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Which ship (or ships) do you hate or find most useless?


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I can not stand the Lebrecht Maass, there is not a single thing she can do well, only mediocre. Guns aren’t good enough to go gun boat, torps aren’t good enough for torp build, not stealthy enough, AA sucks, no fast or maneuverable enough to avoid repercussions for misplays. The Gaede is better than her because she has the decency of being a tier lower and roughly just as powerful. She’s just an Ops boat now, can’t trust her to pull weight in a random game (not like many people playing ransoms can pull their weight, anyway). 

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21 hours ago, Capt_of_Satisfaction said:

De Grasse

Oh man, she used to be very good for operations. She is a port queen nowadays.... 

For me is Tulsa and Carnot. Brrrr....

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Yukon. It's almost like Wargaming deliberately hobbled every aspect of this ship to get back at the CC's for being uppity.

It's almost like an in your face revenge.

It's absolutely pathetic.

Pick any aspect. It's terrible.

Miserable experience.

Edited by BCGrog
To add how miserable it is. I'm not done yet. Trying to figure out another word for it.
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2 hours ago, BCGrog said:

Yukon. It's almost like Wargaming deliberately hobbled every aspect of this ship to get back at the CC's for being uppity.

It's almost like an in your face revenge.

It's absolutely pathetic.

Pick any aspect. It's terrible.

Miserable experience.

There is a reason for that.


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2 hours ago, BCGrog said:

Yukon. It's almost like Wargaming deliberately hobbled every aspect of this ship to get back at the CC's for being uppity.

It's almost like an in your face revenge.

It's absolutely pathetic.

Pick any aspect. It's terrible.

Miserable experience.

Yes. No matter how you look at it.  

It really was WG's revenge to the CCs.

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I'm going to give two answers here, even if its a bit of topic.

From an unbiased point of view, the objective most useless/hated ship in the game is Leone. I know some people enjoy it for reasons that I cannot fathom, but just because you enjoy something doesn't make it in any way good.

From my personal point of view, is FDG. I love german battleships, I love german ships in general. But I hate FDG, in a line full of great ships, FDG despite all the buffs, is still the only bad one(some would say Gneisenau, but those people are weirdos and you shouldn't listen to them). She also feels bad cause she slotted right between Bismarck(an excellent battleship, top ranked tier VIII pick) and Preussen/Kurfurst(Also very solid ships). Pommern existing as well is also part of the problem.

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28 minutes ago, MBT808 said:

From my personal point of view, is FDG. I love german battleships, I love german ships in general. But I hate FDG, in a line full of great ships, FDG despite all the buffs, is still the only bad one(some would say Gneisenau, but those people are weirdos and you shouldn't listen to them). She also feels bad cause she slotted right between Bismarck(an excellent battleship, top ranked tier VIII pick) and Preussen/Kurfurst(Also very solid ships). Pommern existing as well is also part of the problem.

I respectfully disagree. She's the Last German BB (hull) that still steers like a cruiser instead of a pregnant Yak (I can drive Russian boats if I want that) and also has "good enough" everything else. FDG was my "go to" ship when "Grand fleet" (testing Satsuma and Hannover) was a thing, because her nose had just enough armour to deny overmatch from either of them, and she was fast and agile enough to hunt down cruisers and DD's (with her Hydro and spotter / fighter) 

While she isn't my first (or even twenty first) choice for a Random, she isn't tragic. 

Compare FDG to any Italian tech tree BB in her matchmaking spread. or go and look at the earlier post (and gifs) from @AdmiralThunder. The only real gripe with FDG is that she isn't outstanding, but (unlike the Italian BB's) she isn't tragic either. I liked the Italian BB's when they came out. Sure the guns can't hit water past 12 km, the secondaries are damp flamethrowers incapable of penetrating even DD armour, and their citadels resemble the pants on "old bald golfer" citadels (hiked waaaaaay up). They made up for that by being fast, and if you had SAP loaded then any DD you found would go away (blap).

The concept of a DD hunting BB was just hilariously fun. Then they nerfed the SAP, and these ships just became sad. 

