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Weekend Spree, 18-20 August 2023

Ensign Cthulhu

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Finished the Somme Collection on Friday, grabbed the ship and spent the weekend clearing up the loose ends.

Finished the Azur Lane missions. The Dunkerque camo was first in my list of the serial bundles, so I got to pick it up as a duplicate and score some extra doubloons from it.


I'm tired. If all I get done for the rest of this patch is to put enough XP on the Asturias to grab the Cataluna on line-release day, I'll be happy. With 441 ships in my port, the Anniversary event is going to keep me busy and I want to be well rested. 

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I am not sure of anything in this game anymore...  Some of these grinds and the 1/2 price/value of Random Operations is insulting.....  To make things worse, we are losing all sorts of people.  

None of those I play RO's don't give a darn about the Dockyard.  Have given up the terrible event grinds.  Stop playing at all during the day and, some have left.....

We done WG, well done.  Two are whales that have left....... 

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8 hours ago, Asym said:

and the 1/2 price/value of Random Operations is insulting

You do realize, don't you, that the half value applies to missions that previously had NO VALUE AT ALL?

It's a reflection of how easy the operations are to farm for combat tasks when done in a coordinated fashion.

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13 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

You do realize, don't you, that the half value applies to missions that previously had NO VALUE AT ALL?

It's a reflection of how easy the operations are to farm for combat tasks when done in a coordinated fashion.

Not quite, a while back no PvE counted save sometimes special modes, then coop was added and later ops as well (there were some that included them or were even specific in the past but rarely) then for a while they counted same as any other IIRC only in the last patch they started halfing the progress and TBH I dont really think its because its "2 easy" so they have to "gouge" the progress  it more likely 2 many people are escaping their sub/cv bliss now that finally T8 premiums can  be used in ops (prob the most purchased ones overall) esp by "old salts" that have stuff like Kutuzovs rusting in port so they need to "stimulate" people going for the grind to go PvP...

Edited by Yedwy
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I played enough to make some progress on the "Battle of the Somme" missions and get more pieces for the Somme collection/puzzle.
Haven't finished it, yet, though.

I've already completed the Azur Lane 5th. Wave event missions and welcomed Commander A.L. Dunkerque (the 2nd.) to my Port.

I watched some Twitch streams, specifically @Ensign Cthulhu's and @Lord_Zath's, here & there.

I started reading the second book in a series authored by Kim Harrison.  The book I'm reading it titled "The Good, The Bad, and the Undead".
So far her work has been decent and interesting enough to borrow these books from my local library.

I also borrowed "Into the Fire", authored by Elizabeth Moon.  It's been disappointing. 
I've enjoyed a lot of Elizabeth Moon's other works, over the decades.  https://www.bookseriesinorder.com/elizabeth-moon/
But the entertainment quality of "Cold Welcome" suffered a decline.  And that decline steepened with the first few chapters of "Into the Fire".
For now, I've put the book down and stopped reading it.
Other reviewers on book-selling websites or review websites can elaborate, if you're curious.

As for the controversy about whether or not Scenario Operations efforts count towards missions?
1.  Before WG/WOWs made a change, playing in Scenario Operations didn't count at all towards accomplishing most in-game missions.
2.  Nowadays, playing in Scenario Operations will make some progress, but one's scenario results will only be partially counted.
3.  Something is better than nothing.
4.  Having Scenario Operations, at all, is better than not having them.  I'm glad we've gotten some old "on hiatus" scenarios restored and the whole line-up expanded for ships of Tier-6 through Tier-8 to be playable.
5.  I'm reminded of the concept, "Praise and reward the behavior you want to see".

Good morning everyone.  It's August 21st., 2023, and I'm about to enjoy my breakfast & coffee.  🙂

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

You do realize, don't you, that the half value applies to missions that previously had NO VALUE AT ALL?

It's a reflection of how easy the operations are to farm for combat tasks when done in a coordinated fashion.

