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Just now, Admiral_Karasu said:

Thanks. What an amazing coincidence that everyone places the golden years before 2019.


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7 hours ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

Though to his/ your concerns: what would seem to be preventing you from „fully embracing the forum“? I mean, in concrete terms. Do you think they could color the forums somehow, and how should that work?

Well, concrete terms, which I can express, and favor expressing, would involve a frank discussion of moderator actions, and indeed could also touch upon how the forums might be influenced by known components of personalities of leadership.

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9 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Furthermore, prolonged interaction with WG staff and volunteeers leads to the inescapable conclusion that they drive a LOT of toxicity into the community in furtherance of their business strategy.

It is, IMO, best that they are not here or associated with this forum in ANY way.


That was my experience too.

I'm not going to name names because the CM isn't here, but I had frequent unpleasant interactions with one of the CMs. I didn't WANT to be in conflict with that person in any way ... I just had a good memory and therefore was willing to point out the inconsistencies of his posts.




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7 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

What an amazing coincidence that everyone places the golden years before 2019.

Well, not all of us. I didn't start playing until the end of 2020 😛

I dropped by the forums to see if there were useful tips and tricks - and checked out again fairly quickly. I checked back in a couple of years ago, and the forums were a much nicer place to be IMO, so I stuck around until they... closed.

The last few days demonstrated that we have some awesome folks. While there were a few "rage-ey" posts, the majority of "farewell" posts were folks thanking other people for the help they had given over the years. So here we are now, with another shot. Glad that a lot of folks have made it, still hoping to see some others find their way here.

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10 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

a frank discussion of moderator actions

Won't happen, I'm afraid. Reasoning elsewhere (forum moderation thread). However, there will be a support page with staff contacts for grievances.


10 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

influenced by known components of personalities of leadership.

Now that's cryptic, and not very concrete at all.


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The only real interaction with someone from wg was when i was banned, defending my case, having the ban lifted, using their own rules, to the point they changed them to give them a broader range so they we covered.

This forum is new and welcomed, wg staff might be afraid to post to much here knowing they have no power to dictate what is being spoken of and any complaint of wg can continue.

I have counted more than 3 people using the forums, mainly me, myself and I, oh and him over there.

I let people know in chat about the forums in discord VC, some respond, some dont

The forum is a work in progress, give it time

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12 hours ago, SureBridge said:

I dropped by the forums to see if there were useful tips and tricks - and checked out again fairly quickly. I checked back in a couple of years ago, and the forums were a much nicer place to be IMO, so I stuck around until they... closed.

I do think that we EU folk may have had a better time with 'our' forum for a longer period of time than those on NA. I used to occasionally nose around the latter, mainly for LWM's reviews, but didn't post that often. I found the character of the NA forum to be - much of the time - a lot more ill-tempered than the EU *usually* was, and with a lot more censoring (for want of a better word).

That's not to say that EU was always sunshine and rainbows, but rather that - for whatever reason - the conflict was more managed most of the time.

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