In the T9 BB Brawls FDG was almost always a winner over Iowa. Sure Pomm was out there, but sometimes the plane was better for finding the dang cruiser trying to sneak up on you. And the bit more overmatch on the guns helped in the "smashing faces in" department. 

I'll agree that Gneisenau is pretty awesome. I decided it was great when I played a game against a Nelson, and took it from almost full health to dead in one salvo (plus secondaries pew-pewing while my gins turned) it popped out from behind a rock in Estuary, fired a full salvo into my face (with that glorious ping sound that bouncing AP makes) and then IIRC ate 4 citadels from my main guns. Zombies don't heal from quadruple taps. The "bomp bomp bomp" of my torps hitting the burning wreck was also enjoyable.

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3 hours ago, MBT808 said:

From my personal point of view, is FDG. I love german battleships, I love german ships in general. But I hate FDG, in a line full of great ships, FDG despite all the buffs, is still the only bad one(some would say Gneisenau, but those people are weirdos and you shouldn't listen to them). She also feels bad cause she slotted right between Bismarck(an excellent battleship, top ranked tier VIII pick) and Preussen/Kurfurst(Also very solid ships). Pommern existing as well is also part of the problem.

I don’t think FdG is a bad ship, but I definitely agree that she is placed between two real gems in the German BB line (Bismarck and Preussen). IMO her biggest issue is the combination of large size, poor handling, and poor concealment that she shares with the other H-class hulls in the game. It’s especially notable when one tries to run a secondary build, which is why I eventually settled on a main battery/survivability build at that point in the line (before the commander rework, of course - now I run main battery/survivability on all tech tree German BBs). This is also where Pommern really outshines her: if you want to play that way Pommern has better secondaries (firing angles), torpedoes, and a heavier broadside at typical ranges where the lower accuracy isn’t much of an issue.

All that being said, she is extremely tanky when built for it, and while her guns can feel anemic on a per-salvo basis (especially if you are only firing four guns due to her… questionable main battery firing angles) having a sub-22s reload with AR means you can take a lot of opportunistic shots other BBs wouldn’t be able to.


Edited by Nevermore135
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10 hours ago, BCGrog said:

Yukon. It's almost like Wargaming deliberately hobbled every aspect of this ship to get back at the CC's for being uppity.

It's almost like an in your face revenge.

It's absolutely pathetic.

Pick any aspect. It's terrible.

Miserable experience.

It looks bloody Gorgeous though...

Sometimes I play it in Ops just to show off the Sackville camo.

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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

It looks bloody Gorgeous though...

Sometimes I play it in Ops just to show off the Sackville camo.

Yup. That's one reason I take it out. 

Oh and... As a middle finger to WG.

It's my way of showing solidarity with LWM and Chobittsu.

I'll limp along and get annihilated in a broken ship for them.

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2 minutes ago, BCGrog said:

Yup. That's one reason I take it out. 

Oh and... As a middle finger to WG.

It's my way of showing solidarity with LWM and Chobittsu.

I'll limp along and get annihilated in a broken ship for them.

I couldn't believe WG basically gave me the ship for almost nothing.

They went through all that headache...and then didn't even monetize the ship and camo properly.

That whole event was baffling.

Chobi's camo though is my favorite. I'd love for him to design a camo set for a commonwealth line of DDs and CVs.

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On 8/22/2023 at 5:55 AM, Padoru said:

I swear to god that I hate Iowa so much. IDK if it's me or something, but I think that she has terrible dispersion, and low alpha, arcs. It also receives a lot of citadel dmg.


But at the same time, I can't stop playing her, I want to make her work.

you need to play her diffrently, she is my favorite ship.

she has slow shells and high arc. so you have to aim diffrent.

at high ranges she citadels nicely.

and her armor is also great.


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well dutch cruisers are ussless. pain in the ass to grind and the tier 10 is not worth it.

european destroyers until tier 9 are ultra hard and boring.

italian battleships are a skip also.the wonky dispersion with long reload is a big NO.you wait long time just to shoot all over the place.

american light cruisers are too squishy.

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Myogi <ptui>

It was so bad it displaced the memory and pain of Kawachi

Edited by iDuckman
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