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If I am reading this correctly this is not happy news.. ( I hope I am wrong )


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At least for people with larger fleets and actual Lives..

I am just under 500 ships.  The whole idea was great when it first came out because so many people ended up losing tons of stuff because of not being able to clear all of their Flakes in time.

At first you knew you could do a ton of COOPs to clear a ton of them. 

The new system for this year seems to actually PUNISH the Old timers and collectors. Not saying we should be treated any differently than anyone else, but maybe not PUNISH the people who helped build this game and it's $$$$$ accounts.

This new system that was supposed to EASE the Grind a bit actually makes it MUCH tougher for no real reason at all.  Made tougher the more ships you have.

They have conflated the number of ships you have with the Winrate you had BETTER have to get this done.

The more ships you have the HIGHER the BXP you need to get the bonus Gifts.

Why the difference?  1,100 / 1,200 BXP is NOT easy to get and impossible in COOP.

Why can't they ALL be ~800 BXP ?  Why do you have to work harder because you have a larger fleet.

SURE I know people will say "BUT you get 4 and they get 2"  I am betting people would be FINE with getting 2 because you KNOW you will get them more consistently.

I remember last year as well as the last flake event. The salt was DEEP and I think it is made even Deeper when you have so much to lose due to bad plays by people and those yolo rammers that are just mass collecting flakes and to the devil with the game or objectives.

I for 1 will most likely not finish this year because I have actual holiday plans with family and will be away for the last week of Dec into Jan.

Just play for the next few days and notice how often you get > 1,100  1,200 BXP and that's not even when the flake rush starts.

Isn't this supposed to be FUN?


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2 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

Isn't this supposed to be FUN?

It's supposed to be 'give Wedgie more money', so, it's 'fun' for Wedgie. Haven't you figured this one out yet?

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2 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

It's supposed to be 'give Wedgie more money', so, it's 'fun' for Wedgie. Haven't you figured this one out yet?

Yeah that's it.. after being here all these years,  I JUST thought of THAT. 😏

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I might guess this is another symptom of the suspected exodus from Randoms: if you want to knock off multiple flakes in one battle, you'll have to play modes where it's practical to get decent bxp scores, and that - most of the time - means Randoms.

I don't recall how many ships I have exactly, but it's north of 500 on my main account; as things stand, my plan is to start at T10/superships, and work downwards until I get bored and/or Real Life gets in the way. I'm pretty certain I won't have time to get everything this year; I can live with that.

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10 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

At least for people with larger fleets and actual Lives..

I am just under 500 ships.  The whole idea was great when it first came out because so many people ended up losing tons of stuff because of not being able to clear all of their Flakes in time.

At first you knew you could do a ton of COOPs to clear a ton of them. 

The new system for this year seems to actually PUNISH the Old timers and collectors. Not saying we should be treated any differently than anyone else, but maybe not PUNISH the people who helped build this game and it's $$$$$ accounts.

This new system that was supposed to EASE the Grind a bit actually makes it MUCH tougher for no real reason at all.  Made tougher the more ships you have.

They have conflated the number of ships you have with the Winrate you had BETTER have to get this done.

The more ships you have the HIGHER the BXP you need to get the bonus Gifts.

Why the difference?  1,100 / 1,200 BXP is NOT easy to get and impossible in COOP.

Why can't they ALL be ~800 BXP ?  Why do you have to work harder because you have a larger fleet.

SURE I know people will say "BUT you get 4 and they get 2"  I am betting people would be FINE with getting 2 because you KNOW you will get them more consistently.

I remember last year as well as the last flake event. The salt was DEEP and I think it is made even Deeper when you have so much to lose due to bad plays by people and those yolo rammers that are just mass collecting flakes and to the devil with the game or objectives.

I for 1 will most likely not finish this year because I have actual holiday plans with family and will be away for the last week of Dec into Jan.

Just play for the next few days and notice how often you get > 1,100  1,200 BXP and that's not even when the flake rush starts.

Isn't this supposed to be FUN?


