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Heads up asymmetric battles.


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Hi all,

My CV died 10s before game would end with out victory... I told him NOT to be static but he didn't listen... 🙁




Leo "Apollo11"

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9 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

My CV died 10s before game would end with out victory... I told him NOT to be static but he didn't listen... 🙁




Leo "Apollo11"

Happens all the time, you warn them, they ignore you, they get deleted, after the Match has ended, you find out your Karma has been reduced, sure it was all my fault, makes perfect sense. :classic_dry:

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I have tried the usual battleships Missouri. Musashi , Pommern, Bourgogne all wins, but when I play Vaquelin T7 FR DD without smoke it is hopeless and Hipper at T8 is difficult, you do not have the alpha so if you win is not up to you.

No heal and it is no idea to push until reasonable whittling down of enemy.

I play them because of regrind. Smolensk is ofc playable and Udaloi which I have also regrinded decent, 5 torps x3 is strong even if the reload is horrible and smoke and heal is a good thing.

For me the domination games even if they give opportunites are difficult as the bots often cap and then kites. Standard battles they often comes to the base which is good as you can focus fire one or two at a time instead of driving towards them which you have to do in domination if you not will lose on points.

I do not play Cvs myself but a good CV player can make a difference. had a Hornet in a standard battle which sank 4 or 5 last ships for the enemy when rest of team were sunk. But it was a standard battle where the bots came attacking one at a time.

If it would have been domination it would not go. I do not know if any of you have played lower tiers but my experience is that the WR are lower. But I will try Izmail when I am ready with regrind. Fubuki with long range torps maybe?

The thing is that I like to grind captains so then the T9 or above is the most effective. 

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I've been enjoying the mode, it truly gives BB and CV an arena to shine compared to normal coop these days. 

Will hope to have Conquerer, St Vincent and Louisiana ground before it ends. 

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Well - it finally came to pass.

After what I estimate to be about 70 games in Asymmetric mode I had a loss.

I'm not sure what happened ... I spawned on the western spawn of the Shards map along with a Satsuma. It was domination and I headed to the cap (I believe it's the A cap) and tucked myself next to an island for some cover and began fighting five bots.

I did notice that the Satsuma had headed to the middle cap for some reason, which I'm sure made sense to him if not to me.

Next thing I know, I've got three of the five sunk and am trying to get the pest of a DD which keeps setting me on fire from it's smoke and I hear "You are our last hope!"


I looked at the mini map and saw that three BBs (all on high health) were steaming at me full bore from the middle cap.

I'd like to say I went down valiantly ... but with an Iowa and that <insert quite nasty expletive here> DD spotting me  it wasn't long before the rain of shells from everything on the map ended the match.



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I've had a... couple of losses myself. Still, this is an enjoyable mode, for various reasons and it allows me to make use of some high tier ships as well.


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I like Asymmetric Battle mode, and I like that it is available to a fairly wide spread of tiers.

I've noticed the changes in programming for the 'Bot aiming priorities, though.
Yeah, it was mentioned in the dev-blogs.
Still, seeing it in game and comparing with the older Asymmetric programming is interesting.

Do I want Asymmetric to replace Co-op?  
Personally, my answer is "No".
Both modes have their virtues, and Co-op is still my go-to mode for a shakedown cruise in a new ship.
I like having both Co-op and Asymmetric battles available along with random battles and scenario operations.
Brawls, Ranked, Clan Battles and the special event modes are welcome, too.  I like having options.

So far, I have the impression there are subtle differences in Asymmetric at different tiers.
Might be due to the performances (speeds?) of the ships at those tiers?  Might be other factors?
Also interesting, for me, is how the torpedo reloading times are often shorter at lower tiers.

Bottom line?  I'm enjoying the game as it is now.  🙂 

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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Nice fight in old "Arizona". I was really lucky with my team mates, because they knew their stuff. This is unusual in 90 % of cases ... 

Skjermbilde 2023-11-29 092954.png

Skjermbilde 2023-11-29 093005.png

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Although against bots it was a very hard piece of work. In the beginning I was holding our base cap alone against an onslaught of DD and BB plus air strikes. With no heals left I could finish the asym battle victorious. BTW, Navarin didn't only manage short range fighting in a impressive way, but also at long range. I like this ship very much. 

Skjermbilde 2023-12-05 111422.png

Skjermbilde 2023-12-05 111436.png


Edited by OT2_2
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