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On 12/2/2023 at 3:34 AM, Wolfswetpaws said:

LOL  😄 

I've been there, done that with getting upset on a number of occasions.
In the past I have ...
1.  Objected to the cv-rework.
2. Objected to the reduction in the number of torpedoes that Hosho's torpedo squadron can launch (the change was from two torpedoes per drop reduced to one torpedo per drop).
3.  Was upset enough about something (in the past) regarding WG/WOWs behavior/quality-control and tagged (spelling check?) "Ev1" one too many times and got a 24 hour forum-ban courtesy of Boggzy.
4.  Have been cussed-at, in-game, on the old forum and in a private message on this forum.  All water under the bridge now.  Not going to share details.
5.  Boycotted spending money in WOWs as a gesture of support for LittleWhiteMouse during the CC exodus / debacle.  (I closed my wallet until LittleWhiteMouse announced that WOWs had sufficiently patched-up their relationship with her for everyone to get on with their lives.)
6.  I've commented on Mighty Jingles youtube videos when I felt his "salt" towards CV's was uncalled for and unjustifiable in certain instances.
7.  Other stuff in real life, which isn't WOWs related.  So, I'm leaving it off of the figurative table, here.

At what point does "getting upset" improve my capabilty to think cogently and play my ship well?  🙂 


As a reward for reading the linked article, I offer you this image of bacon.  🙂 

Sure, we could all just stop giving a fooook about the game and its direction and stop complaining about WG and all their BS shenanigans, but then whats left of this forum? 2 threads?

1. What is youre best game of today 

2. What did you get in  daily drop/poor Christmas scams?


In IRL comparison Rockstar games just broke the Effin Internet (Even more than Kardashians bum) with the TRAILER for their upcoming release GTA & ..... in 2 Effin years!!!!

Seems like different gaming companies get different followings ... food for thought!

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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On 12/2/2023 at 3:54 AM, ArIskandir said:


A) Getting angry, cranky and blitcning about it won't solve anything most of the time

We all know that but just kissig their azzes does even worse. And word gets around, wasent that long ago WG even made the big news during the big CC walkout. Sometimes its good to be vocal and not just eat their Shaeeit.



On 12/2/2023 at 3:54 AM, ArIskandir said:

B) You can "suffer" the BS thrown at you or you can make the BS thrown at you suffer. The choice is yours


Yes, hence my switch from DD Main to Sub main. Give zero shits about the team, cap circles, Airships escord circles or Arms race buffs and those J-line BBs screaming for "INTELLIGENCE DATA!!!!!" while on full HP 3 min left of the game. Now I just harass other players with crappy mechings, pings and homing torps and make everyone else suffer in my balanced Sub class.

Do wonder if this is healthy for the games future tho....?


On 12/2/2023 at 3:54 AM, ArIskandir said:

C) There's not better way to "get back at them" than not being frustrated by something designed to be frustrating. 

Did a WG employee give you that line? Its like "There is no better way getting back at someone punching you in the DIC¤¤K then just say you enjoy it". How well does that work for you? So basically, whenever someone is doing something that goes opposite everything you believe in .... you just dont say or do anything because then you ... win .... very silently ...


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1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Sometimes its good to be vocal and not just eat their Shaeeit.

Indeed. In my experience, there's always a lot of people doing that, over every issue, no need for me to be another brick on the wall. I just prefer to move on and do something myself instead of waiting for the "critical mass" to cause a chain reaction. 

1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Did a WG employee give you that line? Its like "There is no better way getting back at someone punching you in the DIC¤¤K then just say you enjoy it". How well does that work for you? So basically, whenever someone is doing something that goes opposite everything you believe in .... you just dont say or do anything because then you ... win .... very silently

You are not getting the point, its not about bending over but learning to use the friggin' dildo in funny ways. 

Let's say CVs, I had plenty of 3 CV matches per side in my time to fully understand the concept of "fun police"... But I learnt how to "just dodge", how to position to not call the pest on me and I got myself some really good ships for making CVs suffer... In time I found myself Q sniping CV matches in Ranked and having a genuine blast fighting CVs. Or even better, taking Bearn for a spin and trolling the pests on their own game.  

Or let's take Subs... Hunting them and sinking them is the most fun I had in the game. There's something very rewarding in inverting the roles and have the hunter become your prey.

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36 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:


I recall vividly how many times "constructive" criticism have been provided to Wedgie, especially by you, over the numerous issues related to sub implementation and not only. Very few, if any were headed by them.

Also recall how disappointed you were , when sub vs sub warfare was, essentially, gutted, rendering the class just a predatory ergo griefing class.


We are all just players, with no powah about the direction Wedgie is taking the game.