Gosh, now I know why I don't read the news anymore...  There just isn't an "upside", is there....  Other than: free is free.....   But, and I am speaking for me:  doesn't this sound like the "let them eat cake" concept?  Disdain as an example.  Scorn as a statement.  Spurn thus guilty by class??  Sigh.......here we go again.

BTW, am I missing some cultural edict connected to this holiday season I am missing>?  It's kind of like lighting the first Advent candle that burns down the house kind of feeling...

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I’m glad I “only” have 364 ships and Asyms are available. 

Im sad for my friends who have more than 400 ships. That’s some malarkey IMO. 

Edited by DoW_
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I think you are reading it incorrectly. At least I fail to see the punishment. As far as I understand it (and wasn't it that same way during the anniversary?), if you have for example 444 ships, you still get the 1 bonus gift if you win/make 300 xp, or 2 if you make 800, or 3 if you make 1000, or 4 if you make 1100. It is not like you HAVE to make 1100 to get ANY bonus gifts. You just have the option to get more, which people with fewer ships don't. A guy with 222 ships and 1100XP still only get 2 extra, while the 444 guy gets 4. In case of 888XP, both would get 2 extra.

And seriously, you can easily make 1100 XP in operations if you have half a brain, so this should be a cakewalk unless they exclude operations.

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8 minutes ago, Verblonde said:

it's north of 500 on my main account

How do you keep track of them all?

4 minutes ago, DoW_ said:

have 364 ships

This is a lot also.

Me? I have just over 100 including some 'identicals' (the ARPs). I'm still below 100 for specific nations/tech lines. I'm trying to leave spaces for some new tech tree lines (eg: the new Commonwealth Cruiser line). I look for 'historical' ships, as opposed to the higher tier fantasy barfs Wedgie wants everyone to play these days. 100 ship lines will be sufficient for me as will be the tiers I play (anything but T1 & T11 Superbarfships).

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Haven't read the article but common sense and experience says you can still get the +2 bonus gift at 800BXP. Having more ships provide you a chance to get more bonus gifts... looks like an "and" conditional, not an "or".

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This stuff does no to surprise me. I have seen it this way since the Matchmaker was change to block veteran players from playing tier <=4 matches. WeeGee gives the Iwaki Alpha as a reward for being an Alpha tester and now you cannot get into a player match without waiting 10+ minutes. Again, WoWS is free to play game. So I make it as such. I am not worry on what WG gives back to back to me as XP or baby super containers as a veteran WoWS player. I take what they give me and move on. The onus is not on me to be rewarded by WG. The question is will WG ever get money from me like they did in the first four years of WoWS history? The answer is nope.

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It's time to realize you aren't the whale WG is fishing to catch.

Get off the hamster wheel and just enjoy the game. No need to try to chase rewards, here.

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4 minutes ago, derf said:

since when has common sense had ANY bearing around here?


I guess we should be updating the term to uncommon sense... 🤔

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If you have, say, 400 ships, you can earn:

  • 4 Bonus Gifts if you score at least 1,100 Base XP in one battle?
  • 5 Bonus Gifts if you score at least 1,200 Base XP in one battle?

Can we get these Bonus Gifts in Asymmetric Battle, Operations?

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6 minutes ago, Tpaktop2_1 NA said:

Iwaki Alpha as a reward for being an Alpha tester and now you cannot get into a player match without waiting 10+ minutes

Not entirely correct. My main account (now in EU) has the Iwaki Alpha & it does not take 10+ minutes to get into a random battle - sometimes T4 fills up fast & with all real players. You want to know why? There's so many horrid (read: stupid) players & roflstomps in the high tiers. Plus lower tiers don't have crap reworked CVs or Flubs (subs). Quite hilarious that Wedgie is making low tiers popular again (albeit, unintentionally). Still, the irony is great, lol.

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22 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Haven't read the article but common sense and experience says you can still get the +2 bonus gift at 800BXP. Having more ships provide you a chance to get more bonus gifts... looks like an "and" conditional, not an "or".

