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this forum is good but...

1. where are the answers of the game developers?

2. how to attract many players here? we need advertising and promotion, but who will give money for this?

3. I think that the project will remain "for three people".

sorry for the criticism and good luck in development!

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1. Game developers will likely post replies when we reach significant size, if the are not prevented for other reasons. We are officially 3 days old!

2. other posts deal with this, but you are welcome to spread the word. Donations will be from the community. Folks need to think, if what the site is trying to offer is important enough. If there is anywhere else the can get what we offer, in a better format. Our costs are transparent, we are volunteers. I have no doubt enough people will understand what this means.

3. 3 days old. Currently 310 registered users. So you're wrong. A lot of them good folks from the old forum, who post helpful, positive content. Some of them twitch streamers for WoWs, some of them WoWs CMs.

no probs with criticism. Enjoy the forum!


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Perhaps it's just me ... but I found my posts and questions on the official forum rarely got a worthwhile answer.

I think this forum will be the source of player discussion that I need.

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For the record, we've never really had a direct channel that goes to the devs. There's also very little to indicate the devs ever read the forums, the only contact we had directly with WG was the staff at the forum (which we don't have on this community forum). It's unlikely we can engage 'constructively' here on DevStrike!, but that's hardly any different compared tot the official forums. The one perk we cannot replicate was having 'express access' to customer support by contacting WG staff on the forum. For that, we probably need to try Discord but I have no idea if they still are prepared to deal with CS issues on Discord.

One part of the problem is we've informed people on Reddit and on Discord about the new forum, but not everyone necessarily ever migrated to those platforms and some even seem to prefer the Discord 'forum' (read chat). You'd have to ask them why should they do so, I haven't the foggiest. I much prefer a proper forum where we can communicate with other players without the added stress of having to use an ill suited platform that simply isn't designed around forum functionality.

Since people regularly spam about clans when battles start, we can always join in by spamming (within reason) DevStrike! as well. Not everyone will be interested, because I think many casual players never made any use of the official forums either.

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3 hours ago, armory said:

this forum is good but...

1. where are the answers of the game developers?

2. how to attract many players here? we need advertising and promotion, but who will give money for this?

3. I think that the project will remain "for three people".

sorry for the criticism and good luck in development!

1. There probably wont be any, ever, IMHO even if some of them chanced here for whatever reason they wouldnt out themselves or if they did they wouldnt break the "party line" WG is that king of a corpo, any hint of dissension is meat with "deadly force" by the management...

Besides devs never really posted on the EU/SEA/US forums, not even before the Lesta/WG "split" much less later, so if you want to talk to actuall devs you need to head to "mir korabli" forums and try there, in russian ofc or your answer (at best if they even give it) will be "ne ponjemajem" (i dont understand) and yeah they are full of it ofc

2. People will come in time, posting links in game on discor, twitch etc is one way...

3. I have no problm in throwing few € twards people making the stuff I like

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56 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Since people regularly spam about clans when battles start, we can always join in by spamming (within reason) DevStrike! as well. Not everyone will be interested, because I think many casual players never made any use of the official forums either.

I usually post a link in battle chat if I see someone even vaguely familiar in the roster.

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There was only a fairly small group of people posting regularly to the old forum, and a lot of them seem to be here. Seems like the old good times to me, glad to have a place to check in and see what's going on. More people will come with time. I hope Arlskandir finds this place, I used to like his posts.

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My biggest worry is more along the lines that the old guard, and no - i don't quite qualify into that level - appers to be a "members only" club for newcommers, we have to welcome everyone with even the slights interest in using the/a forum in conjuction with the game with open armes.

While enforcing that the forum is a usefull place and not a cesspool of non-information.

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51 minutes ago, Efros said:

I usually post a link in battle chat if I see someone even vaguely familiar in the roster.

I think I will type DevStrike.net to all at the beginning of the battle.  

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5 hours ago, armory said:

this forum is good but...

1. where are the answers of the game developers?

2. how to attract many players here? we need advertising and promotion, but who will give money for this?

3. I think that the project will remain "for three people".

sorry for the criticism and good luck in development!

1. We didn't get trustworthy answers from the game developers on any major issues on the forums or any WG controlled platform.

Furthermore, prolonged interaction with WG staff and volunteeers leads to the inescapable conclusion that they drive a LOT of toxicity into the community in furtherance of their business strategy.