Please forgive my fellow OIRA.....hkhmmm......EU friends for being a bit ignorant about these facts.


Edited by Andrewbassg
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2 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:
On 12/1/2023 at 9:54 PM, ArIskandir said:

C) There's not better way to "get back at them" than not being frustrated by something designed to be frustrating. 

Did a WG employee give you that line? Its like "There is no better way getting back at someone punching you in the DIC¤¤K then just say you enjoy it". How well does that work for you? So basically, whenever someone is doing something that goes opposite everything you believe in .... you just dont say or do anything because then you ... win .... very silently ...

James Bond, "A little to the left ..."


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7 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

James Bond, "A little to the left ..."


To me, everytime our host does something incredibility obtuse, that drives my blood pressure sideways, I remember this picture.......cause, it just how I feel when [add a favorite "they wouldn't do that idea...here"]

image.png.955318780c7168559cd39cd718e640a4.png   (all rights reserved, Breathed et al...1980 and so forth and so on.....harumph !)


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On 12/9/2023 at 1:19 AM, ArIskandir said:

Indeed. In my experience, there's always a lot of people doing that, over every issue, no need for me to be another brick on the wall. I just prefer to move on and do something myself instead of waiting for the "critical mass" to cause a chain reaction. 

Yes, and if we all did that, just "moved on" we still be having Airship escort in Randoms, that old fortification mode that also all the playerbase hated, RTS CVs, stealth firering Zaos.... hell stealth fire in general and probably 50 other FUBAR mechanics and stuff still in the game ... on that note ... old OG Kitakami that could launch 40 torp walls every other minute, not that nerfed to the ground BS copy they are selling right now for the price of youre soul and youre first borne.

So sometimes its actually quite good that some call BS on WG and react to they shenanigans.

Some big mayor company's even pay people good money to tell them this stuff, do you think there is a reason for them to do that?

On 12/9/2023 at 1:19 AM, ArIskandir said:

friggin' dildo in funny ways. 

I think our gaming sessions looks quite different to be honest, but I do respect someone thats not afraid to test new things!




On 12/9/2023 at 1:19 AM, ArIskandir said:

Let's say CVs, I had plenty of 3 CV matches per side in my time to fully understand the concept of "fun police"... But I learnt how to "just dodge", how to position to not call the pest on me and I got myself some really good ships for making CVs suffer... In time I found myself Q sniping CV matches in Ranked and having a genuine blast fighting CVs. Or even better, taking Bearn for a spin and trolling the pests on their own game.  

Or let's take Subs... Hunting them and sinking them is the most fun I had in the game. There's something very rewarding in inverting the roles and have the hunter become your prey.


Here I think our discussion comes to an end. Its a waste of time if you live in another fantasy world. "Just dodge" 3 CV games .... YEAH! How do one position away from 3 CVs when they can cover the entire map.

"Hunting" Subs .... ok! Might be possible if you happen to choose the perfect ship and you face a 20% WR Sub newb. Good luck chasing someone that doesn't ping, doesn't show up on youre RL and just send torps from different direction all the time.

But I guess you will have a Shiny unicorn way of doing all that, so lets just leave it at that.

Is 3 CVs per side even possible?

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On 12/9/2023 at 2:42 AM, Wolfswetpaws said:

James Bond, "A little to the left ..."


Yes, enjoy WG giving you that treatment for the upcoming 8 years. I think in the long while, acting cool and saying "little to the left" while game goes down the toilet, gets a little less fun.

If we just do this we all suddenly become that mysterious "silent majority" WG is always referring to when implementing next pants on head stoooopid game mode/ship/class/mechanic/rigged loot box/miscommunication/CC censor/CC walkout/etc/etc/etc

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17 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

So sometimes its actually quite good that some call BS on WG and react to they shenanigans.

Indeed! That's the beauty of having diversity of opinions and free speech. If we all thought the same and shared the same belief and opinions, there would be little to no "progress". 

Sharing my perspective doesn't mean it is "the way".  But it works for me and maybe it could work for someone else looking for a less frustrating approach. 

18 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Is 3 CVs per side even possible?

Not anymore but it used to be a thing 3+ years ago at low-mid tiers. Even if on paper it looks like a nightmare scenario, one of the matches that got imprinted in my memory was one I played on a smokeless french DD in a 3 CV match (before the rocket delay change)... oh boy was it an "interesting" match... I managed to sink one CV and my team won the match. Funny those moments are what sticks in my memory, I dare say it is the more rewarding the greater the challenge.


18 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Here I think our discussion comes to an end. Its a waste of time if you live in another fantasy world. "Just dodge" 3 CV games .... YEAH! How do one position away from 3 CVs when they can cover the entire map.

