andrewbassg
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OK, here's a funny scuba diving story:

When you see scuba diving in movies and documentaries you usually see it filmed in the Caribbean where the water is warm and clear and the visibility goes on for miles and miles. The cold, plankton-filled waters of the Pacific Northwest are another matter entirely. There, even in the winter when the plankton is down, if you can see ten feet in front of you it's considered a high-visibility dive. Local lakes and ponds usually have even less visibility, especially in the summertime. I was diving in a local trout-fishing lake once where I could only see six inches in front of me. I figured that the visibility might clear up near the dam so I was headed that way, feeling my way along the bottom and using my compass to guide me. After ten minutes I thought that I'd better surface and see where I was. To my surprise, I found that I was only in about two feet of water. Not only that, but a little kid had waded out to see what was blowing all those bubbles and was standing right beside me. He say "Hi, Mr. Man, whatcha doing?" I laughed and replied, "Well, I thought I was scuba diving but it seems more like I'm scuba crawling."   

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I found this division's clan names humorous.


Edited by Snargfargle
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Don't you just love DD divisions that play only for themselves and don't support the team? Then the CV called it quits, yolo'd into fire and got itself taken out too. Amazingly, we actually won thanks to a couple of unicums on the team.




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Some CV players are good. Others do this all match. Note that had the ship stayed a straight course he wouldn't have hit him either.


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I spent a couple of minutes frantically backing up trying to keep this Ohio from ramming me. Finally I'd backed up far enough that he got into the field of fire of my teammates, who took him out.


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This had to have been the suckiest team in tier X WOWS Randoms. Five ships were lost in the first two minutes of the game. I told them I was located at C so was heading to B. So what did they do? Lemming trained it to C so that they could sit there and be shot at without having a single target to shoot back at because I was in B capping it and spotting the four ships there, which were receiving no fire because half the team was in C being spotted and being shot at by ships they couldn't see. Over at A, the same thing was happening because the DD was spotted and sunk in the first minute and the sub was merrily sailing out in the middle of nowhere at periscope depth looking for a ship to stalk.




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Some ships in WOWS have way too many torpedoes.


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What were their CVs thinking, attacking two Massy's sitting side by side?



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An appropriate name for a CV player, don't you think?


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Clearly this guy on the enemy team was very frustrated...


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