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6 hours ago, clammboy said:

It’s time to up date the meme wolf lol. 

What do you suggest Master Clamm?  🙂

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On 8/19/2023 at 1:32 PM, AdmiralThunder said:

F this F that F CV's F F F.... Get the point? 😂

Yeah.  A product, perhaps, of illiteracy?  One of the reasons I don't do reddit. 

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On 8/19/2023 at 9:54 AM, Verblonde said:


Last I checked (when I was still playing Randoms), I was merely 'average'; despite that, with a suitably sneaky DD I could wreak havoc on large numbers of typical players (naturally, the proper players on here would still take me to the cleaners!). Although the opposition has plenty of radars and hydro, objectively, I have to accept that CVs are probably a necessary way of balancing out some of the stuff that circa 5.5 km DDs can potentially do.

It's also worth recalling that CVs have - I think - been in the game from the beginning, albeit their form has changed (from RTS to what we have now); it's not like anyone started playing, invested time (and perhaps money), and then had CVs dropped on them.

Whilst I cheerfully admit, I generally prefer games without CVs in them, I'm not nearly as vehemently opposed to their presence as I am to SSs, as the latter upset a semi-stable gaming ecosystem, of which the former have always been a part.


I have played since the CBT and the number of people I have run into who think that carriers were added to the game post-launch is staggering. As is their denial when I tell them that no, carriers have been in the game since it was in beta even when I have the Beta Tester patch and flag to prove it.

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On 8/19/2023 at 1:20 AM, AdmiralThunder said:

When people have to curse like a drunken sailor to make a point I just ignore them as a rule. I did respond in the thread but find OP way over the top and their point could have been made without all the unnecessary cussing. Just no need of it.

As a drunken sailor I tend to use adult language. Military people tend to cuss a bit. It is an easy way to vent and the ability to make up new cuss words is an art form for people in uniform. But sometimes you just have to call a twit a twit and be done with it. The constant beating around the bushes on the forums so you don't offend some pearl clutching idiot just seems unAmerican to me.  BTW the profane nature of the US military goes back to George Washington himself. He did not like swearing nor did he like his troops doing it but the man could cuss a blue streak when annoyed... 

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On 8/19/2023 at 2:32 PM, AdmiralThunder said:

F this F that F CV's F F F.... Get the point? 😂

You neglected to mention the artfully-deployed 'b0llocks' at the end...


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On 8/19/2023 at 9:54 PM, Verblonde said:

Whilst I cheerfully admit, I generally prefer games without CVs in them

Whenever there's a CV, I wholeheartedly hope our CV player has the sense to help spot for the team. 

Countless battles already where our CV player does not know s^*t about the power and influence they wield.

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11 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Countless battles already where our CV player does not know s^*t about the power and influence they wield.

Agreed. This has always been a serious issue (on EU too) with the current CV iteration: because CVs have the potential to be so influential, the impact of a skill gap between the players on opposite sides tends to be magnified compared to that with regular surface ships.

In all fairness, you can sometimes get something similar with sneaky DDs, but the magnitude is much less due to the comparative lack of speed, and the greater numbers of effective counters to DDs (compared to CVs).

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30 minutes ago, Verblonde said:

Agreed. This has always been a serious issue (on EU too) with the current CV iteration: because CVs have the potential to be so influential, the impact of a skill gap between the players on opposite sides tends to be magnified compared to that with regular surface ships.

In all fairness, you can sometimes get something similar with sneaky DDs, but the magnitude is much less due to the comparative lack of speed, and the greater numbers of effective counters to DDs (compared to CVs).

And speaking of utterly stupid CV players, I just came from a battle where our CV player drove his Pobeda to the front of an enemy Amagi and was promptly deleted, predisposing our team to defeat and giving the enemy team an insurmountable lead. Totally retarded CV play.

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8 hours ago, Taylor3006 said:

As a drunken sailor I tend to use adult language. Military people tend to cuss a bit. It is an easy way to vent and the ability to make up new cuss words is an art form for people in uniform. But sometimes you just have to call a twit a twit and be done with it. The constant beating around the bushes on the forums so you don't offend some pearl clutching idiot just seems unAmerican to me.  BTW the profane nature of the US military goes back to George Washington himself. He did not like swearing nor did he like his troops doing it but the man could cuss a blue streak when annoyed... 

I swear myself. However, there is an appropriate time and place for it and the OP from the specific thread in question went on a profanity laden tirade. So bad choice of place to do it and completely unnecessary and out of control amount. Cussing and swearing every other word is just lazy.

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4 hours ago, Frostbow said:

Whenever there's a CV, I wholeheartedly hope our CV player has the sense to help spot for the team. 

Countless battles already where our CV player does not know s^*t about the power and influence they wield.

As a CV main, the support that gives me the greatest joy is having people shoot at what I spot.

Having less than 20k spotting damage after 10 minutes of me setting aerial spots will make me swear a tirade.

Another helpful tip...use the minimap ping when requesting help from your CV. Most of the time the CV captains eyes are on the minimap, NOT the plane view. He certainly isn't perfectly watching chat.

Use the shortcuts that have verbal call outs and use the ping to show locations for support or needed spotting.

This helps immensely.

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7 hours ago, Frostbow said:

Whenever there's a CV, I wholeheartedly hope our CV player has the sense to help spot for the team. 

Countless battles already where our CV player does not know s^*t about the power and influence they wield.

The problem is that so many people seem to expect the carrier to be their own personal spotter and forget or don't care that the CV can't be everywhere at once.

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3 hours ago, Zaydin said:

The problem is that so many people seem to expect the carrier to be their own personal spotter and forget or don't care that the CV can't be everywhere at once.

That is a phenomena I've seen on more than one occasion.


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4 hours ago, Zaydin said:

The problem is that so many people seem to expect the carrier to be their own personal spotter and forget or don't care that the CV can't be everywhere at once.


19 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

That is a phenomena I've seen on more than one occasion.


Yeah but then again, there are those don't even try or DGAFF, so .... 🙂 



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3 minutes ago, Andrewbassg said:


Yeah but then again, there are those don't even try or DGAFF, so .... 🙂 


I play all ship types.
Please rest assured that I've learned a personal lesson during my experiences.
1.  I control my ship and am not entitled to control other people's ships, and, 
2. Nobody commands my ship or me and they're definitely not entitled to do so (regardless of their expectations or opinions on the matter).

If a player wants cooperation, then asking nicely tends to get the best results, especially if the request is made early enough to be acted upon and is reasonable.

If someone has the "armchair admiral" syndrome which deludes them into thinking that everyone should do what they say merely because they say so, then perhaps they should prepare for disappointment.  🙂

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4 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I play all ship types.
Please rest assured that I've learned a personal lesson during my experiences.
1.  I control my ship and am not entitled to control other people's ships, and, 
2. Nobody commands my ship or me and they're definitely not entitled to do so (regardless of their expectations or opinions on the matter).

If a player wants cooperation, then asking nicely tends to get the best results, especially if the request is made early enough to be acted upon and is reasonable.

If someone has the "armchair admiral" syndrome which deludes them into thinking that everyone should do what they say merely because they say so, then perhaps they should prepare for disappointment.  🙂

Fair enough 🙂

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