Well, just to be clear... all I said wasn't in reference to a 3 CV game. In a 3 CV game you are almost certain to get sunk unless you stick with the CVs... but even there, "just dodge" can make enough of a difference to win the match. 

My point is "Just Dodge" can be a fun mini-game of its own, if you are a true old school gamer you must remember most of the arcade games in the 80's were variations of just dodge: Pacman, Space Invaders, Frogger, Donkey Kong... as a sort of mini-game within the game, I enjoy it!


18 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

But I guess you will have a Shiny unicorn way of doing all that, so lets just leave it at that.

I'm a bit surprised you being an experience DD main with experience on Subs find it that unlikely to "hunt" Subs. It is about vision control as usual DD play, get vision control over the Sub and its yours. Any DD with very low concealment should have no problem dealing with Subs, play Cossack or something similar and tell me which Sub presents any problem to you...

I 100% prefer to face a unicum opponent in a Sub than in a Smaland (example), I find it a lot easier to "neutralize" a Sub.

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On 12/12/2023 at 2:22 PM, ArIskandir said:

bit surprised you being an experience DD main with experience on Subs find it that unlikely to "hunt" Subs. It is about vision control as usual DD play, get vision control over the Sub and its yours. Any DD with very low concealment should have no problem dealing with Subs, play Cossack or something similar and tell me which Sub presents any problem to you...

I 100% prefer to face a unicum opponent in a Sub than in a Smaland (example), I find it a lot easier to "neutralize" a Sub.

I am quite experienced DD player and also dabble in subs lately but I still dont really get what kind of Sub players you face that is so easy to hunt since:

  • Most subs outspott pretty much every DD in the game
  • They dont even have to outspott them because they can see them 8-9 km away with sub hydro
  • If they go below surface and engage 2 braincells you have no "vision control" AT ALL, unless you created some nice wall hack/god mode for the game?!
  • They dont have to ping to be effective, most sub players just spam torps because otherwise they get a ton of Air ASW on them, so how then do you know where they are?
  • Even IF you try and "hunt them" and some godlike power tells you exactly where he is going at all times at 30 meters depth .... he can still see you and just go to periscope at any time and shotgun you in the face with 3-4 aft torps

So im just wondering if you been misled by some 12 % WR Sub players that Yolo in on surface and die.

When I Play Subs I usually dont even have to go under the surface, my battery is almost always full but if a DD came at me it would be me hunting him, not the other way around.

When I play DDs I never try and go for the sub, If I try I just go chasing my tail around while mostly spotted and shot down by his teammates. He has all the advantages, WG made sure of that, so why even bother. 

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23 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Most subs outspott pretty much every DD in the game

Not really. Sub Concealment is very much on par with DD Concealment for Concealment based DDs... anything with sub 5.8km is good enough to face spot Subs. Exceptions apply but if a DD is geared for concealment, facing Subs won't change the dynamic in any meaningful way.

26 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

They dont even have to outspott them because they can see them 8-9 km away with sub hydro

Who cares? you have RPF to compensate and also keep tabs on the Sub.

28 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

If they go below surface and engage 2 braincells you have no "vision control" AT ALL, unless you created some nice wall hack/god mode for the game?!

You still keep a lot of agency because the Sub can't spot you back (outside the window provided by the hydro cheat). You can also engage your own 2 braincells and guess what the Sub is gonna do, usually not difficult because the options are limited and it is against the clock.

31 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

They dont have to ping to be effective, most sub players just spam torps because otherwise they get a ton of Air ASW on them, so how then do you know where they are?

 The same way you know where to locate a Shima, Asashio or any other ninja torp boat ... experience, RPF, torpedo trajectory, potential target distribution, the proverbial " where would I be if I were (insert x)"...

40 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Even IF you try and "hunt them" and some godlike power tells you exactly where he is going at all times at 30 meters depth .... he can still see you and just go to periscope at any time and shotgun you in the face with 3-4 aft torps

IF he can see you to begin with, then IF he can line the shotgun attack... Honestly I've never been dumb enough to put my DD in a platter for a shotgun attack, the most common scenario implies surprising the Sub with the pants down (it's not difficult to sneak unspotted over an average Sub player), or approaching in a way that negates the Sub any chance to retaliate. 



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10 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Not really. Sub Concealment is very much on par with DD Concealment for Concealment based DDs... anything with sub 5.8km is good enough to face spot Subs. Exceptions apply but if a DD is geared for concealment, facing Subs won't change the dynamic in any meaningful way.

He still can see you coming 8-9 km away with hydro so DD conceal doesn't really matter, just like it doesn't really matter in a DD Vs CV fight. Also Your Conceal is constant ... and effected by:

  • other red DDs
  • enemy radar
  • enemy hydro
  • CV planes
  • hybrid planes

His isn't!