I don't disagree.  But, you are mixing concepts.  PVP players farm COOP all of the time.  PVP players were farming RO's until the change.  Our host cancelled and nerf'd Asymmetrical Battles because it was actually a far better place to play PVE and farm than COOP - so much so, that a large number of PVP mains started play ASB's instead of Random battles......  How do I know?  Because those PVP mains we have told me so........from several clans.

The operative questions is why mess with what works for your customer base ?   And, COOP and RO's aren't going away.......our host simply can't afford the loss of revenue if they would.   Heck, they've angered the player base as it is over ASB's to the point many are "protesting outside of the game...."  in many different ways.

On a side note, we saw another Secretary Desk and I was thinking about you !   The price........oy vey.......things have gotten a bit pricey of late !

Edited by Asym
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31 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I played enough to make some progress on the "Battle of the Somme" missions and get more pieces for the Somme collection/puzzle.
Haven't finished it, yet, though.

I've already completed the Azur Lane 5th. Wave event missions and welcomed Commander A.L. Dunkerque (the 2nd.) to my Port.

I watched some Twitch streams, specifically @Ensign Cthulhu's and @Lord_Zath's, here & there.

I started reading the second book in a series authored by Kim Harrison.  The book I'm reading it titled "The Good, The Bad, and the Undead".
So far her work has been decent and interesting enough to borrow these books from my local library.

I also borrowed "Into the Fire", authored by Elizabeth Moon.  It's been disappointing. 
I've enjoyed a lot of Elizabeth Moon's other works, over the decades.  https://www.bookseriesinorder.com/elizabeth-moon/
But the entertainment quality of "Cold Welcome" suffered a decline.  And that decline steepened with the first few chapters of "Into the Fire".
For now, I've put the book down and stopped reading it.
Other reviewers on book-selling websites or review websites can elaborate, if you're curious.

As for the controversy about whether or not Scenario Operations efforts count towards missions?
1.  Before WG/WOWs made a change, playing in Scenario Operations didn't count at all towards accomplishing most in-game missions.
2.  Nowadays, playing in Scenario Operations will make some progress, but one's scenario results will only be partially counted.
3.  Something is better than nothing.
4.  Having Scenario Operations, at all, is better than not having them.  I'm glad we've gotten some old "on hiatus" scenarios restored and the whole line-up expanded for ships of Tier-6 through Tier-8 to be playable.
5.  I'm reminded of the concept, "Praise and reward the behavior you want to see".

Good morning everyone.  It's August 21st., 2023, and I'm about to enjoy my breakfast & coffee.  🙂

Good morning to you as well !  The coffee is in front of me and if you like Elizabeth Moon, C.J. Cherryh is another of Moon's generation that simply are superlative in creating alien cultures that are believable.  S.M. Sterling and the "Dies the Fire" series is wonderful.  David Webber and the "Honor Herrington" series is a Navy series based on Nelson.....  My favorite, is John Ringo though......the Posleen wars - Empire of Man - Black Tide Rising series are simply great reading (and, he's an 82 Airborne nutcase and we were both at Bragg at the same time.....although, I was at the JFK center side of the post...)

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11 minutes ago, Asym said:

Good morning to you as well !  The coffee is in front of me and if you like Elizabeth Moon, C.J. Cherryh is another of Moon's generation that simply are superlative in creating alien cultures that are believable.  S.M. Sterling and the "Dies the Fire" series is wonderful.  David Webber and the "Honor Herrington" series is a Navy series based on Nelson.....  My favorite, is John Ringo though......the Posleen wars - Empire of Man - Black Tide Rising series are simply great reading (and, he's an 82 Airborne nutcase and we were both at Bragg at the same time.....although, I was at the JFK center side of the post...)

Since we're trading books & authors information, "Expendable", authored by James Alan Gardner.

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6 minutes ago, Rollingonit said:

Good to see you too @Wolfswetpaws! Appreciated the farewell on the official forums before shutdown. Hope you are doing well sir.

Doing better, now that this forum is open.  🙂

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Had a company camping trip. This weekend. So not much to report. I tried front load my efforts for the battle of the somme event. I think I can still get it.

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