It is, IMO, best that they are not here or associated with this forum in ANY way.

2. We advertise the forums by word of mouth.

We advertise the forums by offering good content. Like LWM reviews, for example.

If we need money, we put up the money ourselves.

3. Too late for 'three people'...and your opinion on its size really isn't relevant. It will succeed or fail, on its own merits. No need for us to worry whether you are convinced or not.

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1 hour ago, palestreamer said:

There was only a fairly small group of people posting regularly to the old forum, and a lot of them seem to be here. Seems like the old good times to me, glad to have a place to check in and see what's going on. More people will come with time. I hope Arlskandir finds this place, I used to like his posts.

There used to be more regular forumites around, I think many disappeared last year or even slightly earlier. I have no idea if they kept playing or if they quit altogether. If I take a walk down the memory line and have a look at the threads posted around 2017 to 2018, there are a lot of familiar names I haven't seen around in a long while. Back then, the forum was a lot more lively. The game was probably still a lot more healthy as well, so this does not seem entirely coincidental.

52 minutes ago, ZeuSueZ1337 said:

My biggest worry is more along the lines that the old guard, and no - i don't quite qualify into that level - appers to be a "members only" club for newcommers, we have to welcome everyone with even the slights interest in using the/a forum in conjuction with the game with open armes.

While enforcing that the forum is a usefull place and not a cesspool of non-information.

Absolutely everyone is welcome! The only requirement is respecting the forum rules, and by implication respecting your fellow forumites as well.

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I'm not "spamming" in battle-chat.  But, occasionally I'll type "new forum, by players for players,  www.devstrike.net" at the beginning of a match.

Have also sent that message to various port-chat contacts.
I've also sent "whispers" to some of my Twitch contacts.
I can say that each of these methods has had some success.

For myself, I learned of this forum via a reddit topic.  I'd been eagerly awaiting the news and was happy to sign-up, here.

This forum, www.devstrike.net , is a new beginning.  We're here to have fun. 
The fun has a cost to it, because this place depends upon donations.
I'm planning to make a donation on my next 'payday' or when the www.devstrike.net donations feature is declared "fully operational".  🙂

If people want to voice their opinions to the WOWs Community Managers, then contact them on discord.  That's where they're paid to be.
If any of them are here on devstrike.net, then I imagine it is in an effort to prevent someone else from using their nom-de-plum.
For World of Warships in-game customer service situations, the World of Warships website has a customer service feature.

Again, we're here to have fun.  🙂

And, remember, "Let's be careful out there."


Let's Be Careful Out There | 'Hill Street Blues' Supercut



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6 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

There used to be more regular forumites around, I think many disappeared last year or even slightly earlier. I have no idea if they kept playing or if they quit altogether. If I take a walk down the memory line and have a look at the threads posted around 2017 to 2018, there are a lot of familiar names I haven't seen around in a long while. Back then, the forum was a lot more lively. The game was probably still a lot more healthy as well, so this does not seem entirely coincidental.

Absolutely everyone is welcome! The only requirement is respecting the forum rules, and by implication respecting your fellow forumites as well.

Yes 2017-2018 was around the time of the CV rework and operations taken away (only suppose to be a patch or 2 but took years). The CV rework and the CC exodus is what killed the game for a lot of people. I myself haven't seen many alpha like myself or beta players around much anymore. They are there but not many. 

Edited by wade_gaskins
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5 hours ago, armory said:

2. how to attract many players here? we need advertising and promotion, but who will give money for this?

Early in my relationship with my Wife, I established the following rule.
"Whoever comes up with the idea, has to pay for it."  

Other people might use the phrase, "put your money where your mouth is", eh?

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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

1. …It is, IMO, best that they are not here or associated with this forum in ANY way..

Could NOT agree more. I’ve long felt the CMs had an (overall) undeservedly high reputation - from just being just plainly obtuse, to being party to so many “miscommunications.”  - I mean how many “miscommunications” does one tolerate before one loses respect for those individuals repeatedly conveying miscommunications? At some point, one has to conclude those CMs conveying miscommunications are either aware, or are  too willing to be repeatedly used for that purpose, to be respected.

5 hours ago, I_cant_Swim_ said:

3. 3 days old. Currently 310 registered users. So you're wrong.!