10 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Who cares? you have RPF to compensate and also keep tabs on the Sub.

Not really. RFP works IF .... IF the sub is surfaced. IF he isn't your RPF will swing around like a compass at the north pole and you will never now when it picks up the sub and when it picks up a unspotted DD or cruiser.

Hence my previous "chasing my own tale" comment. Ive tried this many times.


10 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

You still keep a lot of agency because the Sub can't spot you back (outside the window provided by the hydro cheat). You can also engage your own 2 braincells and guess what the Sub is gonna do, usually not difficult because the options are limited and it is against the clock.


He usually dont have to use anymore than hydro to spot you since you still also will be spotted by the rest of the things I mentioned above. 

So youre baseing youre argument on guessing. If guessing was this correct, we wouldn't need concealment at all, then we would all know where everyone is at all times by "just guessing". You can guess the sub is at A5, but you dont really know. So how effective will this "sub hunting" be?

Do you always know what all the enemys will do at all times, or is it just subs? Because options limited and against the clock is the same for all classes, right? And are choices really limited? Cant pretty much evey class relocate if they want? Only difference is subs do it underwater, so no one can see them.

10 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

 The same way you know where to locate a Shima, Asashio or any other ninja torp boat ... experience, RPF, torpedo trajectory, potential target distribution, the proverbial " where would I be if I were (insert x)"...


Same here. RPF never tells you its a sub or a Shima for that matter. You can assume its the shima but if youre unlucky you are chasing a unspotted Sherman ... or Mino. My point is you wont really know what RPF is leading you until you spot it ... or you get spotted by any of the forementioned things.


10 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

IF he can see you to begin with, then IF he can line the shotgun attack... Honestly I've never been dumb enough to put my DD in a platter for a shotgun attack,


Since you say that you are chasing/"Hunting" him, you are already perfectly lined up for a face full of aft torps ... and he does see you way better then you do with guessing and RPF.

So which pattern do you put your DD in and still chase him?


10 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

the most common scenario implies surprising the Sub with the pants down (it's not difficult to sneak unspotted over an average below average Sub player), or approaching in a way that negates the Sub any chance to retaliate. 


Fixed it for you. If your tactic involves hoping for a guy with his pants down then im out. Not worth my time. Anyone can kill a new player that surface 3 min into a battle because he spent all his battery looking at "the pretty fishes".

Hope and guessing isn't a valid tactic, and also nothing that makes this encounter balanced.











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17 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

He still can see you coming 8-9 km away with hydro so DD conceal doesn't really matter,

It matters because you are not hard spotted thus not subject to retaliation, he knows where you are but you can also have some some intel via RFP. At best it helps the Sub to avoid you, but eventually you'll meet if playing the objectives. 

21 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Hence my previous "chasing my own tale" comment. Ive tried this many times.

Normal behavior for RPF, but in case of Subs it can also provide you vital info on the stance of the Sub... surfaced, submerged. I've also not just tried but used it with good effect to track Subs. For you it doesn't work, for me it does... I respect your point tho.

27 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

So youre baseing youre argument on guessing. If guessing was this correct,

The game already implies a lot of guessing in different aspects, guessing the position of a Sub is not different to guessing the position of any other ship, or guessing incoming torps. But an educated guess, based on proper knowledge and experience will provide you a significant improve to your "odds". 

30 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Since you say that you are chasing/"Hunting" him, you are already perfectly lined up for a face full of aft torps

Wrong, you are assuming hunting Subs necessarily implies running over them for DC rushes... I guess that would be the potato way. Have you ever hunted or fished?... it requires patience to wait for the proper time to take your shot or pull the string. I'm sure that same behavior on a surface ship would be qualified as potato yolo, it is the same if applied to a Sub, you can't just go over there and drop DCs without thinking ahead what will happen. 

38 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Fixed it for you. If your tactic involves hoping waiting for a guy with his pants down then im out.

Fixed it for you. That's what you do in this game, you wait for a broadside, you wait for a target to overextend, you wait for a DCP cooldown... you set baits, you tease, you ambush, you taunt... in order to get the "higher ground" for your engagement. 

41 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Anyone can kill a new player that surface 3 min into a battle because he spent all his battery looking at "the pretty fishes".

BTW from the vids I posted above, 2 are Unicums and 2 well above average...

43 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Hope and guessing isn't a valid tactic, and also nothing that makes this encounter balanced.

It is not balanced, you need to apply some brainpower, that's what makes it so rewarding. You collect trophies from stuff that can kill you, not from harmless prey.  

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