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What is you're favorite battleship and why


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Unfortunately, "favorite" means most fun, "most fun" in this game means OP/borderline broken (opinions differ).

1. So, for me its St.Vincent with its zombie heal, Cunnigham extra heal commander, Strong AP, mega strong British HE, strongest torps in the game that can be fired straight forward, and great speed, really no downsides.

2. Thunderer and Conqueror (see most reasons above)

3. Jean Bart. maybe not as "OP" but I had so many games where I carried the team in that ship, also T9, also probably better moneymaker than OG Missouri, because better performance, also Always fun to play, and great even in losses.

4. Schleiffen. Mostly because many dont know how to counter it when played right. Hilarious and gimmicky with 6 km hydro, strong long-range torps, and mega secondary's.

5. Ohio is pretty good but more like a "normal" BB.

I had many others before. Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, Missouri, Kearsarge comes to mind but they all been powercrept over the years so not much fun playing them any more.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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I love all battleships! No matter the tier, they all eat torpedos like fat girls eat dessert at a buffet. 
DD mafia for Life!!

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1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Unfortunately, "favorite" means most fun, "most fun" in this game means OP/borderline broken (opinions differ).

1. So, for me its St.Vincent with its zombie heal, Cunnigham extra heal commander, Strong AP, mega strong British HE, strongest torps in the game that can be fired straight forward, and great speed, really no downsides.

2. Thunderer and Conqueror (see most reasons above)

3. Jean Bart. maybe not as "OP" but I had so many games where I carried the team in that ship, also T9, also probably better moneymaker than OG Missouri, because better performance, also Always fun to play, and great even in losses.

4. Schleiffen. Mostly because many dont know how to counter it when played right. Hilarious and gimmicky with 6 km hydro, strong long-range torps, and mega secondary's.

5. Ohio is pretty good but more like a "normal" BB.

I had many others before. Tirpitz, Scharnhorst, Missouri, Kearsarge comes to mind but they all been powercrept over the years so not much fun playing them any more.

Surely you would want to face the challenge, throw caution to the wind and sail into the sunset with guns blazing?

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Another Atlantico enjoyer here. The only dockyard ship I grinded, and it was absolutely worth it. Although main guns tend to behave like shotgun, the concealment with the secondary range is absolutely awesome and those 234mm secondaries are simply fantastic. For me one of the most fun to play ship in the game. 

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Man tough question. I like all the BB's in their quirky ways. I am noticing that I am liking the tier 5 BB's more. Such as this one:

I love the game play of late with the Agincourt, the Giulio Cesare and the Rio de Janeiro. The Musashi is another good one too.

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Finally the toughest question. I'm gonna go chronologically:

  • Wyoming for teaching me the basics. I remember unlocking the NY, feeling the extra punchiness of the guns...and quickly going back to T4 because I was out of my depth squaring off against Gneisenaus and such. Very nice 12-gun broadside, despite the terrible angles on B-turret.
  • Queen Elizabeth and Fuso for mid-tier classics: the former for AA and overmatch, the latter for devstriking potential and looooong reach on those small maps. And yes, that includes CV sniping: why play an 899 division when you can play a 666 division?
  • Dunkerque because she was the 1st premium I bought for money, and for a while my most-played ship. Not very good in hindsight, but lots of memories. Nelson, my 1st FXP ship, was a close rival in terms of games played. Similar gun arrangement, much better firepower
  • Jean Bart because she was my 1st high-tier freemium, broke several of my records, and still has my only 9-kills game.
  • Hood was so good I've played her little for fear of "spoiling it". I know she's a rare ship, but I was very proud of scoring the top xp game worldwide, which is 3 years old by now...
  • Shikishima because she was my 1st steel ship and absolutely perfect in the Thunderer-infested Dead Eye meta.
  • Roma "clicked" immediately. Looks fantastic, tanky, stealthy, comfortable gunnery. And Italian!
  • Agincourt: great fun when not up against Tier 7s. One turret for each day of the week, she prints achievements...and she was built irl!

Overall: Dunkerque...

...or Roma.

Shikishima, it's got to be Shikishima.

But Wyoming...nah, let's settle on Jean Bart.

Fuso, final answer.

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I recall enjoyable battles in the Monarch or the game likes me playing it, perhaps. However, my hidden gem has to be the Arkansas Beta for all those equipment upgrade slots. Lots of fun deleting unwary DDs with all those turrets. Sure it has it's weaknesses but if it survives, it can really hammer :).

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On 11/14/2023 at 8:14 PM, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:


Most fun ship in the game, hands down.

* if it hits well with its main turrets & doesn't get torped to death.

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i love the German Nassau and the French and Japanese versions which were made because of bade engineering in which they made poor engines and thus the center of the ship was taken over by a tall engine thus they could not put turret in the middle

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3 hours ago, Aethervox said:

* if it hits well with its main turrets & doesn't get torped to death.

