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Detonation..Why is this still a thing????


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It's funny, @LittleWhiteMouse came up with a good way to change detonations ages ago.  IF I am recalling correctly it was somewhat like this:

"When a detonation occurs, you will lost most of your HP and will have 5s to use a DCP to avoid a full detonation."


Now obviously this isn't word for word, but it sums up her idea.  I want to say she also mentioned that a turret would "blow off" your ship as well, but on that I'm fuzzy.

MY biggest issue with detonations is that they are extremely tame.  When I blow up, I want everyone to know it, especially when I am in a battleship.  Regardless, if I'ma blow up I want to blow up flashy!!!

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On 12/5/2023 at 9:38 PM, Kalishnikat said:

Why is this BS mechanic still around? It's a free RNG gift that can change the course of a games based on total luck and removes player agency. Plus *what the doodle* is the purpose of getting an achievement for this? It's like "Here's a shiny useless badge to remind you of how RNG screwed you over." The achievement is like a final kick in the a** from the game after it screws you over. Getting an achievement for being screwed over by RNG is the epitome of the current state of WG's attitude towards its player base.  Used to be at least you got signals for getting *&^%$ed. I'm glad I only play low tiers and have zero temptation or inclination to spend a dime on their Santa crap. It's a fun ( for the most part) free game but it sure isn't worth spending any money on in it's current state.

It'll stop, mostly, once people stop giving easy broadsides to hit.

Edited by Gasboy
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 12/6/2023 at 5:20 PM, AdmiralThunder said:

Actually BB's taking torps right under the turrets is not that uncommon. 

69k damage from Halland torps and a *&^%$ detonation. I stand by my statement that this is an absolute crap mechanic that selectively removes aplayer from a game based entirely on chance and RNG.  Maximum dmage from a Halland torp is about 10500, so max this should have been 50k not 69k. Garbage game design, but hey I got a shiny badge to commemorate by misfortune.

World of Warships 1_2_2024 7_35_33 PM.png

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The actual BS part of this mechanic is the flag!  If WG would just make a camo that was 100% the anti-detonation flag, then I could sail around nearly immune to damage… you know, like a sub!


Edited by Arcus_Aesopi
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10 hours ago, Kalishnikat said:

69k damage from Halland torps and a *&^%$ detonation. I stand by my statement that this is an absolute crap mechanic that selectively removes aplayer from a game based entirely on chance and RNG.  Maximum dmage from a Halland torp is about 10500, so max this should have been 50k not 69k. Garbage game design, but hey I got a shiny badge to commemorate by misfortune.

Looks to me like you already had a bit over 19k damage from other sources and then you ate three more torps for another 30k... before the fourth torpedo hit and took you out entirely. So you were down effectively 50k health before the final torp "critically hit" your magazine for triple expected damage. So I'd say that one was a lot more fair than the occasional cases where somebody sitting at 74% eats one HE shell in the water next to them and goes boom.

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On 12/6/2023 at 3:38 AM, Kalishnikat said:

Why is this BS mechanic still around? It's a free RNG gift that can change the course of a games based on total luck and removes player agency. Plus *what the doodle* is the purpose of getting an achievement for this? It's like "Here's a shiny useless badge to remind you of how RNG screwed you over." The achievement is like a final kick in the a** from the game after it screws you over. Getting an achievement for being screwed over by RNG is the epitome of the current state of WG's attitude towards its player base.  Used to be at least you got signals for getting *&^%$ed. I'm glad I only play low tiers and have zero temptation or inclination to spend a dime on their Santa crap. It's a fun ( for the most part) free game but it sure isn't worth spending any money on in it's current state.

Create a problem and then sell the solution.............

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