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Playing Black, trying to grind my first Captain to level 21.


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I'm halfway from 20 to 21 and just lost the match because I was outgunned by a sub. It was just the two of us left, we had mid point and both were on it. Red's had the other two points and they were going to win if I just hid. Me and my 967hp left went boom. Premium can't buy commander xp 😞....or skill lol


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<initialize Cranky Old Man Voice>"WHEN I WAS YOUR AGE, SONNY..." </end> 🤪

Back in the day when the highest-point captain was 19 and I was going for my first, I decided to sit down and do that entire final point (300,000 CXP, a little less than what you've got left) in one sitting. One of the most frustrating things was waiting, waiting, waiting for that commander to come back after sinking so I could begin the next battle. That at least is one frustration you DON'T have to contend with.

The rest of it, as you imply, lies in the winning and/or doing well enough to come home with a healthy chunk of commander XP for the boosters you spent.

Good luck for the final stretch!

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9 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

That at least is one frustration you DON'T have to contend with.


NO KIDDING! Oh my goodness. Just got to level 21 and it was rough still.

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18 minutes ago, Jakeshuffle said:

NO KIDDING! Oh my goodness. Just got to level 21 and it was rough still.

Congratulations!  🙂


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