Use HE on the main guns, and you will always hit well.

Mikasa has good rudder and turning radius...it requires real skill to torp it to death.

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Hmm, overall? I can't tell. But tier by tier, I can.

T5: Texas. That's a quite robust beast in Ranked and Randoms, especially with a 21pt Halsey at the helm.

T6: Warspite tied with Bayern and/or West Virginia. As I emphasize gunnery quality and robustness, these vessels tick the boxes. The Dunkerque gets a honourable mention.

T7: Strasbourg and Gneisenau. Front guns for the win! If it were not for the quite disappointing main gun performance on the Gneisenau, then she would maybe take first place.

T8: Alabama and Monarch. Well rounded vessels that are really enjoyable, the Monarch gets a honourable mention for its gun precision and stealth.

T9: Iowa, I think. But it's tied with Georgia, again: gunnery performance and overall usability. For T9 Ranked: Jean Bart as first choice! It's hilarious when outfitted for main gun reload speed, mine starts with 23s. In Arms Race, you can get the reload of these 380mm guns down to 16s...

T10: Bourgogne by a long margin before Montana. Speed, gun power, reload booster. And I got a devastating strike on a full health Yamato with my Bourgogne (2 salvoes, the 2nd gave 86k dmg with AP, cf. screen shot in the spoiler)...

Regards, Nightowl





Regards, Nightowl

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Caveat of I only really play the PvE modes, and I refuse to pick just one favorite.

Lyon is the first that comes to mind, not sure why but I love that shotgun, firing 16 guns is just so satisfying on some level.
Gneisenau and Bismarck because I love watching their secondaries pop off, small nod to the german BCs as well but I haven't found one that quite outdoes those in my heart.

Also had a lot of fun with the Richelieu lately along with the British BCs, feeling zippy in a battleship in co-op is a fun experience.

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Roma, bar none. She is my most played ships by a large margin.

I am form over function kind of individual, so I rarely care about stats at all. And Roma is very pleasant to look at, her excellent mobility, concealment is just a bonus to me.

Edited by RomaThePastaBote
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Not much of a BB player here, but if I had to pick one it would probably be Thunderer. 

It plays a bit cruiser like, but still has very good guns.  Great BB.

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On 11/22/2023 at 11:17 PM, I_cant_Swim_ said:

Welcome to the Forum @RomaThePastaBote. I'm sure you'll enjoy it here!

Aye, it is fun place for casual players like me to get information, I hope more will join in the future👋

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On 11/22/2023 at 12:10 PM, YouSatInGum said:

Not much of a BB player here, but if I had to pick one it would probably be Thunderer. 

It plays a bit cruiser like, but still has very good guns.  Great BB.

I can't pick "just one" either.  But, if I *had* to, then I'd say it is fun to sail the California in a division with @Sailor_Moon.
We've divisioned-up a handful of times, with various ships, and I've always felt glad for doing so.  🙂 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dunkerque B  i got it for free and all the guns are in the bow, only thing that would make a better class is one with same layout but 17- or 19-inch guns

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Favorite Battleship?




Big guns go boom!

Silliness aside, Shikishima just "clicks" with me the best.  No ways I can put it.  Yes, I really like a lot of other gals, Bourgogne being an extremely close second in my line of BB's, but when it comes down to it I just "click" better with Shikishima.

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The Massachusetts is my favorite ship. It has a nice fast-replenishing heal, fairly good AA, and great secondaries (though they have been nerfed a bit by global changes). It's reasonably nimble for a battleship too and with a couple of torpedo acquisition skills you can dodge most torps if you are paying attention. Those torps you can't dodge get their damages lessened considerably by its torpedo reduction percentage. Of course, as a Premium, it is a credit and free-XP printer too. I saw it playing in a battle several years ago and mentioned in the forums that I was hoping someday to get it in a super-container. A forumer who used to go by a Roman Emperor's name kindly bought me one. I don't know why but to say that I'm eternally grateful is an understatement.

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A lot of history on that ship, and she's named after my home state.  Japan signed the surrender documents on her deck, ending WWII.  That was before my time, but she was still serving and doing work during Desert Shield/Desert Storm in '91 while I was in the Navy.  For a short time she was the last and only battleship in the world to still be in service.

I worked to earn 750,000 Free XP to get her once she was first released, back when 750,000 Free XP was much more tedious to get.  Today she is by far my most played ship.  Being the OG "Trump wagon" credit earner is nice, too.

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I like not one in particular. Every one has it's quirks, some better, some worse, but overall most played ship thus far is the Bismarck.  Recently got the Vermont, and been using it primarily in clan battles, and it seems to be doing well, been using more than Monty & Preussen.

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