This is a positive!  Thank you for the additional understanding. 

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10 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

It's time to realize you aren't the whale WG is fishing to catch.

Get off the hamster wheel and just enjoy the game. No need to try to chase rewards, here.

I know you don't know me .. but people here that do are LOLing at that comment .  

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3 minutes ago, Frostbow said:


If you have, say, 400 ships, you can earn:

  • 4 Bonus Gifts if you score at least 1,100 Base XP in one battle?
  • 5 Bonus Gifts if you score at least 1,200 Base XP in one battle?

Can we get these Bonus Gifts in Asymmetric Battle, Operations?


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After reading OPs post I thought to myself, this sounds weirdly familiar.

So I took my shovel and went digging. To my surprise, I found out that WG is reusing the table again and again, and that nothing changed for a long time.

Here's last year's table:



Looks weirdly similar now, doesn't it.? So I don't think we should be raising pitchforks here, especially not for the change that allowed us to play less ships overall.


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3 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

I know you don't know me .. but people here that do are LOLing at that comment .  

Fair enough.


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6 minutes ago, Frostbow said:


If you have, say, 400 ships, you can earn:

  • 4 Bonus Gifts if you score at least 1,100 Base XP in one battle?
  • 5 Bonus Gifts if you score at least 1,200 Base XP in one battle?

Can we get these Bonus Gifts in Asymmetric Battle, Operations?

In the past , yes you can BUT they Lowered how much you earned in those modes so you had to go to Randoms to get more.

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24 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

How do you keep track of them all?

I don't really, in that I couldn't list them all if asked! I usually make use of the filters to zero in on whatever I particularly need to play for missions; otherwise, I tend to just browse for something that takes my fancy, with a preference for premiums (as they're usually generating elite captain xp, which is always helpful, and/or more silver which I can always use)...

Also, I just checked: the current total appears to be 575, which - of course - is all manner of ridiculous.

26 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

looks like an "and" conditional, not an "or".

Having actually read the article now, I think - on balance - this is probably more likely. I have to say though, that WG appear to be suffering from their customary inability to write crystal-clear English in their comms. I imagine they may update the blurb eventually, if enough farties complain...

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2 minutes ago, Aragathor said:

After reading OPs post I thought to myself, this sounds weirdly familiar.

So I took my shovel and went digging. To my surprise, I found out that WG is reusing the table again and again, and that nothing changed for a long time.

Here's last year's table:



Looks weirdly similar now, doesn't it.? So I don't think we should be raising pitchforks here, especially not for the change that allowed us to play less ships overall.


I know it is the same.. They used it again recently. My point is WHY?

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9 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

I know it is the same.. They used it again recently. My point is WHY?

Because it's a good solution? It works? Because for once WG has something they aren't improving to the detriment of the playerbase?

You can't make everyone happy, and maybe WG should lower the thresholds a bit, since we have so many ships available. But I'd take this solution, over the old one where i had to play every ship.

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24 minutes ago, Verblonde said:

I don't really, in that I couldn't list them all if asked! I usually make use of the filters to zero in on whatever I particularly need to play for missions; otherwise, I tend to just browse for something that takes my fancy, with a preference for premiums

I now use 12 lists to random what ship I play. The lists are to concentrate on certain ships for, usually, Cpt exp only as I have a dedicated Cpt for every ship. I use a d20, a d12, a d10, a d6 for most of these lists & a d100 for my full list (around 93 unique ships). Hence, I roll a d12, then a die roll of necessary range to determine a specific ship. Random rolling for a random ship for a random battle (practically, the only mode I play).

You, Verblonde would have to use a d6 to divide the 575 ships, then a d100 for any of the divisions. Ofc, you would need to make up 6 lists - five with 100 ships & the sixth with 75.

Oh, & btw, all my ships are fully equipped & fully maxed out with upgrades (baring, maybe, a couple specific cases where lower equipment level is considered the better option).

Edited by Aethervox
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