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Containers restoration


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Greetings captains,

yesterday, I missclicked and instead of opening one container I opened all I have. This made me quite mad because some of them were those Special Tactical ones with 1 day of premium each. I use those ocasionally when Im about to play a lot with premium ships (to earn some credits, always short on them). I opened a ticket on player support and asked WG to restore the my account before I opened them (havent played a battle since that), but Im not sure if WG can help me. I dont want to wait too long for their answer as I want to finish the mission for Somme containers. Have anyone experienced something similar? Is there a chance they will solve this unfortunate event in some reasonable time (and to my satisfaction)? Some of those opened were coal containers, so I am little bit worried about the results...

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I feel for you, man. They are not obliged to help you, you are the one who clicked when all options were visible. So I don't think they will, especially as it would mean, at face value, you get another shot at a better outcome for yourself, not the company. Perhaps someone here has another experience. However it goes, let us know the outcome.

Good luck


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They can roll back your account, but that would involve losing all the other progress you made and it would take some time.  

Sorry, but the misclick is on you. 

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Well, actually, this happened 2 times for me already (misclicking and loosing special tactical containers). Both times, I was lucky in that a friendly request to Customer Support made them restoring the crates.


Regards, Nightowl

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2 hours ago, Zerstoerherr said:

Greetings captains,

yesterday, I missclicked and instead of opening one container I opened all I have. This made me quite mad because some of them were those Special Tactical ones with 1 day of premium each. I use those ocasionally when Im about to play a lot with premium ships (to earn some credits, always short on them). I opened a ticket on player support and asked WG to restore the my account before I opened them (havent played a battle since that), but Im not sure if WG can help me. I dont want to wait too long for their answer as I want to finish the mission for Somme containers. Have anyone experienced something similar? Is there a chance they will solve this unfortunate event in some reasonable time (and to my satisfaction)? Some of those opened were coal containers, so I am little bit worried about the results...

Once upon a time I didn't read the fine-print carefully enough and purchased a ship in the Armory without a coupon thinking that the coupon I wanted to use would be automatically applied.
It wasn't.  The coupon was only available for use in the Premium Shop.  
Anyway, I put in a ticket with Customer Service and posted about it in the old forums (somewhere) and contacted @Ahskance, too, as I recall.
(Hey, wow, he can be tagged here?!?  Did not expect that.  Okay.  Nice.  Sorry if I disturbed you, Ahskance.)
Customer Service was experiencing a multi-day backlog at the time. 
It took the better part of a week to resolve the issue.
To their credit, I was satisfied with the resolution.  
But, like yourself, I stopped playing so that I wouldn't create too much "interference" with the process.
Here's a link to the original World of Warships Collector's Club topic & post that I made about the situation (while the link is still valid, eh?)


Posted June 9, 2023

Welcomed the Tier-8 Premium British Cruiser, the Belfast '43, to my Port.
The ship was delivered by Commander Patrick Mansfield (zero skill points).

Cost of the ship was reduced, thanks to the "London" coupon which was purchased for some event tokens in the Armory and utilized in the Premium Shop.  
I originally tried to use the coupon in the Armory, but it wasn't valid there.  "Oops".  Had to work with Customer Service to return the Armory version of the Belfast '43 and get my doubloons refunded.  
After that was accomplished, I accessed the Premium Shop to make the purchase as I should have in the first place.  Again, "oops". 
Although the Customer Service backlog lasted several days, they did resolve my "ticket" satisfactorily.

Commander Patrick Mansfield will be sent back to "Shipbuilder's City" with thanks for a delivery job well done.
Commander Azur Lane Belfast will be assigned as Captain of the Belfast '43.




Sharing the experience with everyone (so that they can learn from each of our mis-clicks) seems like a good idea, to me.

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My apologies, forgot to post the response of WG. 

Firstly, they claimed that is not possible to cancel the operation due to bought containers or bundles with random rewards. Among the containers I opened there were no such, so I informed them about this fact. The answer actually surprised me - they said that for this time, they will restore my containers and that I should be more cautious next time. Pleasantly surprised, +1 for WG customer service.

P.S. I still think that they should add some confirmation window when opening all containers ("do you really want to open all your containers?" or something like that) to prevent such misclicks.

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Wow! Great outcome! Congrats, and thanks for the update. Nice to see that WG customer service could solve this for you.

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4 hours ago, Zerstoerherr said:

My apologies, forgot to post the response of WG. 

Firstly, they claimed that is not possible to cancel the operation due to bought containers or bundles with random rewards. Among the containers I opened there were no such, so I informed them about this fact. The answer actually surprised me - they said that for this time, they will restore my containers and that I should be more cautious next time. Pleasantly surprised, +1 for WG customer service.

P.S. I still think that they should add some confirmation window when opening all containers ("do you really want to open all your containers?" or something like that) to prevent such misclicks.


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