He’s not talking so much about numbers, as he is talking about the forum leadership -apart from yourself, every forum officer is one of a pretty (and on the old forum, rather publicly) tightly knit group of three people from the old forum.  (He said a project for three people, not of three people.) It’s very easy to see how that might cause people to have a “wait & see” attitude before fully embracing the devstrike.net forum.

I share that mindset.

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1 hour ago, wade_gaskins said:

Yes 2017-2018 was around the time of the CV rework and operations taken away (only suppose to be a patch or 2 but took years).

The CV rework went live in the first patch of 2019.

Edited by Nevermore135
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6 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

The CV rework went live in the first patch of 2019.

You are right. Was off a year but was the beginning of the end of long time players. 

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43 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

Could NOT agree more. I’ve long felt the CMs had an (overall) undeservedly high reputation - from just being just plainly obtuse, to being party to so many “miscommunications.”  - I mean how many “miscommunications” does one tolerate before one loses respect for those individuals repeatedly conveying miscommunications? At some point, one has to conclude those CMs conveying miscommunications are either aware, or are  too willing to be repeatedly used for that purpose, to be respected.

He’s not talking so much about numbers, as he is talking about the forum leadership -apart from yourself, every forum officer is one of a pretty (and on the old forum, rather publicly) tightly knit group of three people from the old forum.  (He said a project for three people, not of three people.) It’s very easy to see how that might cause people to have a “wait & see” attitude before fully embracing the devstrike.net forum.

I share that mindset.

Well, guess from which pool I could logically draw people to help. The moderator list is open, btw, and anyone can apply. Though to his/ your concerns: what would seem to be preventing you from „fully embracing the forum“? I mean, in concrete terms. Do you think they could color the forums somehow, and how should that work? 

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The forum is new. Still has that new forum smell.  

Let's all just check back in a few months to be fair and see.

THEN we can sharpen our pitchforks and go after that Col...

Oh wait...


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21 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

The forum is new. Still has that new forum smell.  

Let's all just check back in a few months to be fair and see.

THEN we can sharpen our pitchforks and go after that Col...

Oh wait...



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56 minutes ago, wade_gaskins said:

Yes 2017-2018 was around the time of the CV rework and operations taken away…

You know, that was my memory, but wows-numbers.com is telling me otherwise: It has an Events section, where it shows, among other things, dates for new ships (first battle dates, not purchase dates). It says my new ship dates Enterprise, Saipan, and Kaga are the same day in early February 2019. Yet I bought them and played them in December 2017 - I did not let them lie fallow for over a year.

As best I can figure, that February 2019 date was for my first battles on those CVs after reworked carriers were made “new.”  And I sold all three for doubloons in that window WG gave us early in the rework.

So now, I’m not so sure of the CV rework chronology any more.

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7 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

You know, that was my memory, but wows-numbers.com is telling me otherwise: It has an Events section, where it shows, among other things, dates for new ships (first battle dates, not purchase dates). It says my new ship dates Enterprise, Saipan, and Kaga are the same day in early February 2019. Yet I bought them and played them in December 2017 - I did not let them lie fallow for over a year.

As best I can figure, that February 2019 date was for my first battles on those CVs after reworked carriers were made “new.”  And I sold all three for doubloons in that window WG gave us early in the rework.

So now, I’m not so sure of the CV rework chronology any more.

Looked for an answer, and the CV rework occurred with update 0.8.0 which was probably in January 2019.

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17 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

So now, I’m not so sure of the CV rework chronology any more.

9 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Looked for an answer, and the CV rework occurred with update 0.8.0 which was probably in January 2019.

0.8.0 (the CV rework) dropped Wednesday, Jan 30, 2019 on the NA server (so Jan 31 elsewhere). IIRC, it was delayed for a week from the originally planned date.


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8 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

update 0.8.0 which was probably in January 2019.

If you're a sufficiently old lag to have battles on the RTS CVs, a quick butchers at WOWS Numbers will show things like this:


I assume this means that the CV reework went live at the end of Jan 2019...


Edit: like wot @Nevermore135 says - Ninja!

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3 minutes ago, Nevermore135 said:

0.8.0 (the CV rework) dropped Wednesday, Jan 30 on the NA server (so Jan 31 elsewhere). IIRC, it was delayed for a week from the originally planned date.


Thanks. What an amazing coincidence that everyone places the golden years before 2019.

Thanks as well, @Verblonde

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